Refereed Journal Publications (Last five years)
O. Tawakol, M. D. Herman, S. Foxley, V. K. Mushahwar, V. L. Towle, and P. R. Troyk, ‘In-Vivo Testing of a Novel Wireless Intraspinal Microstimulation Interface for Restoration of Motor Function Following Spinal Cord Injury’, Artificial Organs, 2023.
R. Nair, R. Sarmiento, A. Sheriff, A. Shuaib, B. Buck, M. Gauthier, V. K. Mushahwar, M. Ferguson-Pell, and M. Kate, ‘Assessment of remote ischemic conditioning delivery with optical sensor in acute ischemic stroke: Randomised clinical trial protocol’, Plos one, 18(5):e0284879, 2023.
R. J. Sarmiento, R. Nair, A. Shuaib, B. Buck, M. Gauthier, V. K. Mushahwar, M. Ferguson-Pell, and M. Kate, ‘Remote Ischemic Conditioning with Novel Optical Sensor Feedback Device in Acute Ischemic Stroke-a feasibility study (P11-5.002)’, Neurology, 100(17 sup2) 2023.
J. K. Mehr, M. Akbari, P. Faridi, H. Xing, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli, ‘Artificial-Intelligence-Powered Lower Limb Assistive Devices: Future of Home Care Technologies’, Advanced Intelligent Systems, 5:2200361, 2023.
O. Tawakol, V. K. Mushahwar, and P. R. Troyk, ‘The use of digital image correlation for measurement of strain fields in a novel wireless intraspinal microstimulation interface’, Artificial Organs, 46(10):2066–2072, 2022.
L. Ding, H. Xing, A. Torabi, J. K. Mehr, M. Sharifi, H. Gao, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli, ‘Intelligent assistance for older adults via an admittance-controlled wheeled mobile manipulator with task-dependent end-effectors’, Mechatronics, 85:102821, 2022.
D. A. Roszko, S. Mirkiani, N. Tyreman, D. Wilson, A. Toossi, and V. K. Mushahwar, ‘Laser-microfabricated polymer multielectrodes for intraspinal microstimulation’, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 70(1):354-365, 2022.
M. Sharifi, J. K. Mehr, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli, ‘Autonomous locomotion trajectory shaping and nonlinear control for lower limb exoskeletons’, Ieee/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 645–655, 2022.
S. Mirkiani, D. A. Roszko, C. L. O’Sullivan, P. Faridi, D. S. Hu, D. Fang, D. G. Everaert, A. Toossi, P. E. Konrad, K. Robinson, and V. K. Mushahwar, ‘Overground gait kinematics and muscle activation patterns in the Yucatan mini pig’, Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 19, no. 2, p. 026009, 2022.
T. S. Barss, B. Parhizi, J. Porter, and V. K. Mushahwar, ‘Neural substrates of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation: Neuromodulation across multiple segments of the spinal cord’, Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 11, no. 3, p. 639, 2022.
C. W. Howard, A. Toossi, and V. K. Mushahwar, ‘Variety is the spice of life: positive and negative effects of noise in electrical stimulation of the nervous system’, The Neuroscientist, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 529–543, 2021.
H. Xing, A. Torabi, L. Ding, H. Gao, W. Li, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli, ‘Human-robot collaboration for heavy object manipulation: Kinesthetic teaching of the role of wheeled mobile manipulator’, in 2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2021, pp. 2962–2969.
M. Sharifi, V. Azimi, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli, ‘Impedance learning-based adaptive control for human–robot interaction’, IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1345–1358, 2021.
M. Sharifi, J. Khodaei-Mehr, V. K. Mushahwar, and M. Tavakoli,
"Adaptive CPG-based gait planning with learning-based torque estimation and control for exoskeletons,
" IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4): 8261-8268, 2021.
J. Khodaei-Mehr, M. Sharifi, V. K. Mushahwar and M. Tavakoli,
Intelligent Locomotion Planning with Enhanced Postural Stability for Lower-Limb Exoskeletons,
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(4): 7588-7595, 2021. Also, selected for presentation at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Prague, Czech Republic, 2021
B. Parhizi,* T. S. Barss* and V. K. Mushahwar,
Simultaneous cervical and lumbar spinal cord stimulation provides facilitation of both spinal and corticospinal circuitry in the human upper limb,
Front Neurosci, 15:615103, 2021 (*equal contribution to first authorship).
M. Sharifi, A. Zakerimanesh, J. Khodaei-Mehr, A. Torabi, V. K. Mushahwar and M. Tavakoli,
Impedance Learning and Variation Strategies in Human-Robot Interaction,
IEEE Trans Cybernetics, 15 Jan 2021, Epub ahead of print.
H. Xing, A. Torabi, L. Ding, H. Gao, Z. Deng, V. K. Mushahwar and M. Tavakoli,
An Admittance-Controlled Wheeled Mobile Manipulator for Mobility Assistance: Human-Robot Interaction Estimation and Redundancy Resolution for Enhanced Force Exertion Ability,
Mechatronics, 74:102497, 2021.
A. Toossi, B. Bergin, M. Marefatallah, B. Parhizi, N. Tyreman, D. G. Everaert, S. Rezaei, P. Seres, J. C. Gatenby, S. I. Perlmutter and V. K. Mushahwar,
Comparative Neuroanatomy of the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord of the Rat, Cat, Pig, Monkey, and Human,
Scientific Reports, 11(1):1955, 2021.
A. N. Dalrymple and V. K. Mushahwar,
Intelligent control of a spinal prosthesis to restore walking after neural injury: recent work and future possibilities,
J Med Robot Res, 5(1&2): 2041003, 2020.
A. N. Dalrymple, D. Roszko, R. Sutton and V. K. Mushahwar,
Pavlovian Control of Intraspinal Microstimulation to Produce Over-Ground Walking,
J Neural Eng, 17(3):036002, 2020.
T. S. Barss,* B. Parhizi* and V. K. Mushahwar,
Transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation of the cervical cord modulates lumbar networks,
J Neurophysiol, 123(1):158-166, 2020. (*equal contribution to first authorship)
A. Toossi, D. G. Everaert, S. Perlmutter and V. K. Mushahwar,
Functional Organization of the Motoneuron Pools in the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord of Non-human Primates,
Scientific Reports, 9(1):13539, 2019.
H. Flett, M. J. Wiest, V. K. Mushahwar, C. Ho, J. Hsieh, F. Farahani, S. M. Alavinia, M. Omidvar, P. E. Houghton and B. C. Craven,
Development of Tissue Integrity quality indicators to advance the quality of spinal cord injury rehabilitation: SCI-High Project,
J Spinal Cord Med, 42(sup1):196-204, 2019.
A. Toossi, D. G. Everaert, R. Uwiera, D. Hu, K. Robinson, F. Gragasin and V. K. Mushahwar,
Effect of anesthesia on the intraoperative responses to intraspinal microstimulation and its implications for clinical translation,
J Neural Eng, 16(3):036003, 2019.
R. R. E. Uwiera, A. Toossi, D. G. Everaert, T. C. Uwiera and V. K. Mushahwar,
Brachial Artery Catheterization in Swine,
JoVE, 30;(145), 2019.
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Refereed Journal Publications
(Last five years)