J69. Noriega R., Pourrahimian Y., Askari-Nasab H. (2023). “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Real-Time Open-Pit Truck Dispatching System”, Computer and Operations Research (submitted on March 16, 2023), Minor Revisions, January 2024 resubmitted, Available online 18 August 2024, 106815. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2024.106815.
J65.JELVEZ E., Ortiz J., Morales Varela N., Askari-Nasab H., and Nelis G. (2023) ”A Multi-Stage Methodology for Long-Term Open-Pit Mine Production Planning under Ore Grade Uncertainty”, Mathematics, @MDPI, 11(18), 3907, received: 21 July 2023, published: 14 September 2023.
J63.AL HABIB N., Ben-Awuah E., Askari-Nasab H. (2023), “Short-Term Planning of Open Pit Mines with Semi-mobile In-Pit Crusher”, Mining Engineering ©SME, Littleton, CO, USA, April 2023, pp. 14-22.
J23. BADIOZAMANI, M.M. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2014). “Integration of Reclamation and Tailings Management in Oil Sands Surface Mine Planning”, Environmental Modelling & Software, © Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GB, United Kingdom, Vol. 51, pp. 45-58, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2013.09.026
C73 GONG H., PARAVARZAR S., Askari-Nasab H. (2023), “Enhancing Stability And Production In Surface Mining: An Investigation Into The Near Face Stockpile Mining Method”, Minexcellence 2023, ©Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, November 29 - December 1, 2023.
C72 Askari-Nasab H. and GONG H. (2023), “Simulation of Mining Haulage Systems”, Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería de Minas Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera y Metalúrgica, Lima, Peru. November 13, 2023.
C71 GONG H., PARAVARZAR S., YEGANEJOU, M., and Askari-Nasab H. (2023), A Simulation-Based Quantitative Analysis of Near Face Stockpile Mining Method, Digital Mining Conference-Expo, Tehran, Iran, September 13, 2023. .
C70 Askari-Nasab H., PARAVARZAR S., GONG H. (2023), "A Simulation-Based Quantitative Analysis of Near Face Stockpile Mining Method", in Proceedings of Geomin-Mine Planning – 8th International Conference on Mine Planning, ©Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, July 12-14, 2023.
C69 AL HABIB N., KAMRANI A. and Askari-Nasab H. (2023), " Short-term planning of open pit mines with semi-mobile IPCC or traditional truck haulage", in Proceedings of Geomin-Mine Planning – 8th International Conference on Mine Planning, ©Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, July 12-14, 2023.
C68 KAMRANI A., Askari-Nasab H. (2023), “A Two-step Model to Optimize the Semi-mobile In-pit Crusher Locations and the Mine Schedule”, presented at APCOM 2023 Intelligent Mining: Innovation, Vision, and Value, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, June 25-28, 2023, pp. 1-19
C67 AL HABIB N., Askari-Nasab H., Ben-Awuah E. (2023), “A General Short-Term Planning Model of Open Pit Mines with Semi-Mobile In-Pit Crusher or Traditional Truck-Shovel Haulage”, presented at APCOM 2023 Intelligent Mining: Innovation, Vision, and Value, Rapid City, South Dakota, USA, June 25-28, 2023, pp. 1-19.
C66 Askari-Nasab H., KAMRANI A., Pourrahimian Y., and Al Habib N. (2023), “Long-Term Mine Planning Optimization for IPCC-Based Open-Pit Mining Operations”, presented at 26th World Mining Congress 2023, Brisbane, Australia from 26 - 29 June 2023.
C65 Askari-Nasab H., PARAVARZAR S., GONG H. (2023), “Data-Driven Short-Term Mine Planning with Operational Uncertainty”. presented at the CIM Convention & Expo, Session: Mine Operations-Mine Data Enhancements CIM MTL23, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April 30- May 3, 2023.
