Publications of Rong-Qing Jia
- R. Q. Jia, The subdivision and transition
operators associated with a refinement equation,
in Advanced Topics in Multivariate Approximation
(F. Fontanella, K. Jetter and P. J. Laurent eds.),
World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc. (1996), pp. 139--154.
- R. Q. Jia, Perturbation of polynomial
ideals, Advances
in Applied Mathematics 17 (1996), 308--336.
- R. Q. Jia, Shift-invariant spaces
on the real line,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
125 (1997), 785--793.
- R. Q. Jia, Symmetric magic squares
and multivariate splines,
Linear Algebra and Appl. 250 (1997), 69--103.
- J. J. Lei, R. Q. Jia, and E. W. Cheney,
Approximation from shift-invariant spaces by integral operators,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 28 (1997), 481--498.
- R. Q. Jia, Partition of unity and density:
a counterexample,
Constr. Approx. 13 (1997), 251--260.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and D. X. Zhou,
Approximation by multiple
refinable functions,
Canadian J. Math. 49 (1997), 944--962.
- R. Q. Jia, Shift-invariant spaces and
linear operator equations,
Israel Journal of Mathematics 103 (1998), 259--288.
- R. Q. Jia, S. L. Lee and A. Sharma,
Spectral properties of continuous refinement operators,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 126 (1998), 729-737.
- R. Q. Jia, Approximation properties
of multivariate wavelets,
Mathematics of Computation 67 (1998), 647--665.
- B. Han and R. Q. Jia, Multivariate
refinement equations and convergence of subdivision schemes,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 29 (1998), 1177--1199.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and D. X. Zhou,
Vector subdivision schemes and multiple wavelets,
Math. Comp. 67 (1998), 1533--1563.
- T. N. T. Goodman, R. Q. Jia and C. A. Micchelli,
On the spectral radius of a bi-infinite periodic and slant matrix,
Southeast Asian Bull. Math. 22 (1998), 115--134.
- R. Q. Jia, Stability of the shifts
of a finite number of functions,
J. Approx. Theory 95 (1998), 194--202.
- R. Q. Jia, Convergence of vector
subdivision schemes and construction of biorthogonal multiple
wavelets, in Advances in Wavelets (K. S. Lau ed.),
Springer-Verlag (1998), pp. 189--216.
- B. Han and R. Q. Jia,
Optimal interpolatory subdivision schemes
in multidimensional spaces, SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
36 (1999), 105--124.
- R. Q. Jia and S. R. Zhang,
Spectral properties of the transition
operator associated to a multivariate refinement equation,
Linear Algebra and Appl. 292 (1999), 155--178.
- R. Q. Jia, Characterization of Smoothness
of multivariate refinable functions in Sobolev spaces,
Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 351 (1999), 4089--4112.
- R. Q. Jia, S. D. Riemenschneider and D. X. Zhou,
Smoothness of multiple refinable functions
and multiple wavelets,
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 21 (1999), 1--28.
- R. Q. Jia and D. X. Zhou,
Convergence of subdivision schemes
associated with nonnegative masks,
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 21 (1999), 418--430.
- W. Dahmen, B. Han, R. Q. Jia, and A. Kunoth,
Biorthogonal multiwavelets on the interval:
cubic Hermite splines,
Constructive Approximation 16 (2000), 221--259.
- R. Q. Jia, Interpolatory subdivision schemes
induced by box splines,
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
8 (2000), 286--292.
- T. N. T. Goodman, R. Q. Jia and D. X. Zhou,
Local linear independence of refinable vectors of functions,
Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh
130 A (2000), 813--826.
- R. Q. Jia, Q. T. Jiang and Z. W. Shen,
Distributional Solutions of nonhomogeneous discrete
and continuous refinement equations,
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 32 (2000), 420--434.