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Physics Processes

The cleanest processes for searching for leptoquarks are the inclusive reactions tex2html_wrap_inline1014 and tex2html_wrap_inline1016 . In general, the leptoquark amplitudes can interfere with the standard model amplitudes due to photon and Z-boson exchange, or W-boson exchange. The total squared amplitudes for the parton processes tex2html_wrap_inline1018 ( tex2html_wrap_inline1020 ), averaged over the quark spins, takes the form


where tex2html_wrap_inline1022 , tex2html_wrap_inline1024 and tex2html_wrap_inline1026 denote the photon, Z-boson and leptoquark amplitudes respectively. The subscripts L and R refer to left-handed and right-handed polarized electrons respectively. A similar formula holds for the processes tex2html_wrap_inline1028 ( tex2html_wrap_inline1030 ).

The differential cross-sections for the inclusive processes tex2html_wrap_inline1032 or tex2html_wrap_inline1034 can be computed using


where A is given by equation 1, tex2html_wrap_inline1038 tex2html_wrap_inline1040 is the probability of finding quark q [anti-quark tex2html_wrap_inline1042 ] with momentum fraction x at QCD scale tex2html_wrap_inline1046 inside the proton and s is the total ep centre-of-mass energy squared. The sum runs over the quark flavours d, u, s and c. The above formalism applies to all resonances considered in this generator.

Cross-sections for the following types of processes have been coded.

where LQ represents a generic leptoquark, LG a generic leptogluon and tex2html_wrap_inline1060 a generic squark. For any of these process the polarization of the lepton beam may be specified. Initial state electromagnetic radiation off the lepton, tex2html_wrap_inline1062 , may also be included in any of the above processes (see section 2.2.1 for the implementation). The user may select from amongst the following event types:

  1. resonance + DIS + interference,
  2. resonance only or
  3. DIS only.

The interference contribution is not present for leptogluons. For event type 2 the /LUJETS/ and /HEPEVT/ common blocks are filled with a resonance for the propagator and a quark state for the proton remnant. In event types 0 and 3 the appropriate virtual vector boson is used. The proton remnant is given a small transverse momentum according to a gaussian distribution. Resonance production from valence and sea quarks are allowed (u- and d-quarks only) and the DIS background includes s- and c-quark contributions.gif

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Douglas M. Gingrich
Fri Mar 29 09:41:51 MST 1996