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The CAMAC Standard

The CAMAC Standard was introduced in 1969 by the European Standards on Nuclear Electronics (ESONE) Committee. The full details of the standard are given in a document published by the ESONE Committee, and can be found elsewhere tex2html_wrap_inline169 . Only a brief discussion of the mechanical and electrical signal standards is given here.

Mechanically, the CAMAC crate is 19 inches in width and equipped with 25 connector slots to accomodate modules. Each single width CAMAC module is 221.5 mm in height, 305 mm in depth, and 17 mm in width, exactly half the width of the standard NIM module. It is also possible to have multi-slot CAMAC modules.

The CAMAC system must also follow satisfy specific electrical standards for the digital signals passed along the dataway. TTL logic signals are used, the signal levels of which are given in table tex2html_wrap_inline199 .

Table 1:   Dataway signal level requirements for TTL logic signals.

Douglas M Gingrich
Wed Sep 18 11:43:51 MDT 1996