Reliability is an important measure of performance of many systems, subsystems, and components. The reliability of a device is defined to be the probability that it will perform its intended functions satisfactorily for a specified period of time under specified operating conditions. Researchers and engineers enhance the reliabilities of components and systems through optimal design and effective operation and maintenance. Reliability enhancement methodologies have been used in design and support of various systems such as telecommunications networks, computer systems, automobiles, railway systems, airplanes, power stations, and the petro-chemical industries.
The Reliability Research Lab in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta has expertise in system reliability evaluation, optimal system design, condition monitoring, fault diagnostics, fault prognostics, and condition based maintenance decision making. Recent research results of the lab include multi-state system reliability models, efficient system reliability evaluation algorithms, algorithms for optimal design and optimal maintenance planning, signal processing techniques for fault detection and fault diagnosis, and algorithms for prediction of equipment deterioration trends. More details on research personnel, current research topics, sample publications, laboratory facilities, and graduate study and post-doctoral research opportunities are provided under separate headings.
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