Tu Bishvat/Honi Ha'Meagel Quiz

Questions: 7 - 9

7. What lesson does this Aggadah teach us?

a. If you sleep for too long, your friends might
not recognize you when you wake up.

b. Planting trees is a great recreational activity.

c. The virtue of preparing the world for future generations.

8. Why did Hyrcanus and Aristobulus fight?

a. They were fighting for the kingship of Israel.

b. They did not have anything better to do.

c. Why not?

9. Why did Honi Refuse to pray for Hyrcanus?

a. Because Hyrcanus did not want to pay for Honi's service.

b. Because Hyrcanus wanted Honi to curse Aristobulus.

c. Because Honi was too busy.

And with this you finished the Tu Bishvat/Honi Ha'Meagel story and quiz. Thank you for taking the rime and effort to complete this journey. I hope that you have learned something and had fun while doing so. I would greatly appreciate your feedback.

My e-mail address is: nreshef@epsb.edmonton.ab.ca

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