C64 AL HABIB N., Ben-Awuah E., Askari-Nasab H. (2023), “Short-Term Planning of Open Pit Mines with Semi-mobile In-Pit Crusher”, presented at SME Annual Conference, Preprint 23-010, Feb. 26 - Mar. 01, 2023, Denver, CO, USA, pp. 1-6.
C63 Askri-Nasab H. (2022), Applications of Design of Experiments in Mine Planning using GEOVIA’s Tools, GEOVIA Connect 22x, October 17-18, 2022, Virtual Event.
C62 Askri-Nasab H., University of Alberta, Mining Engineering Program, Reunión Regional De La Sociedad De Profesores De Minería, Society of Mining Professors (SOMP), June 22-24, 2022, Lima, Peru.
C61 KAMRANI A., MORADI-AFRAPOLI A., and Askari-Nasab H., Minimizing the truck-shovel fleet through finding best locations for the in-pit crusher and conveyor during the mine life , GEOMIN-Mine Planning 2021, June 9-11, 2021, Santiago, Chile.
C60 Al-HABIB N., MORADI-AFRAPOLI A., and Askari-Nasab H., Short-term planning of open pit mines with semi-mobile in-pit crusher, GEOMIN-Mine Planning 2021, June 9-11, 2021, Santiago, Chile.
C59. Askari-Nasab, H., Canada-Brazil Trade Mission: Corporate Training in the Mining Sector- University of Alberta, SIMEXMIN 2021 - IX SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE EXPLORAÇÃO MINERAL, August 9-12.
C58. Askari-Nasab, H. and Pourrahimian Y. (2020). “Secuenciamiento de producción diaria en el minado Block Caving, considerando la incertidumbre operativa", Instituto de Ingenieros de Minas del Peru, November 25, 2020.
C57. UPADHYAY, S; TABESH, M; BADIOZAMANI, M; Askari-Nasab, H. (2019). “A Simulation Model for Estimation of Mine Haulage Fleet Productivity”. Proceedings of International Symposium on Mine Planning & Equipment Selection (MPES), Springer, Perth, WA, Australia, Dec. 2-5, pp.42-50.
C56. MORADI AFRAPOLI, A. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2019). “Simulation and Optimization Framework for Evaluating the Surface Mining Operations ". Paper presented at the 39th International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry - APCOM 2019: Mining Goes Digital, Wroclaw, Poland, June 04-06, 2019, pp. 393-401.
C55. Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M., UPADHYAY, S., and BADIOZAMANI, M. M. (2019). “Data-Driven Autonomous Haulage Systems Simulation”. Presented at the CIM Convention & Expo, Session: Interoperability and Integration, Stream: Innovation, Automation and Data Montréal, QC, Canada, April 28 to May 1, 2019.
C54. MORADI AFRAPOLI, A., TABESH, M., UPADHYAY, S. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2019). “A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach towards Truck Dispatching Problem in Surface Mines”. Presented at the Session Innovations & Technologies: Automation in Mining: The Present and The Future - 92nd SME Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, Colorado, United states, February 24-27, 2019.
C53. UPADHYAY, S. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2019). “Simulation for Productivity Prediction of Life of Mine Plans”. Presented at the Session Operations: Mine Scheduling and Optimization II - 92nd SME Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, Colorado, United states, February 24-27, 2019.
C52. AFRAPOLI, A. M. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2018). “A Transportation Problem-Based Stochastic Integer Programming Model to Dispatch Surface Mining Trucks under Uncertainty". Paper presented at the 27th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection - MPES 2018, Santiago, Chile, November 20-22, 2018, pp. 255-264.
C51. UPADHYAY, S. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2018). “Short-Term Production Scheduling by Allocating Shovels over Continuous Time Frames in Open Pit Mines ". Paper presented at the DEPLAMIN project workshop by Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Desafíos en Planificación Minera - Challenges in Mine Planning), November 16-19, 2018, Santa Cruz, Chile.
