EDSE 452/453 Biological Sciences in the Advanced Professional Term

Course Outline

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General Information

Instructor: Norma Nocente Office:348 Ed. S
Phone:492-3676 (Office) email: norma.nocente@ualberta.ca

The Advanced Professional Term consists of the following courses:

  • EDSE 452-Curriculum and Teaching in Secondary School Biological Sciences I (3 Credits)
  • EDSE 453-Curriculum and Teaching in Secondary School Biological Sciences II (3 Credits)
  • EDFX 451-Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term (3 Credits) This is a credit/ non-credit course.
  • EDFX 450-Student Teaching for Secondary Schools (6 Credits). This is a credit/non-credit course.

EDSE 452/453 and EDFX 451 will run everyday on campus for approximately six weeks, plus two Professional Growth Days during your student teaching. These two days allow you to reflect on your teaching experience and to reconnect with one another. It also provides us with an opportunity to discuss the connection between theory and practice. EDFX 450 is nine weeks of student teaching that follows the previously-mentioned six weeks.

Course Description & Goals

The APT program in Biological Sciences is designed to prepare students to become teachers of science at the secondary school level. This program will explore current trends and issues in science education as well as provide students with the opportunity to learn and teach in an interactive environment. Students will learn both through personal experience and by studying the ideas of others. Students will develop skills in the methods and materials that increase the level of scientific literacy of secondary school students. Most activities in this program require students become actively involved and participate in class discussions.

During this APT program you should:

  • become familiar with the current Alberta curricula for secondary school science.
  • develop a more complete understanding of the nature of the STS emphasis and its implications for teaching science.
  • explore and experience a variety of teaching strategies with a goal to increase student involvement and help students gain deeper conceptual understanding of science topics.
  • gain experience/expertise in laboratory and demonstration techniques.
  • explore curriculum resources, planning, and assessment strategies for science learning.
  • effectively integrate technology into the curriculum.
  • build a resource base and a means to access information about science teaching/learning
  • develop a sense of professionalism and to become more aware of professional concerns of science teachers.
  • continue to develop and become confident in your own teaching style.


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