
Dr. Roger A. Dixon

RAD in Berlin, Photo by AvE
Contact Information:
Mailing Address
Department of Psychology
P-217 Biological Sciences Bldg
University of Alberta
Edmonton, AB
Canada T6G 2E9


Team and Trainees: Research and Recognitions

Our research programs are highly collaborative, both within UAlberta and across a number of other institutions. Collaborators include not only advanced career researchers in a variety of related fields (neurology, neuroscience, genetics, imaging, psychology, psychiatry, biochemistry, statistics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning), but also early career academics, research associates, and trainees. The latter group includes undergraduate students, graduate students (MSc, PhD), post-doctoral fellows, and research specialists. On this page, we are pleased to highlight the interests and accomplishments of some current and recent early career associates and trainees. We thank them all for their commitment, diligence, and collaborative spirit.

Linzy Bohn, PhD

Current Status:

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta (Department of Psychology)

Current Research:

Cognitive aging and dementia, with specializations in longitudinal studies, trajectory analyses, data-driven analytics, risk biomarker predictors, and multi-morbidity (frailty).

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Current Video:

Bohn, L., Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., Rolfson, D., Andrew, M.K., & Dixon, R.A. (2022, October). Machine learning analyses identify multimorbidity features that discriminate four cohorts in the Alzheimer's disease spectrum: A COMPASS-ND study. Presented at the 2022 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.

Recent Awards:

  • 2022 Poster Award (Postdoctoral Category) at the Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference
  • 2020 Gyro Club of Edmonton Graduate Scholarship — Doctoral Level
  • 2020 Thelma R. Scambler Scholarship
  • 2019 International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Graduate Scholarship
  • 2019 President's Doctoral Prize of Distinction
  • 2018 President's Doctoral Prize of Distinction
  • 2017—2020 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship

Recent Papers:

  • Bohn, L., Han, A.Y., McFall, G.P., Drouin, S.M., Pettersen, J.A., Einstein, G., Rajah, M.N., Anstey, K.J., & Dixon, R.A. (2023). Gender mediates the association between sex and memory in cognitively normal older adults. (Submitted for Publication)
  • Bohn, L., Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., Rolfson, D.B., Andrew, M.K., & Dixon, R.A. (2023). Machine learning analyses identify multi-modal frailty factors that selectively discriminate four cohorts in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum: a COMPASS-ND study. BMC Geriatrics, 23, Article 837. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-023-04546-1
  • Bohn, L., McFall, G.P., Gee, M., Postuma, R.B., Dixon, R.A., & Camicioli, R. (2023). Dementia risk prediction in a longitudinal geriatric Parkinson's disease cohort: Evaluation and application of the Montréal Parkinson Risk of Dementia Scale. Canadian Geriatrics Journal, 26(1), 176-186. https://doi.org/10.5770/cgj.26.617
  • McFall, G.P., Bohn, L., Drouin, S.M., Gee, M., Fah, H., Han, W., Li, L., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2023). Identifying key multi-modal predictors of incipient dementia in Parkinson's disease: A machine learning analysis and Tree SHAP interpretation. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15, Article 1124232. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2023.1124232
  • Bohn, L., Zheng, Y., McFall, G.P., & Dixon, R.A. (2021). Portals to frailty? Data-driven analyses detect early frailty profiles. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 13, Article 1. doi:10.1186/s13195-020-00736-w
  • Bohn, L., McFall, G.P., Wiebe, S.A., & Dixon, R.A. (2020). Body mass index predicts cognitive aging trajectories selectively for females: Evidence from the Victoria Longitudinal Study. Neuropsychology, 34(4), 388-403. doi:10.1037/neu0000617

G. Peggy McFall, PhD

Current Status:

  • Research Associate, University of Alberta (Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute).
  • Assistant Director, Victoria Longitudinal Study.
  • Representative (Biomarkers Team), Sex and Gender Cross-cutting Program, Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging.
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Current Research:

Longitudinal and dynamic statistical analyses (including machine learning and similar technologies) as applied to dementia risk factor, biomarker, and genetic predictors.

Current Video:

McFall, G.P., Bohn, L., Gee, M., Drouin, S.M., Han, W., Li, L., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2022, October). Identifying key multi-modal predictors of incipient dementia in Parkinson's disease: A machine learning analysis and Tree SHAP interpretation. Presented at the 2022 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.