C50. AFRAPOLI, A. M., UPADHYAY, S., and Askari-Nasab, H. (2018). “An integrated multi objective multi stage mining fleet management system linking dynamic operation to short-term plan". Paper presented at the SME Annual Conference and Expo and 91st Annual Meeting of the SME-MN Section, Minneapolis, MN, United states, February 25-28, 2018, 10 pages.
C49. Askari-Nasab, H. (2017), “Balancing Practicality vs Maximizing NPV using Whittle”. Presented at the GEOVIA North American User Conference, Toronto, Canada, October 24-26, 2017.
C48. UPADHYAY, S. and Askari-Nasab H. (2017), " Optimal Shovel Allocations for Desired Grade Blending in Open Pit Mines", in Proceedings of Geomin-Mine Planning – 5th International Seminar on Mine Planning, ©Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, August 23 - 25, 2017, 7 pages.
C47. MORADI AFRAPOLI A., TABESH M., and Askari-Nasab H. (2017), "An Investigation into Dispatch Optimizers using Truck-Shovel Simulation and a New Multi Objective Truck Dispatching Technique", in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 38th APCOM, ©Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, Aug. 9-11, 2017, 10 pages.
C46. UPADHYAY, S. and Askari-Nasab (2017), " Simulation and Optimization of Mine Operations for Desired Grade Blending in Open Pit Mines ", in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 38th APCOM, © Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, Aug. 9-11, 2017, 11 pages.
C45. Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M., UPADHYAY, S. (2017), " Mine Haulage Simulation: A Tool Towards Managing Uncertainty", presented at Haulage and Loading Exhibition and Conference, © Mining Media International, Inc., May 7-10, 2017, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
C44. Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M., UPADHYAY, S. (2017), " Industrial Strength Mine Haulage and Extraction Simulation: A key Towards Operational Excellence", presented at Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, © SME, Feb. 19-22, 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA.
C43. JÉLVEZ E., Morales N., Askari-Nasab H. (2016), " A New Methodology for the Automated Pushback Selection", in 6th International Conference on Innovation in Mine Operations – MININ 2016, © Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, August 21-23, 2016, pp. 1-8.
C42. TABESH, M., Askari-Nasab, H., Peroni R., (2015), "A Comprehensive Approach to Strategic Open Pit Mine Planning with Stockpile Consideration", in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 37th APCOM, Fairbanks, USA, May 23-27, 2015, pp. 326-332.
C41. UPADHYAY, S., Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M. and BADIOZAMANI, M.M., (2015), "Simulation and Optimization in Open Pit Mining", in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 37th APCOM, Fairbanks, USA, May 23-27, 2015, pp. 532-543.
C40. UPADHYAY, S., Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M. and BADIOZAMANI, M.M., (2015), "Simulation and Optimization in Open Pit Mines", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, © SME, Feb. 15-18, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA, Preprint 15-051, pp. 1-3.
C39. Askari-Nasab, H., UPADHYAY, S., TORKAMANI, E., TABESH, M. and BADIOZAMANI, M.M., (2014), "Simulation Optimisation of Mine Operational Plans", in Orebody Modelling and Strategic Mine Planning Symposium / Perth, WA Australia, 24–26 November 2014, pp 299-311.
C38. Askari-Nasab, H., MIETH, C., and TABESH, M., (2013), "A Hybrid Local Search/Mixed Integer Programming Approach to Open Pit Controlled Phase-Design," in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 36th APCOM, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 4-8, 2013, pp. 502-514.
C37. Askari-Nasab, H. and TORKAMANI, E., (2013), "Truck-Shovel Operational Planning Using Discrete Event Simulation," in Applications of Computers and Operations Research in Mineral Industry - 36th APCOM, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 4-8, 2013, pp. 515-526.
C36. BADIOZAMANI, M. M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2013), "Integration of Oil Sands Tailings and Reclamation Planning with Long-Term Mine Planning", in Proceedings of World Mining Congress (WMC), © CIM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 11-15, papr 654, pp. 1-19.
