
Aerial Deployments Deployment of cables using above ground utility poles
ARPU Average Revenue Per User
Backhaul Connection providing the link between your community and the rest of the world.
Brownfield Development in an area with existing infrastructure/facilities
BSO Basic service objectives.
Closed Network A network that is not provisioned on a non-discriminatory/transparent basis.  Includes proprietary networks.
CRTC Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
Dark Fibre Fibre optic cable that does not have a signal passing through it.  Fibre is ‘dark’ because there are no electronics at the ends of the cables putting a signal through
Dig Once A policy mechanism that requires the construction of conduit for fibre cables when other construction is undertaken.  Note that dig once involves the construction of conduits; however, the actual fibre cable may not be deployed in the conduit at the time of construction
DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification
DSL Digital Subscriber Line
Fibre-to-the-Home A last mile connection where fibre is deployed all the way to customer premises (including homes, business and institutions)
FTTH/B/P Fibre-to-the-Home/Business/Premises
Gbps Gigabits per Second
Greenfield Development in an area without existing infrastructure/facilities (new development)
HSPA High Speed Packet Access
IoT Internet of Things
IRUs Indefeasible Rights of Use
ISED Innovation, Science, and Economic Development
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITU International Telecommunications Union
Kbps Kilobits per Second
Last Mile The final portion of the infrastructure that deliver telephone/broadband services to end-users (e.g., individual households and businesses)
LED Light Emitting Diode
Lit Fibre Fibre optic cable that has a signal (light) passing through it.  Lit fibre requires electronics at both ends of the fibre
LTE Long Term Evolution
Mbps Megabits per Second
Middle Mile Connectivity Connectivity between internet exchanges and points of distribution (e.g. Meet-me-facilities or Points of Presence)
MMFs Meet-me-facilities
OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
POP Point of Presence
REDAs Regional Economic Development Alliances
Take Rate The number of subscribers (measured as a percentage) that have subscribed to a service
Trenched Fibre Fibre deployed through underground conduits
Wholesale Basis/Services Broadband service that provides access to backhaul/middle mile infrastructure.  Wholesale services are distinct from retail services.  Wholesale service are regulated by the CRTC
WISP Wireless Internet Service Provider
YEGIX Edmonton Internet Exchange
YYCIX Calgary Internet Exchange

School of Library and Information Studies
Faculty of Education

Masters of Arts in Communication and Technology
Faculty of Extension

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