Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Flags


Use this pane area to select one or more of the following flag options:

Generate line number info Causes statement numbers to be included in run-time messages and allows the dbx debugger to recognize and stop at individual source statements in your program. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qGONUMBER option on the command line.
Invoke macro facility Invokes the PL/I macro facility prior to compilation. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qMACRO option on the command line.
Allow implicit declarations Allows implicit declarations. Otherwise, all implicit and contextual declarations except for BUILTINs and for files SYSIN and SYSPRINT are flagged with an E-level message. Choosing the option is the same as entering the -qRULES=LAXDCL option on the command line.
Generate listings Produces a compiler listing that includes an object, source, attributes, aggregates, and cross-reference listing. Choosing this option is the same as entering -qLIST, -qSOURCE, -qATTRIBUTES=FULL, -qAGGREGATE, and -qXREF options on the command line.
Check subscripts Raises a condition whenever a subscript is evaluated and found to lie outside of its specified bounds. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qPREFIX=SUBSCRIPTRANGE option on the command line.

Setting Compiler Options - PL/I
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Compilers
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Levels
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Include Directories