Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Include Directories


Use this pane area to specify an additional search path if the include file name listed in the include directive is not specified using its absolute path name. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -I option when invoking the compiler on the command line.

To add an include directory, type the directory name in the text entry field directly above the Add pushbutton then select Add. The directory will be added to the list of directories above the text entry field.

To manipulate the list, you can:


  1. If multiple directories are selected and no text is typed in, only the Delete button is active.
  2. To save any changes made in the PL/I window, click on either the OK or Apply button.
  3. Shell-meta characters, such as $ or \, are not allowed as directory, library, or file names.

Setting Compiler Options - PL/I
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Compilers
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Levels
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Flags