Recent Recognitions:

  • 2022 Invited Address at Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference
  • 2020 SynAD Catalyst Grant for Strengthening Research Capacity in ADRD
  • 2019 SynAD Catalyst Grant for Strengthening Research Capacity in ADRD
  • 2018 ASC-CCNA (Alzheimer's Society of Canada - Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging) poster award in the Postdoctoral Category at the CCNA Science Day, Montreal, QC
  • 2017 ASC-CCNA (Alzheimer's Society of Canada - Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging) poster award in the Postdoctoral Category at the CCNA Science Day, Toronto, ON
  • 2017 Connie Varnhagen Excellence in Teaching Psychology Award, University of Alberta

Recent Papers:

  • McFall, G.P., Bohn, L., Drouin, S.M., Gee, M., Han, W., Li, L., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2022). Towards identifying multi-modal predictors of incipient dementia in Parkinson's disease: A machine learning analysis. (Manuscript)
  • McFall, G.P., Drouin, S.M., Potvin, O., Dieumegarde, L., Collins, L.D., Duchesne, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2021). Longitudinal trajectories of left and right hippocampal volume are moderated by APOE and sex in cognitively normal older adults. (Submitted for Publication)
  • Badhwar, A., McFall, G.P., Sapkota, S., Black, S., Chertkow, H., Duchesne, S., Masellis, M., Li, L., Dixon, R.A., & Bellec, P. (2020). A multiomics approach to heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease: Focused review and roadmap. Brain, 143(5), 1315-1331. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awz384
  • McFall, G.P., Bäckman, L., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Nuances in Alzheimer's genetic risk reveal differential predictions of non-demented memory aging trajectories: Selective patterns by APOE genotype and sex. Current Alzheimer Research, 16(4), 302-315. doi:10.2174/1567205016666190315094452
  • McFall, G.P., McDermott, K.L., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Modifiable risk factors discriminate memory trajectories in non-demented aging: Precision factors and targets for promoting healthier brain aging and preventing dementia? Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 70, S101-S118. doi:10.3233/JAD-180571

Sebastian Caballero, MSc

Current Research:

Sebastian is a PhD student in Neuroscience conducting research on multiple modalities of biomarkers for brain aging, cognitive impairment, and neurodegenerative disease.

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Current Video:

Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., Heal, M., Vergote, D., Andrews, S.J., Jhamandas, J.H., Westaway, D., Masellis, M., & Dixon, R.A. (2022, October). Do polygenic risk scores representing Alzheimer's global risk or specific mechanisms predict non-demented memory aging trajectories differently in females and males? Presented at the 2022 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.

Recent Awards:

  • 2019 SynAD Award for Enhancing Training Capacity in ADRD
  • 2018 Government of Alberta Graduate Student Scholarship
  • 2018 Poster Award at the Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia: Research and Translation International Conference in Banff
  • 2018 University of Alberta Graduate Student Association Graduate Student Research Assistant Award

Recent Papers:

  • Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., Gee, M., MacDonald, S., Phillips, N., Fogarty, J., Montero-Odasso, M., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (in press). Cognitive speed in neurodegenerative disease: Comparing mean rate and inconsistency within and across the Alzheimer's and Lewy Body Spectra in the COMPASS-ND study. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
  • Caballero, H.S., Vergote, D., Andrews, S.J., Jhamandas, J.H., Chertkow, H., Camicioli, R., Masellis, M., & Dixon, R.A. (2024, March). Do data-driven global or selected mechanism-specific polygenic risk scores predict cohort membership in the Alzheimer’s and Lewy body spectra? Initial machine learning classifier analyses in the COMPASS-ND Study. Poster presented at the 25th annual Neuroscience Research Day, Edmonton, AB and at the 2024 CCNA Partners Forum and Science Days Conference, Montreal, QC.
  • Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., Heal, M., Vergote, D., Andrews, S.J., Jhamandas, J.H., Westaway, D., Masellis, M., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, March). Integrating data-driven polygenic risk scores, vascular health, and sex in a dynamic Alzheimer's disease biomarker network: Precision prediction of memory aging trajectories. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, University of Alberta.
  • Heal, M., McFall, G.P., Caballero, H.S., Vergote, D., Westaway, D., Jhamandas, J.H., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, March). Integrating an inflammation polygenic risk score, vascular health, and sex in predicting memory aging trajectories: Preliminary report of proposed thesis study. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, University of Alberta.
  • Heal, M., Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, January). Genetic risk and Alzheimer’s disease (AD): What we know about what’s in your genes. Poster presented at Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories - Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute, Hope for Tomorrow: Research Insights into Alzheimer’s Disease at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
  • Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., Wiebe, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2021). Integrating three characteristics of executive function in non-demented aging: Trajectories, classification, and biomarker predictors. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 27(2), 158-171. doi:10.1017/S1355617720000703

Shannon Drouin, MSc

Current Research:

Shannon is a PhD student in Psychology conducting longitudinal research on brain aging and neurodegenerative disease with the application of various quantitative modeling techniques (e.g., machine learning and other data-driven approaches).

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Current Video:

Drouin, M.S., Badhwar, A., McFall, G.P., Bohn, L., Sapkota, S., Lussier, D., Descoteaux, M., Black, S., Chertkow, H., Rajah, M.N., Masellis, M., Greiner, R., Li, L., Iturria-Medina, Y., Duchesne, S., Dixon, R.A. (2022, October). Integrating neuroinformatics and multiomics biomarker approaches to understanding heterogeneity and precision in Alzheimer's and related dementias: A COMPASS-ND protocol from CCNA Team 9. Presented at the 2022 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.

Recent Awards

  • 2022 Dallas Treit Graduate Research Award in Psychology
  • 2021 Brendan Gail Rule Graduate Scholarship
  • 2021 Poster Award at the Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference
  • 2020 Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship
  • 2020-2023 Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship — Data-Enabled Innovation
  • 2020 Brendan Gail Rule Graduate Scholarship
  • 2020 International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Graduate Scholarship
  • 2019 Alberta Excellence Graduate Scholarship
  • 2019 Brendan Gail Rule Scholarship
  • 2019 CIHR-CCNA Travel Award to attend CCNA Science Days
  • 2018 Brendan Gail Rule Graduate Scholarship
  • 2018 Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship

Recent Papers:

  • Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., & Dixon, R.A. (2022). Subjective memory concerns, poor vascular health, and male sex predict exacerbated memory decline trajectories: An integrative data-driven class and prediction analysis. Neuropsychology, 36(2), 128-139. https://doi.org/10.1037/neu0000784
  • Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., Potvin, O., Bellec, P., Masellis, M., Duchesne, S., & Dixon, R.A. for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2022). Data-driven analyses of longitudinal hippocampal imaging trajectories: Discrimination and biomarker prediction of change classes. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 88, 97-115. https://doi.org/10.3233/JAD-215289
  • Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., Potvin, O., Zheng, L., Anstey, K.J., Masellis, M., Bellec, P., Duchesne, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2021, October). Memory resilience in cognitively normal older adults with advanced hippocampal atrophy: Data-driven approaches to detection and prediction. Poster presented at the 2021 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.
  • Drouin, S.M., McFall, G.P., & Dixon, R.A. (2020). In multiple facets of Subjective Memory Decline sex moderates memory predictions. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 12(1), e12089. doi:10.1002/dad2.12089
  • Drouin, S., McFall, G.P., Potvin, O., Bellec, P., Duchesne, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2019, October). Machine learning analyses of longitudinal imaging trajectories: Discrimination and biomarker prediction of change subclasses and clinical outcomes. Poster presented at Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging, Quebec City, QC.
  • McFall, G.P., Potvin, O., Dieumegarde, L., Drouin, S., Camicioli, R., Collins, L., Bellec, P., Duchesne, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2019, July). Trajectory analyses of morphometric imaging measures provide novel insights into the dynamics of brain aging as moderated by sex and APOE. Presented at Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Harrison Fah, BSc (Computing Science)


Roger A. Dixon and Russell Greiner

Current Research:

Harrison is a second-year Master's student in Computing Science conducting research on using machine learning techniques for problems related to neurodegenerative diseases. His current work involves applying reinforcement learning to longitudinal data to identify risk and protective factors for Alzheimer's Disease.

