Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Levels


Use this pane area to optimize code at different levels, select the language level, and select control processing stage.

Language Level Selection
To select a PL/I language level (-qLANGLVL), press mouse button 1 on the PL/I language level field, and then select one of the following options:

saa Flags keywords that are not supported by OS PL/I on the mainframe and does not recognize any of the new built-in functions. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qLANGLVL=SAA option when invoking the compiler on the command line.
saa2 Accepts the PL/I language definition in the PL/I Language Reference for OS/2 and AIX. This lets you use the latest PL/I language features and built-in functions. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qLANGLVL=SAA2 option when invoking the compiler on the command line.

Code Optimization
To optimize code during compilation, press mouse button 1 on the Optimization field and select one of the options listed.

OPT(0) Performs very little optimization on the generated code, but allows the compilation to proceed more quickly. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qNOOPTIMIZE option on the command line.
OPT(2) Performs a set of optimizations intended to offer improved performance without an unreasonable increase in time or storage required for compilation. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qOPTIMIZE=2 option on the command line.

Compile Processing Stage Control
To control processing stages, press mouse button 1 on the Control processing stages field, and then select one of the following options:

Severe Causes compilation to halt if a severe or unrecoverable error is detected. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qNOCOMPILE=S, -qNOSEMANTIC=S, and -qNOSYNTAX=S options when invoking the compiler on the command line.
Error Causes compilation to halt if an error, severe error, or unrecoverable error is detected. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qNOCOMPILE=E, -qNOSEMANTIC=E, and -qNOSYNTAX=E options when invoking the compiler on the command line.
Warning Causes compilation to halt if a warning, error, severe error, or unrecoverable error is detected. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qNOCOMPILE=W, -qNOSEMANTIC=W, and -qNOSYNTAX=W options when invoking the compiler on the command line.
No syntax Causes compilation to halt prior to syntax and semantic checking. Choosing this option is the same as entering the -qNOCOMPILE, -qNOSEMANTIC, and -qNOSYNTAX options when invoking the compiler on the command line.

Setting Compiler Options - PL/I
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Compilers
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Flags
Setting Compiler Options - PL/I Include Directories