Computing @ U of A

The University of Alberta provides a number of resources to its students. This page outlines a number of them, and provides links to further information.

Computer labs

Academic Information & Communication Technologies maintains a number of computing labs across campus, including Windows, Mac and Unix labs. A complete list can be found at the computing labs site. That site also allows you to search for specific software and hardware.

The computing labs require you to authenticate using your CCID and password. Look for an icon labeled Authentication. Use your CCID for your username.


The university provides email accounts and web-based access to all students. Check your email regularly as the university and the department both use these email addresses as a primary means of contact.

For more information about your university email, check out the Email Access page on AICT's site.

If you use an email client or forward your mail, make sure any spam filters are set to allow your university email through. Missing an important email about scholarships, assignments or course changes can ruin your day!

University Wireless Service

The University Wireless Service (UWS) provides wireless connectivity in SLIS and most parts of campus. UWS requires authentication using your CCID and password. How to Connect to UWS on the AICT site for detailed instructions for Windows, Mac and Ubuntu users.

Printing and Copying

Printing and photocopying are provided as part of the ONEcard service on campus. Students deposit money on account which can then be used to print, photocopy or purchase items at selected vendors around campus. Money can be deposited online using secure forms, in-person deposits, or machines located around campus. See Depositing Money on the ONEcard site.

There is a ONEcard printer in the SLIS computer lab. Printing from the wireless network is not allowed, but you can connect your laptop to the wired network and print after installing the appropriate printer drivers.

The closest ONEcard photocopiers are located in Rutherford Library North.

Cheaper photocopying is available at the Graduate Students' Association offices in Triffo Hall. This service is only available during their open hours (8:00 am to 4:00 pm) and is cash-only.


The university licenses a number of software products for faculty, staff and students. Some products are available for free, such as F-Secure Antivirus software. Others are deeply discounted. See the U of A Product Sales sites for details.

Note that some software packages listed on the sales site are only available to departments, faculty or staff. Read the information carefully!

Storage Space

The university provides every student with 1 GB of storage space on servers that are backed up regularly. They use a veritable alphabet soup to refer to it - GPU for General Purpose Unix, AFS for Andrew File System and samba for network drive access. All of them provide access to the same storage space.

This space allows you to access your files from anywhere, and provides an easy way to keep a backup of local files. Nothing ruins your day like losing that fifteen page paper the night before it is due!

AICT provides a page about the storage space that provides instructions for accessing it a number of ways. Students in LIS 506 will use secure copy to transfer files. Check the software page for links to transfer programs.

Web Space

The storage space can also be used to host your own web pages. Again, students in LIS 506 will be required to use this space for course work.

The web space must be set up before it can be used. AICT provides instructions on setting up web access in case you missed the technology orientation.