While pursuing my doctoral studies at the University of Alberta (U of A), the following opportnities strengthened my teaching skills.
Secured TW Fraser and Shirley Russell (TWFSR) Teaching Fellowship: A fully mentored principal instructor position for an undergraduate course at CME Dept., U of A.
Completed 60+ hours of Graduate Teaching and Learning (GTL), Level 1, 2 and 3 programs offered by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR), U of A. Instructor: Dr. Deanna Davis, FGSR., U of A.
Developed a graduate level course on ``Proxy modeling and control of large scale distributed parameter system'' as a part of GTL3 - Pedagogy program. This design is peer and mentor reviewed. This course elaborates on development of engineering relevant and computationally feasible modeling and control methods to work with large scale distributed parameter systems. Statistical learning-based experimental/simulation data modeling and control methodologies forms the core contents of this course.
Handled Principal instructor, teaching assistant, grader, mentor and laboratory manager positions. The table summerizes the expereince acquired at the U of A