Environmental Determinants
Our research in this area addresses the urgent need for Canadian data to describe changes in the environment over the past few decades which promote excess food intake and decreased physical activity while obesity rates have accelerated.
- A Longitudinal Study of Environmental Determinants of Overweight among Children: The SHAPEs of Things to Come
- Behavioural, Nutrition, Exercise and Fitness Investigation of Teens (BENEFIT)
- Building Capacity for Policy Analysis: The Obesity Discourse in Canada
- Charting the Foodscape: Dietary Options and Food Imagery in Edmonton
- Community Health and the Built Environment: Examining Opportunities and Barriers in Four Albertan Communities
- Neighbourhood Correlates of Walking: The Fitscape Project
- Passage to Canada: How Social Determinants Affect Healthy Eating and Weight Among Immigrants
- State of the Evidence Review on Urban Health – Healthy Weights
- The Role of Policy Networks in the Development of Policy Responses to the Issue of Childhood Obesity and Healthy Body Weights
- Understanding Influences of the Media on Physical Activity and Nutrition: An Ecological Approach
- Understanding Pediatric Overweight in Cree Communities in James Bay Quebec [The Active Kids Project – The Emiyuu Ayayaachiit Awaash Project (EAAP)]
- Web-Survey of Physical Activity and Nutrition – Web-SPAN