The generator simulates some R-parity violating supersymmetry processes. R-parity violating terms in the supersymmetric lagrangian violate either lepton or baryon number. The squark production mechanism is analogous to that of leptoquarks and if the squark decays back to the initial state it has an identical behaviour to some types of leptoquarks. In supersymmetric theories, however, the squarks have couplings through which they can cascade decay to the lightest supersymmetric particle. A direct consequence of this is that the total decay width of the squarks differs from the corresponding decay width of the leptoquarks [4]:
where is the photino mass,
the squark mass and
R-parity violating coupling.
Super-symmeterised standard model decays are not included
in this generator.
We have included the production and decay of the
supersymmetric partner of the top quark (stop) in R-parity
breaking models according to reference 5.
The stop, , is generally represented in
terms of the mass eigenstates,
, as
where is a mixing angle.
It is noted that the eigenstate
could be
lighter than the top quark and that
in this
R-parity violating model is equivalent to the
leptoquark with
in the calculation of the width
where is the R-parity violating
For R-parity violating supersymmetry processes the possible reactions, implemented in this generator, proceeding from an electron beam are as follows.
An equivalent set of processes have also been coded for a
positron beam.
By analogy ,
in the limit of vanishing photino mass.