Journal Articles:

A. Ganesh, Z. Li, R. J. Chalaturnyk, V. Prasad (2019) "Graph-based determination of structural controllability and observability for pressure and temperature dynamics during steam-assisted gravity drainage operation" at Journal of Process Control 86, 65-80. [December 2019, Impact Factor: 3.316]

A. Ganesh, B. Zhang, R. J. Chalaturnyk, V. Prasad (2019) "Uncertainty quantification of the factor of safety in a steam-assisted gravity drainage process through polynomial chaos expansion" at Computers & Chemical Engineering Journal 133, 106663. [November 2019, Impact Factor: 3.334]

K. Sivaramakrishnan, A. Puliyanda, D. T. Tefera, A. Ganesh, S. Thirumalaivasan, and V. Prasad (2019) "A perspective on the impact of process systems engineering on reaction engineering" at Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2019 58 (26), 11149-11163. [April 2019, Impact Factor: 3.375]

A. Ganesh, J. Xiong, R. J. Chalaturnyk, V. Prasad (2018) "Proxy models for caprock pressure and temperature dynamics during steam-assisted gravity drainage process" at Computers & Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 121, 594-607. [November 2018, Impact Factor: 3.334]

Conference Proceedings:

A. Ganesh, K. Lyu, R. J. Chalaturnyk, R. Gudi, V. Prasad "Graph-based structural controllability and observability of steam assisted gravity drainage pressure chamber: A data driven approach " at 12th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems, including Biosystems (DYCOPS 2019), IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(1), 766-771. [South Korea, December 2018]

A. Ganesh, T. Jain, J. Trivedi, R. Chalaturnyk, V. Prasad "Robust optimization of the production profile of the steam assisted gravity drainage reservoir using a polynomial chaos expansion-based proxy model" at 18th IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2018) , 1254-1259. [Brazil, October 2018]


A. Ganesh "The Quick Sketch Approach to Manage Complex Systems, Written 3 Minute Thesis (W3MT)[Article, Ppt - October 2018]

A. Ganesh, V. Prasad, R. Chalaturnyk, "Proxy modeling of pore pressure in SAGD process: A data mining approach" and related topics at 65th and 67th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, Edmonton, Canada. [Abs, Ppt - October 2015, 17]

A. Ganesh, V. Prasad, R. Chalaturnyk, "Geomechanics constrained closed-loop reservoir management: Data driven approach " at Industrial Research Consortium in Reservoir Geomechanics for Unconventional Resources, University of Alberta, Canada.

In preparation:

A. Ganesh, V. S. Pinnamaraju, B. A. Ogunnaike (2020) "Optimal Control of Chemical Looping Reactors for Process Intensification of Natural Gas Upgrading"

A. Ganesh, R. J. Chalaturnyk, V. Prasad (2020) "Factor of safety constrained model predictive controller design for closed-loop reservoir management"

A. Ganesh, M. N. Belur, V. Prasad (2020) "Constructing highest algebraic connectivity graphs through structured graph complements"