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Electromagnetic Coupling

The coupling of scalar particles to an electromagnetic field is done using the gauge invariant approach explained in the previous section. Using the minimal coupling, $\hat{p}_\mu\rightarrow \hat{p}_\mu -e
A_\mu$, and writing the Klein-Gordon equation so that all terms involving the electromagnetic potential appear on one side, we have

\begin{displaymath}[\partial^\mu\partial_\mu + m^2]\phi(x) =
-\hat{V} \phi(x) ,
\end{displaymath} (4.69)

where the potential operator $\hat{V}$ is

\hat{V} = ie\, ( \partial_\mu A^\mu + A^\mu \partial_\mu)
- e^2 A^\mu A_\mu .
\end{displaymath} (4.70)

As the Klein-Gordon equation is second order, the coupling term has a quite complicated structure. It contains gradients $\partial_\mu$ and moreover is nonlinear in $A_\mu$ because of the quadratic last term.

Using minimal coupling, the conserved current becomes

j^\mu = \phi^*\left(i\hbar\partial^\mu - \frac{e}{c}A^\mu\ri...
\left(i\hbar\partial^\mu + \frac{e}{c}A^\mu\right)\phi^* .
\end{displaymath} (4.71)

Multiplying by $e/2m$ to get the usual normalization gives the time and space components of the conserved current

$\displaystyle \rho$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{i\hbar e}{2mc^2} \left(\phi^*\partial_t\phi -
\phi\partial_t\phi^* -\frac{2e}{i\hbar}
A_0\phi^*\phi\right) ,$ (4.72)
$\displaystyle \vec{j}$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{\hbar e}{2im} \left(\phi^*\vec{\nabla}\phi -
\phi\vec{\nabla}\phi^* + \frac{2e}{i\hbar c}
\vec{A}\phi^*\phi\right) .$ (4.73)

Returning to our initial normalization and using natural units, we have

\fbox{$\displaystyle \rho = \phi^*(x)[i\stackrel{\leftrightarrow}{\partial}_0
-2eA^0(x)]\phi(x) $}\ .
\end{displaymath} (4.74)

For a stationary state, $\psi(\vec{x},t) = \psi(\vec{x})
e^{-iEt/\hbar}$, equation 4.72 gives

$\displaystyle \rho$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{i\hbar e}{2mc^2} \left(-\frac{iE}{\hbar}
-\frac{iE}{\hbar} -\frac{2e}{i\hbar}A_0 \right) \vert\psi(\vec{x})\vert^2$ (4.75)
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle e \frac{E-eA_0}{mc^2} \vert\psi(\vec{x})\vert^2 .$ (4.76)

If $E>eA_0$, $\rho>0$ and the charge density has the same sign as $e$ of the particle. But if $E<eA_0$, $\rho<0$ and the charge density has the opposite sign as $e$ of the particle. In this case the field is strong and we would need to invoke field theory to show that particles are created in this case.

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Douglas M. Gingrich (gingrich@