Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Jian Qu. “Reliability and availability analysis of a repairable k-out-of-n:G system with R repairmen subject to shut-off rules.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 60 (3): 658-666, 2011.
Wei Li, Ming J Zuo, and Ramin Moghaddass. “Optimal design of multi-state weighted series-parallel system using physical programming and genetic algorithms.” Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. 28 (4): 543-562, 2011.
Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Wenbin Wang. “Availability of a general k-out-of-n:G system with non-identical components considering shut-off rules using quasi-birth-death processes.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 96 (4): 489-496, 2011.
Ping Jiang, Jae-Hak Lim, Ming J Zuo, and Bo Guo. "Reliability estimation in a Weibull lifetime distribution with zero-failure field data." Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 26 (7): 691-701, 2010.
Yi Ding, Ming J Zuo, Zhigang Tian, and Wei Li, “The hierarchical weighted multi-state k-out-of-n system model and its application for infrastructure management.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 59 (3): 593-603, 2010.
Ming J Zuo, Zhigang Tian, and Hongzhong Huang. “An efficient method for reliability evaluation of multi-state networks.” IIE Transactions. 39: 811–817, 2007.
Mayank Pandey, Ming J Zuo, Ramin Moghaddas, and Manoj K Tiwari. “Selective maintenance for binary systems under imperfect repair.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 113: 42-51, 2013.
Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, “A parameter estimation method for condition monitored equipment under multi-state deterioration.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 106: 94-103, 2012.
Ajit K Sahoo, Ming J Zuo, and Manoj K Tiwari. “A data clustering algorithm for stratified data partitioning in artificial neural network.” Expert Systems with Applications. 39: 7004-7014, 2012.
Shaomin Wu and Ming J Zuo, “Linear and nonlinear preventive maintenance models.” IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 59 (1): 242-249, 2010
Michael Bartholomew-Biggs, Ming J Zuo and Xiaohu Li, “Modelling and optimizing sequential imperfect preventive maintenance.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 94 (1): 53-62, 2009.
Kyungmee O Kim and Ming J Zuo, “Two fault classification methods for large systems when available data is limited.” Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 92 (5): 585-592, May 2007.
Xianfeng Fan and Ming J Zuo, “Fault diagnosis of machines based on D-S evidence theory, Part 1. D-S evidence theory and its improvement.” Pattern Recognition Letters. 27: 366–376, 2006.
Zhipeng Feng and Ming J Zuo. “Vibration signal models for fault diagnosis of planetary gearboxes.” Journal of Sound and Vibration. 331 (22): 4919-4939, 2012.
Mohammad R Hoseini, Ming J Zuo, and Xiaodong Wang, “Denoising ultrasonic pulse-echo signal using two-dimensional analytic wavelet thresholding.” Measurement. 45 (3): 255-267, 2012.
Xiaomin Zhao, Ming J Zuo, and Tejas Patel, “Generating an indicator for pump impeller damage levels using half and full spectra, fuzzy preference-based rough sets, and PCA.” Measurement Science and Technology. 23 (4), Article # 045607, DOI: 10.1088/0957-0233/23/4/045607, 2012.
Jian Qu, Zhiliang Liu, Ming J Zuo, and Hong-Zhong Huang, “Feature selection for damage degree classification of planetary gearboxes using support vector machine.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. 225 (C9): 2250-2264, 2011.
Yaguo Lei, Ming J Zuo, Zhengjia He, and Yanyang Zi, “A multidimensional hybrid intelligent method for gear fault diagnosis.” Expert Systems with Applications. 37 (2): 1419-1430, 2010.
Xianfeng Fan and Ming J Zuo, “Gearbox fault detection using Hilbert and wavelet-packet transforms”. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 20: 966–982, 2006.