Psychology 351: Spatial Cognition |
Web Address: here |
Description: This course
will examine how people learn, remember, and navigate their
environments. Many questions will be explored, including: How do people
keep track of where they are when navigating in unfamiliar territory,
and how do they remember where they have been? How is spatial
information represented and processed in the human brain? Why are some
people good at spatial problem solving and others not so good? Do males
and females really differ in spatial ability, and if so, why? Do
cultural differences exist in spatial cognition? Although the primary
focus of the course will be on human spatial cognition, relevant
research on other animals, such as bees, ants, and monkeys, will also
be discussed. |
Psychology 258: Cognitive Psychology |
Web Address: here |
Description: This course
surveys a number of topics in cognitive psychology, including a brief
history of the field, cognitive neuroscience, attention, perception,
memory, knowledge representation, language, problem solving, reasoning
and decision making. This course also addresses general issues such as
basic research design, the use of models and paradigms, the role of
theory, and interdisciplinary influences on cognitive psychology. |