The enigmatic magnetic field of the Earth:
why its temporal variation is weaker over the Pacific?, Canadian Undergraduate Physics Conference, Western University (online), London, Canada,
November 2020
The low geomagnetic secular variation and weak core flows in the
Pacific, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada,
September 2019
The low geomagnetic secular variation and weak core flows in the
Pacific, McGill University, Montréal, Québec,
Canada, March 2019
The whole of the Moon: A journey to the centre of our closest neighbor, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Edmonton, October 2018
The days are getting longer: Studying Earth’s rotation with ancient eclipses and modern technology, Astronomical Observatory public talk series, Department of Physics, University of Alberta, February 2016
A generalized quasi-geostrophic model of thermal convection, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2015
Earth's core contribution to variations in length of day, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2015
The interior structure of Mercury and the convection regime in its fluid core, University of Munster, Munster, Germany, June 2015
Length of day variations and dynamics of the Earth's core, University of Munster, Munster, Germany, June 2015
The interior structure of Mercury and the convection regime in its fluid core, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, May 2015
A generalized quasi-geostrophic model of thermal convection, CGU/AGU spring meeting, Montréal, Québec, Canada, May 2015
Mercury's inner core size and core-crystallization regime, EGU general assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2015
The interior structure of Mercury and the convection regime in its fluid core, Université Grenoble-Alpes, Grenoble, France, March 2015
The interior structure of Mercury and the convection regime in its fluid core, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France, January 2015
Decadal variation in Earth's rotation and dynamics of the fluid core, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, October 2014
La rotation du noyau solide de la Terre, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Montréal QC, Canada, October 2014
The interior structure and dynamics of Mercury, McGill University, Montréal QC, Canada, October 2014
Variation de la rotation de la Terre et dynamique du noyau liquide, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada, September 2014
The days are getting longer: Studying Earth's rotation with ancient eclipse observations, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Edmonton, September 2013
The interior structure and dynamics of Mercury, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, September 2013
The interior structure and dynamics of Mercury, University of Toronto, Canada, March 2013
The Days Are Getting Longer! Studying Earth's Rotation with Ancient Eclipse Observations, CCIS opening public lecture, University of Alberta, Edmonton, September 2011
The super-rotation of the Earth's inner core: A geodynamic
perspective, California Institute of Technology, Los Angeles, USA, October 2010
Steady and time-dependent zonal flows generated by convection
in rapidly rotating spherical shells, 8th Euromech Fluid
Mechanics conference, Bad Reichenhall, Germany, September 2010
Geodynamic constraints on inner core super-rotation, Fall AGU
meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 2008
Geodetic constraints on core dynamics and core-mantle interactions,
Zatman Lecture, 11th Symposium of SEDI,
Kunming, China, July 2008
Decadal polar motion caused by processes in Earth's deep
interior, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, November 2007
Taylor's constraint and torsional oscillations, Physics summer
school, Les Houches, France, August 2007
Observation of Earth's core dynamics and constraints on the
inner core axial rotation, IUGG General assembly, Perugia, Italy,
July 2007
Inner core tilt and polar motion at decade timescales,
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA, March 2007
Inner core tilt and polar motion at decade timescales,
University of Edinburgh, UK, February 2007
Inner core tilt and polar motion at decade timescales,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, January 2007
Inclinaison du noyau terrestre et mouvement du pole de rotation
de la Terre, Institut de Physique du Globe de Strasbourg, France,
November 2006
Inclinaison du noyau terrestre et mouvement du pole de rotation
de la Terre, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Montréal QC, Canada, October 2006
Historical variations in inner core rotation and polar motion at
decade timescales, University of California, Los Angeles,
USA, March 2006
Historical variations in inner core rotation and polar motion at
decade timescales, University of Newcastle, Newcastle, UK, November 2005
Torques on the inner core and polar motion at decade timescales, EGU
general assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2005
Flows in the Earth's core and changes in the length of day at
millennial timescales, University of Toronto, Toronto, March 2005
Flows in the Earth's core and changes in the length of day at
millennial timescales, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, February 2005
Flows in the Earth's core and changes in the length of day
at millennial timescales, University College London, London, UK,
January 2005
Zonal flows in the Earth's core and changes in the length of day
at millennial timescales, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA,
April 2004
Inner core tilt and polar motion: probing the dynamics deep inside the
Earth, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco CA, USA, December 2003
Ondes de torsions dans le noyau liquide terrestre, Université
du Québec à Montréal, Montréal QC, Canada, November 2003
Inner core tilt and polar motion, Brown University, Providence RI,
USA, March 2002