Geophysics 437: Application of Methods in
Environmental and Exploration Geophysics
Fall 2008
Instructor: V. Kravchinsky
TA: Dennis
Assignment 4, Weight 20%, due Friday, November 21 (5:00 pm)
Modeling of the gravity and magnetic
a) Use your
gravity filtered data to model an anomaly using the TalwaniÕs 2-D algorithm.
The gravity model should be simple and defensible using geophysical and
geological (to download the Warner county geological report in the PDF format)
reasoning. Plot the result. Explain which filtered gravity profile you decided
to choose as most representative and why you preferred particular type of
filter. How did you choose the density and shape of your model objects? How
much can you vary the density and depth of your model, and still obtain a
reasonable fit? Give short geological interpretation of your geophysical data
and suggest where to drill a borehole to target a potential aquifer in the area
of the survey.
b) Give a short
geological interpretation of your magnetic data if you know that diabase and
lamprophyre dykes of Late Cretaceous age are common in the region. Sometimes
diamonds can be found in lamprophyre dykes (for example, see,
Suggest one-two drilling sites on a basis of your interpretation if geological
assumptions are that some of these dikes could be lamprophyre. Apply
approximate methods of depth and size determining (modified ParasnisÕ method
and symmetrical anomaly method) as well as forward modeling using dipole
approximation (see Excel file Dipole_Solution.xls).
Compare results.
Describe in details one of two topics: 1) TalwaniÕs 2-D forward gravity
modeling algorithm starting with the HubbertÕs integral; 2) Magnetic dipole
forward modeling (to see most of the classÕ notes you may go to the link on Total-Field anomalies).
Materials to hand in:
1) Submit your report by email and bring in the hard copy. Recommended volume
of the report including figures is 12±2 pages. Please NO hand writing
formulas in the report.
2) Submit your code and input files by email to me or TA.
talwani_10.m This is a function to read the file and
output the file as well as menu that helps to select vertexes for the model.
You need to copy this function and paste it into your Matlab code.
This includes density and number of vertices and the first column is the
distance along profile and the second column is the depth for all vertices
(from 1 to 5).
Test_GravityDataforTalwani.m First column:
Distance along profile; Second column: Bouguer anomaly in mgal
Talwani-59 2-D gravity.pdf
To read about Canadian kimberlites and their ages see Heaman-03-kimberliteCanada.pdf.