Application of Methods in
Environmental and Exploration Geophysics
Fall term 2008
Course Information
Instructor: Dr. Vadim Kravchinsky
Office: Room CEB 348C, Physics
Telephone: 492-5591
Teaching Assistant:
Dennis Rippe
Office: CEB 448
E-mail: drippe@Phys.UAlberta.CA
Time: Mondays, 14:00 – 17:50
Place: Physics, Room CEB 1-14.
Course Description: Having completed the fieldwork, we now have an extensive set of geophysical data. In this course you will analyze and interpret the gravity, magnetic and resistivity data (seismological and GPR data are covered in Geoph-438). There will be no exams in this course. Grading will be based upon reports (5 assignments and a term paper). Much of the data analysis will be done using a high-level programming and numerical package (Matlab). Class time will be divided (approximately evenly) between lectures and computer lab. The lectures will consist mainly of background material that you will need to write your reports. Lab time should be spent analyzing the data - the teaching assistant will be available for interactive consultation.
Recommended Textbooks
2) Kearey and Brooks, An Introduction to Geophysical Exploration,
3d Edition, 2002.
Topics to be covered in lecture: (Note: sequence and topics may be subject to change):
0. Introduction to the computer lab
Information and announcements on using the computer software
as necessary.
1. Gravity Surveying
a) Review of potential fields
b) Gravity instruments
c) Corrections to gravity data
d) Gravitational anomalies
2. Magnetic Surveying
a) The Earth's magnetic field
b) Magnetometers
c) Magnetic properties of the crust
d) Magnetic anomalies
3. Geophysical Data Processing
a) Least squares (least squares from math world, matrix, determinant of matrix, inverse matrix)
b) Fourier Methods (Fourier series , Convolution from math world)
c) Upward, downward continuation, digital filters
d) Forward modeling of gravity
and magnetic data
4. Electrical Surveying (Cylinder Function,
Bessel Function,
Differential Equation from math world, Polar coordinates from Hyper Physics)
a) Crustal current flow
b) Resistivity of crustal materials
c) Resistivity measurement
d) Identification and interpretation of resistivity anomalies
5. EM survey
6. Radiometric survey introduction.
Course Assignments and Grading:
1. Assignment 1
(Weight 10%):Corrections of gravity data, density estimation.
Gravity exercise due Tuesday, September
23 (5 pm)
2. Assignment
2 (Weight 15%): Corrections, gridding and detrending of gravity and
magnetic data.
Assignment #2 due Friday, October 10 (5 pm).
3. Assignment
3 (Weight 15%): Analysis of reduced data, Fourier methods, filtering.
Assignment #3 due Tuesday, November 4 (5 pm).
4. Assignment
4 (Weight 20%): Modeling of gravity and magnetic sources.
Geological interpretation.
Assignment #4 due Friday, November 21 (5 pm).
5. Assignment
5 (Weight 20%) Analysis of resistivity sounding and profiling as well
as EM and radiometric data. Interpretation of the data.
Assignment #5 due Wednesday, December 3 (5 pm).
6. Report on chosen topic (Weight 20%). Due day: Monday, December 8 (12 pm). You must submit your electronic version by email due time, hard copy must be submitted not later than December 9th.
Office consultation: You can stop by the instructor's office any time. However, I would prefer to have visits in the afternoons rather than mornings. You can also e-mail a question and/or make an appointment to visit at an arranged time. All Matlab problems can be perfectly solved with Dennis Rippe <drippe@Phys.UAlberta.CA>.
To buy Matlab see Site Licensed Software & Product Sales:
To download the Octave software: