Dr. Ken Cadien, PhD (University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana), P. Eng, Professor

Canada Research Chair in Nanofabrication

Alberta Innovates Technology Futures Scholar in Nanofabrication

Fellow IEEE

Room 126, Chemical & Materials Engineering Building
Phone: (780) 492-7380 (Office)
Fax: (780) 492-2881
Email: kcadien@ualberta.ca

Area of Reserarch: Nanofabrication

Nanofabrication is a key enabling aspect of nanotechnology which refers to the procedures to deposit, remove, modify and pattern substances on the 1-100 nm length scale in an externally controlled fashion. Typically a sequence of such steps is required to form devices and integrate them into a complete nano-system, similar to how microelectronic circuits are formed at a somewhat larger scale. Because the development of nano-materials and devices and their integration into functioning nano-systems is reliant on powerful nanofabrication techniques, developing and exploiting nanofabrication is a strategic focus of Dr. Cadien's research.

Prior to joining the University of Alberta in January, 2007, Dr. Cadien was an Intel Fellow. This is the most seniortechnical position at Intel Corporation and is recognition of outstanding technical contributions and leadership at the company.

Dr. Cadien has been recently awarded a CRC Tier 1 chair in nanofabrication.