bio photo

Mathieu Dumberry



Department of Physics
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2E1
Office: CCIS 3-093

Students and Postdocs

Current Graduate Students

  • Roman Bukatiuk, MSc. Core flow induced by glaciation cycles, January 2022 - present. Honors: Hibbs Scholarship, Hibbs travel award
  • Huifeng Zhang, PhD. Core-mantle torques and length of day changes, September 2022 - present. Honors: Excellence in teaching award, Hibbs Scholarship, Hibbs travel award (2)
  • Ian MacPherson, MSc. Dissipation induced by libration in fluid planetary cores, September 2023 - present. Honors: NSERC-CGSM Scholarship, Hibbs travel award
  • Current Undergraduate Students

    Former Postdoctoral Research Assistant

  • Colin More, January 2018 - October 2018, Quasi-geostrophic models of core dynamics. Now: Software developer at NAPA, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Laurence Koot, July 2009 - December 2010, Earth's nutations and core-mantle electromagnetic coupling. Now: Teaching in supperior education formation, Brussels, Belgium.
  • Former Graduate Students

  • Christopher Stys, MSc, September 2016 - December 2018, Inner Cassini States of the Moon, and their implications for a mechanically driven dynamo. Honors: Hibbs travel award. Now: Director and Software developer at Novasoft Interactive Ltd, Calgary, Canada.
  • Olivier Organowski, MSc., September 2016 - December 2018, Viscoelastic Relaxation within the Moon and the Phase Lead of its Cassini State. Now: Law, Articling at Tory's LLP, Calgary, Canada.
  • Colin More, PhD., January 2011 - October 2017, Magnetically-forced axisymmetric zonal accelerations in Earth's outer core. Honors: NSERC-PGS doctoral fellowship, IGR Best student presentation, Hibbs travel award. Service: president of the graduate student association. Now: Software developer at NAPA, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Zhenhua Li, PhD. (co-supervision), September 2013 - September 2017, Rotational Seismology and Its Applications in Microseismic Event Localization. Now: Founder, CEO, and Senior Software Developer, Shengmu, China.
  • Daniel Laycock, PhD., September 2009 - December 2014, A generalized two dimensional quasigeostrophic model of thermal convection. Honors: NSERC-CGS doctoral fellowship, Hibbs travel award, Hibbs fellowship. Now: Investment risk assessment manager, Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto, Canada.
  • Martin Veasey, MSc., July 2008 - October 2010, The librations of Mercury and the size of its inner core. Honors: Hibbs travel award. Now: Employed by the Met Office, UK.
  • Former Undergraduate Students

  • Ian MacPherson, undergraduate research project, Honors thesis: Rotational dissipation in Mercury's core and turbulent dissipation induced by planetary libration, May 2020 - August 2023. Honors: NSERC-USRA. Now: MSc student, Geophysics, University of Alberta.
  • Sally Palmers, undergraduate research project, Honors thesis: libration of Trappist-1 planets, September 2023 - April 2024. Now: MSc student, Geophysics, University of Alberta.
  • Dhananjhai Bansal, undergraduate research project, Forced precession of Trappist-1 planets, May 2021 - April 2023. Honors: SUPRE award (2). Now: Software engineer, Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario.
  • Ashaduzaman Joy, undergraduate research project, Gravity changes induced by core flows, May 2022 - April 2023. Now: undergraduate student, Physics, University of Alberta.
  • Hannah Christie, undergraduate research project, Libration induced energy dissipation in the Trappist-1 planets, May - December 2022. Now: MSc student, Astrophysics, University of Western Ontario.
  • Bhaswardeep Sikdar, undergraduate research project, honors thesis: The differential precession of the fluid and inner core throughout Earth's history, May - December 2022.
  • Jiarui Zhang, undergraduate summer research project, Rotational dissipation in the lunar core, May - August 2020. Now: PhD student, Civil Engineering, University of Alberta.
  • Gonzalo Rubio, undergraduate thesis project advisor, Numerical simulation of a quasi-geostrophic model of thermal convection, January - April 2017. Now: MDA Space, Vancouver, Canada.
  • Christopher Stys, undergraduate thesis project advisor, Gravity variations induced by the precession of the Moon's inner core, January - April 2016. Now: Director and Software developer at Novasoft Interactive Ltd, Calgary, Canada.
  • Simone Strohmair, undergraduate thesis project advisor, Librations on Mercury, January - April 2013.
  • Matthew Quigley, Summer undergraduate research, Archaeomagnetic westward drift, May - August 2012, Honors: Physics department summer research grant.
  • Alice H. Koning, Co-op internship., September - December 2011, Internal forcing of Mercury's long period free librations.
  • Mitchell Liddell, Summer undergraduate research, May to August 2009, Honors: NSERC USRA.