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Recent Papers:

  • Fah, H., Bohn, L., Greiner, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2024, March). Comparing machine learning classifier models in discriminating cognitively unimpaired older adults from three clinical cohorts in the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum: Demonstration analyses in the COMPASS-ND study. Poster presented at the 2024 CCNA Partners Forum and Science Days Conference, Montréal, QC.
  • Fah, H., Bohn, L., Greiner, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, March). Comparing machine learning classifier models in discriminating cognitively unimpaired older adults from three clinical cohorts in the Alzheimer's disease spectrum: A CCNA COMPASS-ND study. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, University of Alberta.
  • McFall, G. P., Bohn, L., Gee, M., Drouin, S. M., Fah, H., Han, W., Li, L., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R. A. (2023). Identifying key multi-modal predictors of incipient dementia in parkinson’s disease: A machine learning analysis and Tree Shap Interpretation. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 15, 1-16. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2023.1124232

Mackenzie Heal, BSc

Current Research:

Mackenzie is a first-year Master's student in Neuroscience conducting longitudinal research on biomarker predictors of cognitive aging and dementia. She is currently focusing on integrating newly acquired Alzheimer's genetic risk factors in a large trajectory database.

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Current Video:

Heal, M., McFall, G.P., Caballero, H.S., Vergote, D., Westaway, D., Jhamandas, J.H., & Dixon, R.A. (2022, October). Integrating Alzheimer's genetic risk, vascular health, and sex in predicting memory aging trajectories: Two replicated multi-step biomarker network analyses. Presented at the 2022 Virtual CCNA Science Day Conference.

Current Radio Interview:

January 2023 (Radio-Canada) Rattrapage du mercredi 25 janvier 2023 (radio-canada.ca)

Recent Awards:

2021 Poster Award at the Virtual Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia: Research and Translation International Conference

Recent Papers:

  • Heal, M., McFall, G.P., Caballero, H.S., Vergote, D., Westaway, D., Jhamandas, J.H., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, March). Integrating an inflammation polygenic risk score, vascular health, and sex in predicting memory aging trajectories: Preliminary report of proposed thesis study. Poster presented at the 24th Annual Neuroscience Research Day, University of Alberta.
  • Heal, M., Caballero, H.S., McFall, G.P., & Dixon, R.A. (2023, January). Genetic risk and Alzheimer's disease (AD): What we know about what's in your genes. Poster presented at Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories - Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute, Hope for Tomorrow: Research Insights into Alzheimer's Disease at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
  • Heal, M., McFall, G.P., Vergote, D., Jhamandas, J.H., Westaway, D., & Dixon, R.A. (2022). Bridging Integrator 1 (BIN1, rs6733839) and sex are moderators of vascular health predictions of memory aging trajectories. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 89, 265-281. https://doi.org/10.3233/JAD-220334
  • Heal, M., McFall, G.P., Vergote, D., & Dixon, R.A. (2021, March). Bridging Integrator 1 (BIN1, rs6733839) and sex are moderators of vascular health predictions of memory aging trajectories. Presented at the 22nd Annual Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute Research Day (Virtual Event).

Annie Han, BSc

Current Research:

Gender and sex in brain aging and dementia.

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Current Video:

Han, Y.W., McFall, G.P., Drouin, S.M., Bohn, L., & Dixon, R.A. (2021, May). Gender mediates the relationship between sex and memory in cognitively normal older adults. Paper presented at the Banff Conference on Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia: Research and Translation. Virtual Conference from Alberta Canada.

Recent Research:

Identification and integration of gender predictors of brain and cognitive aging trajectories.

Recent Papers:

Han, Y.W.A., McFall, G.P., Drouin, S.M., Bohn, L., Einstein, G., Rajah, M.N., Anstey, K.J., & Dixon, R.A. (2022). Gender mediates the association between sex and memory in cognitively normal older adults. (Manuscript)

Sheri Thibeau, PhD

Current Research:

Physical activity and mobility in cognitive aging.

