Working Groups Sponsored by the Alberta Public Interest Research Group.
Affordable Student Housing (ASH)
Alberta In Kyoto Investigation Group
Anti-Capitalist Edmonton (ACE)
Citizens for Peaceful Communities (CPC)
Coalition Against War and Racism (CAWAR)
Edmonton Small Press Association (ESPA)
Fait Accomplit
FUSS Feminist Collective
House of Mother Earth (HOME)
Just Java
Lal, new media collective
The Olive
Media Working Group
Sierra Youth Coalition
SimpleFood organic food buying group
Students for Indian Development
Student Worker Action Group (SWAG)


Sierra Youth Coalition

The Sierra Youth Coalition U of A APIRG Working Group encourages awareness and action on environmental issues through lobbying and consciousness-raising on the University campus and the greater Edmonton community. Our mandate is to seek coalitions amongst other groups with similar mandates to assert our collective voice to move us on a path of greater ecological and social sustainability.


We will provide a voice for APIRG and ECOs working groups, with focuses on social and environmental issues, within the public sphere and in the media by letter writing in various media outlets and directly to politicians and decision-makers.

We will campaign to educate students, staff and faculty about signing the Talloires declaration.

We will produce "The Ecological and Social Responsibility Guide" that will include input from other groups such as Just Java. This will provide a guide for individuals to learn about what they can do to improve the planet.