C35. TABESH, M., MIETH, C., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2013), "Open Pit Production Planning using Controlled Pushbacks and Aggregates", in Proceedings of World Mining Congress (WMC), © CIM, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 11-15, paper 668, pp. 1-11.
C34. Askari-Nasab, H. and POURRAHIMIAN, Y., (2013), "Mathematical Programming for Sequence Optimization in Block-Cave Mining", in Proceedings of Mine Planning - 3rd International Seminar, © Gecamin, Santiago, Chile, July 24-26, pp. 1-10.
C33. TABESH, M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2013), "Automatic Creation of Ore-Selection and Blast Polygons using Clustering Algorithms ", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, © SME, Denver, Colorado, USA, Preprint 13-134, pp. 1-6.
C32. BADIOZAMANI, M. M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2013), "Integration of Long-Term Mine Planning, Tailings and Reclamation Plans", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, © SME, Denver, Colorado, USA, Preprint 13-080, pp. 1-8.
C31. BADIOZAMANI, M. M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2012), “An Integration of Long-Term Mine Planning, Tailings and Reclamation Plans”, in Proceedings of Third International Oil Sands Conference, © University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, Dec. 2-5, pp. 103-112.
C30. BEN-AWUAH, E. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2012), “A Mathematical Programming Model for Oil Sands Production Scheduling and Waste Management”, in Proceedings of Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, © Colorado State University, Keystone, Colorado, USA, Oct. 14-17, pp. 593-608.
C29. BADIOZAMANI, M. M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2012), “Towards Integration of Oil Sands Mine Planning with Tailings and Reclamation Plans”, in Proceedings of Tailings and Mine Waste Conference, © Colorado State University, Keystone, Colorado, USA, Oct. 14-17, pp. 609-622.
C28. Askari-Nasab, H. and POURRAHIMIAN, Y., (2012), “An Application of Mixed Integer Linear Programming for Block Cave Production Scheduling”, in Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Innovation in Mine Operations (MININ), ©GECAMIN, Santiago, Chile, June 20-22, pp. 594-614.
C27. POURRAHIMIAN, Y., Askari-Nasab, H., and Tannant, D., (2012), “Block Cave Production Scheduling Optimization using Mathematical Programming”, 6th International Conference on Mass Mining (MassMin 2012), © CIM, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, June 10-14, paper No, 6799, pp. 1-8.
C26. Askari-Nasab, H., TORKAMANI, E., BADIOZAMANI, M. M., and TABESH, M., (2012), "Alignment of Short-Term and Operational Plans Using Discrete Event Simulation", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, Preprint 12-064, © SME, Seattle, Washington, USA, Feb. 19- 22, pp. 304-311.
C25. Awuah-Offei, K., OSEI, B. A., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2012), "Improving Truck-Shovel Energy Efficiency through Discrete Event Modeling", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, Preprint 12-069, © SME, Seattle, Washington, USA, Feb. 19- 22, pp. 333-338.
C24. BROWN, O. F., Awuah-Offei, K., Frimpong, S., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2012), " High Performing HMA Design Optimization", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, Preprint 12-140, © SME, Seattle, Washington, USA, Feb. 19- 22, pp. 680-684.
C23. Askari-Nasab, H., EIVAZY, H., TABESH, M., and BADIOZAMANI, M. M., (2011), "A Mathematical Programming Model for Open Pit Short-term Production Scheduling", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, Preprint 11-038, © SME, Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 27-Mar. 02, pp. 213-220.
C22. OSEI B. A., Awuah-Offei, K., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2011), "Effect of Cycle Time on Work Done by the Pistons during Hydraulically Actuated Clamshell Dredging", in Proceedings of Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting, CD-ROM, Preprint 11-078, © SME, Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 27-Mar. 02, pp. 438-445.
C21. Askari-Nasab, H. and BEN-AWUAH, E., (2011), "Integration of Oil Sands Mine Planning and Waste Management Using Goal Programming," in 35th Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minearls Industry (APCOM) Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia: The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), pp. 329-350.
