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Address Signals

Address signals can make reference to both CAMAC crate station numbers (N) and station subaddresses (A). The selection of the module is performed over a dedicated point-to-point line, whereas 4 lines are allocated to the subaddress of which 16 values are possible.

A special notation is used in the reference of the individual signal lines in a multiple bit signal. Both subaddress (A) and function (F) signals are specified by An or Fn where n is the bit number of the line (n=1,2,4,8,...). The actual decimal value m of A or F is usually indicated by following the signal symbol with the value in parenthesis (ie. A(m), F(m)).

Further details about addressing and dataway operations can be found elsewhere tex2html_wrap_inline175 .

Table 2:   Summary of the various dataway signals, their symbols, and usages.

Douglas M Gingrich
Wed Sep 18 11:43:51 MDT 1996