Maxwell's equations of classical electrodynamics in vacuum are
(7.88) | |||
where we are using Heaviside-Lorentz (rationalized Gaussian) units.
Defining and , the four-vector potential is related to the electric and magnetic fields by
(7.89) |
Further, we can show that in terms of the antisymmetric field strength tensor
(7.90) |
that Maxwell's equations now take the compact form
(7.91) |
and current conservation, , follows as a natural compatibility condition.
These equations are equivalent to the following covariant equation for .
(7.92) |
which is general and is in the presence of charge and currents.
and are unchanged by the gauge transformation
(7.93) |
where is any scaler function of . We use this freedom to pick so that we can write Maxwell's equations in the form
(7.94) |
The requirement is known as the Lorentz condition. The process of choosing a particular condition on so as to define it uniquely is called ``choosing a gauge''. Potentials satisfying are said to be ``in the Lorentz gauge''. However, even after choosing a gauge, there is still some residual freedom in the choice of the potential . We can still make another gauge transformation
(7.95) |
where is any function that satisfies
(7.96) |
This last equation ensures that the Lorentz condition is still satisfied.