Dissertation Title:

Cognitive Resilience to Frailty and Mobility Adversities in Aging: Data-driven Approach to Classification and Prediction by Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease (2021)

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Recent Awards:

  • 2019 and 2020: Instructor in Aging, Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease
  • 2018 Queen Elizabeth II Doctoral Scholarship
  • 2017 ASC-CCNA (Alzheimer's Society of Canada - Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging) poster award in the PhD Category at the CCNA Science Day, Toronto, ON

Recent Papers:

  • Thibeau, S., McDermott, K.L., McFall, G.P., Rockwood, K., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Frailty effects on non-demented cognitive trajectories are moderated by sex and Alzheimer's genetic risk. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 11, 55. doi:10.1186/s13195-019-0509-9
  • Thibeau, S., McFall, G.P., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Physical activity and mobility differentially predict non-demented executive function trajectories: Do sex and APOE moderate these associations? Gerontology, 65, 640-648. doi:10.1159/000496442
  • Thibeau, S., McFall, G.P., Camicioli, R., & Dixon, R.A. (2017). Alzheimer's disease biomarkers interactively influence physical activity, mobility, and cognition associations in a non-demented aging population. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 60(1), 69-86. doi: 10.3233/JAD-170130

Samantha Fu, BSc


Subjective cognitive impairment in normal aging and dementia.

Recent Awards:

BSc Research Specialization, Faculty of Science

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Recent Papers:

  • Drouin, S., McFall, G.P., Fu, S.X., & Dixon, R.A. (2018, June). A four-facet model of subjective memory decline in non-demented aging: Selective prediction sensitivity for women. Poster presented at the International Conference on Promoting Healthy Brain Aging and Preventing Dementia: Research and Translation, Banff, AB.
  • Drouin, S., McFall, G.P., Fu, S.X., & Dixon, R.A. (2018, April). A four-facet model of subjective memory decline in non-demented aging: Selective prediction sensitivity for women. Poster presented at the annual Joseph R. Royce Conference, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
  • Fu, S.X., McFall, G.P. & Dixon, R.A. (2017, March). Subjective memory decline in non-demented aging: Exploring multidimensionality, group differences, longitudinal changes. Poster presented at the annual Joseph R. Royce Conference, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Kirsty McDermott, MSc


Resilience in brain aging; Risk and protective factors of healthy brain and memory aging.

Recent Awards:

2016 Outstanding Student Poster at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference

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Recent Papers:

  • McFall, G.P., McDermott, K.L., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Modifiable risk factors discriminate memory trajectories in non-demented aging: Precision factors and targets for promoting healthier brain aging and preventing dementia? Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 70, S101-S118. doi:10.3233/JAD-180571
  • Thibeau, S., McDermott, K.L., McFall, G.P., Rockwood, K., & Dixon, R.A. (2019). Frailty effects on non-demented cognitive trajectories are moderated by sex and Alzheimer's genetic risk. Alzheimer's Research & Therapy, 11, 55. doi:10.1186/s13195-019-0509-9
  • McDermott, K., McFall, G.P., Andrews, S.J., Anstey, K.J., & Dixon, R.A. (2017). Memory resilience to Alzheimer's genetic risk: Sex effects in predictor profiles. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 72(6), 937-946. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbw161

Sarah Tipples (BSc Honours)

Current Research:

Cognitive reserve and resilience in Parkinson's disease (Honours Thesis, Co-Supervised by Dr. Richard Camicioli).

Recent Awards:

Queen Elizabeth Scholarship (University of Alberta): Internship at Oxford University (UK)

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Selected Recent Alumni

Shea Andrews, PhD (Australian National University)

Current Status:

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco


PDF, Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, NYC.

Current Research:

Genetic Epidemiology in Alzheimer's disease and related dementias; Quantitative analytics of genetic, biological, and environmental risk in AD.

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Recent Awards:

Alzheimer's Association Research Fellowship (Assessing the Causal Role of Mitochondria in Alzheimer's Disease)

Recent Papers:

  • Peters, R., Yasar, S., Anderson, C., Andrews, S.J., ... Dixon, R.A., ... McFall, G.P., ... & Anstey, K.J. (2020). An investigation of antihypertensive class, dementia and cognitive decline. A meta-analysis. Neurology, 94, 1-15. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000008732
  • Andrews, S.J., McFall, G.P., Booth, A., Dixon, R.A., & Anstey, K.J. (2019). Association of Alzheimer's disease genetic risk loci with cognitive performance and decline: A systematic review. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 69, 1109-1136. doi:10.3233/JAD-190342
  • Andrews, S.J., McFall, G.P., Dixon, R.A., & Anstey, K.J. (2019). Alzheimer's environmental and genetic risk scores are differentially associated with general cognitive ability and dementia severity. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders, 33, 95-103. doi:10.1097/WAD.0000000000000292
  • McDermott, K., McFall, G.P., Andrews, S.J., Anstey, K.J., & Dixon, R.A. (2017). Memory resilience to Alzheimer's genetic risk: Sex effects in predictor profiles. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 72(6), 937-946. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbw161

Shraddha Sapkota, PhD

Current Status:

Research Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, University of California, Davis.