C20. BEN-AWUAH, E. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2010), "Oil Sands Mine Planning and Waste Management Using Goal Programming", in Proceedings of Second International Oil Sands Tailings Conference, © University of Alberta, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, December 5-8, 2010 pp. 149-162.
C19. Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH, M., BADIOZAMANI, M. M., and EIVAZY, H., (2010), "Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Block Aggregation in Open Pit Mines", in Proceedings of Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES), © AusIMM, Fremantle, Australia, December 1-3, 2010, pp. 469-479.
C18. Askari-Nasab, H., TABESH M., and BADIOZAMANI M. (2010) “Creating Mining Cuts Using Hierarchical Clustering and Tabu Search Algorithms”, International Conference on Mining Innovation (MININ 2010), © GECAMIN, Santiago, Chile, June 23-25, 2010, pp. 159-171.
C17. Askari-Nasab, H. and Awuah-Offei K. (2010) “A Clustering Algorithm for Open Pit Mine Production Scheduling”, Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME) Annual Meeting Preprint, ©SME, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, Feb. 28 - March 3, pp. 1-8.
C16. BEN-AWUAH, E., KALANTARI, S., POURRAHIMIAN, Y., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2009), "Simulating the production of a multi element ore-body with an alternating crushing schedule", Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES) CD-ROM, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 16-19, 2009, pp. 150-162.
C15. KOUSHAVAND, B. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2009), "Transfer of Geological Uncertainty into Mine Planning", Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES) CD-ROM, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 16-19, 2009, pp. 462-476.
C14. Askari-Nasab, H., Awuah-Offei, K., and Szymanski, J., (2009), "Multi-index Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for Open Pit Production Scheduling", Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES) CD-ROM, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 16-19, 2009, pp. 52-61.
C13. POURRAHIMIAN, Y., Askari-Nasab, H., and Tannant, D., (2009), "Production Scheduling with Minimum Mining Width Constraints Using Mathematical Programming", Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES) CD-ROM, Banff, Alberta, Canada, November 16-19, 2009, pp. 646-653.
C12. Askari-Nasab, H. and Awuah-Offei, K., (2009), "Mixed Integer Programming Models for Intermediate Open Pit Scheduling with Variable Slopes", Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM) (CD-ROM), © The Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, Canada, Oct. 6-9, 2009, pp. 173-182.
C11. Awuah-Offei, K. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2009), "Aggregate Plant Inventory Management through HMA Mix Optimization", SME Annual Meeting Preprint, © Society of Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, Denver, CO, USA, Preprint 09-097, February 22-25, pp. 606-610.
C10. Awuah-Offei, K., Checkel, D., and Askari-Nasab, H., (2008), "Life Cycle Assessment of Belt Conveyor and Truck Haulage Systems in an Open Pit Mine", SME Annual Meeting Proceeding CD-ROM, © Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 24-27, pp. 128-138.
C9 Askari-Nasab, H., and Szymanski, J., (2007), “Open Pit Production Scheduling Using Reinforcement Learning“, proceeding of 33rd International Symposium on Computer Application in the Minerals Industry (APCOM), © GECAMIN LTDA, Santiago, Chile, April 24- 27, pp. 321-326.
C8. Askari-Nasab, H. and Szymanski, J., (2007), "Continuous Modeling of Open Pit Dynamics", proceeding of Sixteenth International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection (MPES), © The Reading Matrix Inc., Bangkok, Thailand, December 11-13, pp. 665-677.
Askari-Nasab, H. and Szymanksi, J.,
(2006), “Intelligent Agent Framework for Long-Term Mine Planning”,
Proceeding of Fifteenth International Symposium of Mine Planning and
Equipment Selection (MPES),
C6. Askari-Nasab, H. and Szymanksi, J., (2005), “Production Scheduling Estimator using Reinforcement Learning“, proceeding of 20th World Mining Congress & EXPO 2005, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 7-11, pp.1-7.
