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Status Signals

Four different status signals are possible. The Look-at-Me (LAM) signal from a module to the crate controller indicates that it requires attention or servicing of some kind. A LAM can originate from more than one location inside a module. Using the command operations the LAM may be tested, cleared, disabled and enabled. The function F(8) may be used to test the presence of a LAM. An example of a LAM signal may be an ADC which has indicated that it has finished converting a signal.

The response (Q) signal is a one-bit response signal generated by the module indicating either a yes or no answer in response to a command operation from the crate controller. For example, when the function F(8) tests for the presence of a LAM, Q=0 if the LAM is not set and Q=1 if the LAM is set. Blocking of transfer operations is also possible using the Q signal.

Douglas M Gingrich
Wed Sep 18 11:43:51 MDT 1996