Postdoctoral Fellow, Hurvitz Brain Sciences Research Program, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON.

Current Research:

Network and omics approaches to biomarker and risk factor studies of brain aging, impairment, and neurodegenerative disease.

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Recent Awards:

  • 2017-2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Alzheimer Society of Canada (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto)
  • 2017 Postdoctoral Fellow, Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (University of Alberta)
  • 2014 Emerging Scholar Award from the Gerontological Society of America

Recent Papers:

  • Sapkota, S., McFall, G.P., Masellis, M., Dixon, R.A., & Black, S.E. (2022). Differential cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease is predicted by changes in ventricular size but moderated by Apolipoprotein E and pulse pressure. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 85(2), 545-560. https://doi.org/10.3233/JAD-215068
  • Sapkota, S., McFall, G.P., Masellis, M., & Dixon, R.A. (2021). A multimodal risk network predicts executive function trajectories in non-demented aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, Article 621023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnagi.2021.621023
  • Badhwar, A., McFall, G.P., Sapkota, S., Black, S., Chertkow, H., Duchesne, S., Masellis, M., Li, L., Dixon, R.A., & Bellec, P. (2020). A multiomics approach to heterogeneity in Alzheimer's disease: Focused review and roadmap. Brain, 143(5), 1315-1331. https://doi.org/10.1093/brain/awz384
  • Huan, T., Tran, T., Zheng, J., Sapkota, S., Camicioli, R., Dixon, R.A., & Li, L. (2018). Metabolomics analyses of saliva detect novel biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 65(4), 1401-1416. https://doi.org/10.3233/JAD-180711
  • Sapkota, S., & Dixon, R.A. (2018). A network of genetic effects on non-demented cognitive aging: Alzheimer's genetic risk (CLU + CR1 + PICALM) intensifies cognitive aging genetic risk (COMT + BDNF) selectively for APOE ε4 carriers. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 62(2), 887-900. doi:10.3233/JAD-170909
  • Sapkota, S., Huan, T., Tran, T., Zheng, J., Camicioli, R., Li, L., & Dixon, R.A. (2018). Alzheimer's biomarkers from multiple modalities selectively discriminate clinical status: Relative importance of salivary metabolomics panels, genetic, lifestyle, cognitive, functional health, and demographic risk markers. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, 296. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2018.00296

Sanda Dolcos, PhD (North Carolina)

Current Status:

Research Associate, University of Illinois (Beckman Institute and Department of Psychology).

Current Research:

Social, personality, and affective neuroscience; cognitive and affective aging; emotional wellbeing.

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Recent Awards:

Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois

Recent Papers:

  • Katsumi, Y., Dolcos, S., Dixon, R.A., Fabiani, M., Stine-Morrow, E.A.L., & Dolcos, F. (2020). Immediate and long-term effects of emotional suppression in aging: A functional magnetic resonance imaging investigation. Psychology and Aging, 35(5), 676-696. https://doi.org/10.1037/pag0000437
  • Dolcos, S., Katsumi, Y., & Dixon, R.A. (2014). The role of arousal in the spontaneous regulation of emotions in healthy aging: An fMRI investigation. Frontiers in Psychology: Emotion Science, 5(681), 1-12. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00681
  • Dixon, R.A., McFall, G.P., Whitehead, B.P., & Dolcos, S. (2013). Cognitive development in adulthood and aging. In R.M. Lerner, M.A. Easterbrooks, & J. Mistry (Eds.), Handbook of psychology: Vol. 6 Developmental psychology (2nd ed., pp. 451-474). Editor-in-chief: I.B. Weiner. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Former Trainees

Additional information is available on the Victoria Longitudinal Study website.