C5. Askari-Nasab, H. and Szymanksi, J., (2005), “Modeling Open Pit Dynamics using Monte Carlo Simulation”, Computer Applications in the Minerals Industry (CAMI), Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, pp. 21-32.
C4. Awuah-Offei, K., Frimpong, S. and Askari-Nasab H., (2005), “Dynamic Simulation of Cable Shovel Specific Energy in Oil Sands Excavation”, Computer Applications in the Minerals Industry (CAMI), Banff, Alberta, Canada, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, pp. 33-45.
C3. Askari-Nasab, H., Frimpong, S., and Awuah-Offei, K., (2005), “Intelligent Optimal Production Scheduling Estimator“, proceeding of 32nd International Symposium on Computer Application in the Minerals Industry (APCOM), © Taylor & Francis Group, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 30 - April 1st, pp. 279-285.
C2. Askari-Nasab H, Awuah-Offei, K., and Frimpong, S., (2004), “Stochastic Simulation of Open Pit Push-backs with a Production Simulator“, CIM Mining Industry Conference and Exhibition CD ROM, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, May 9-12.
C1. Osanloo, M. and Askari-Nasab, H., (2003), “Optimizing Ultimate Pit Limits of Gol-E-Gohar Iron Mine of IRAN using 3D Lerchs & Grossman Algorithm”, CAMI Conference Proceeding CD ROM, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Sep. 8-10.
● Badiozamani, MM., Pourrahimian, Y., Ben-Awuah, E., Moradi Afrapoli, A. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2023), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) – Report Eleven, 2022/2023 © MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, , September 2023, 18 papers 365 Pages, ISBN: 978-1-55195-503-2. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23418.71361
● Badiozamani, MM., Pourrahimian, Y., Ben-Awuah, E., Moradi Afrapoli, A. and Askari-Nasab, H. (2022), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) – Report Ten, 2021/2022, © MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, September 2022, 20 papers, 425 Pages, ISBN: 978-1-55195-486-8. - DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20530.99521.
● Yashar Pourrahimian, Eugene Ben-Awuah, and Hooman Askari-Nasab (2018), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Nine 2017/2018, © MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 20 papers, 378 Pages, September 2018 ISBN: 978-1-55195-414-1. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34016.70401.
● Yashar Pourrahimian, Eugene Ben-Awuah, and Hooman Askari-Nasab (2017), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Eight 2016/2017, © MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 19 papers, 306 Pages, September 2017 ISBN: 978-1-55195-383-0. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30661.26084.
● Yashar Pourrahimian, Eugene Ben-Awuah, and Hooman Askari-Nasab (2016), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Seven 2015/2016, © MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 13 papers, 240 Pages, September 2016 ISBN: 978-1-55195-367-0. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13884.04486.
● Yashar Pourrahimian, Eugene Ben-Awuah, and Hooman Askari-Nasab (2015), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Six 2014/2015, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 14 Papers, 250 Pages, September 2015, ISBN: 978-1-55195-356-4 . DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27305.81767.
● Hooman Askari-Nasab (2013), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Five 2012/2013, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 11 Papers, 230 Pages, September 2013, ISBN: 978-1-55195-327-4. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20594.93121.
● Hooman Askari-Nasab (2012), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Four 2011/2012, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 15 Papers, 340 Pages, September 2012, ISBN: 978-1-55195-301-4. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10528.60167
● Hooman Askari-Nasab (2011), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Three 2010/2011, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 17 Papers, 335 Pages, September 2011, ISBN: 978-1-55195-281-9. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22692.08322
● Hooman Askari-Nasab (2010), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report Two 2009/2010, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 18 Papers, 335 Pages, September 2010, ISBN: 978-1-55195-280-2. - DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17239.48804.
● Hooman Askari-Nasab (2009), Mining Optimization Laboratory (MOL) Annual Report One 2008/2009, ©MOL, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 18 apers, 335 Pages, September 2009, ISBN: 978-1-55195-279-6.-DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.23950.37449.