EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

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Index of Sample Lab Assignments - Arranged by Subject Area

This is a collection of lab assignments constructed by previous students of this course (the number in brackets displays the number of labs in that category). A list of all of the labs is also available.

General (1)
Biological Sciences

Environmental Science (0)

Physiology/Human Anatomy (4)

Botany (0)

Genetics (2)

Microbiology (1)

Other (0)



When a choosing a topic for your assignment,
try to pick a topic that is different from these to help our collection grow.

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This site contains many links that take you outside of this site, therefore the Univeristy of Alberta and its employees are not responsible for their content. This site was developed by Anita Parker for Dr. Norma Nocente, Faculty of Education at University of Alberta. Last Updated September 16, 2002
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