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The CAMAC Dataway

As mentioned previously, the CAMAC dataway is the system through which communication to and from all modules in the crate, crate controller and external computer are performed. The CAMAC dataway is defined by three types of communications lines: Power lines, bussed signal lines, and point-to-point lines.

The powerlines are bussed directly to each station in the crate with both tex2html_wrap_inline221 V and tex2html_wrap_inline223 V standard supply voltages. Other possible operating voltages possibly available in some crates include tex2html_wrap_inline225 V, 117 VAC and 200 VAC. The bussed signal lines include lines for data transfer, addressing, commands, and specific control signals. The point-to-point lines are separate dedicated lines connecting the crate controller station to each each of the available module stations. One line is dedicated to the crate address signal (N) while the other is reserved for the Look-at-me signal (L). A detailed discussion of the possible dataway signals is given in the next section, with table tex2html_wrap_inline231 providing a brief summary.

Douglas M Gingrich
Wed Sep 18 11:43:51 MDT 1996