- May 26, 2021: Mr. Meng Rao was awarded the Student and Post-Doctoral Fellow Opportunity Award at a value of $2,000. The opportunity award is provided by the Future Energy Systems (FES) to support FES trainees to participate in projects or activities which would significantly enhance their research and/or career development. Check https://www.futureenergysystems.ca/resources/pdp/student-and-post-doctoral-fellow-opportunity-fund for more details about this award.
- April 23, 2021: Mr. Meng Rao was awarded the Indira V Samarasekera Scholarship in Global Education at the value of $2,500. The award is to be used for an international education program in either Fall 2021 or Winter 2022 semester. The awarded scholarship is one of a large award repository named The Education Abroad Individual Award, which is designed to help make students' international learning experience more affordable, and managed by University of Alberta International. More information about the individual awards can be found at https://www.ualberta.ca/international/go-abroad/get-funding/individual-award/index.html.
- April 15, 2021: Ms. Siyun Ge successfully passed her Master's defense examination.
- December 17, 2020: Mr. Yifei Wang under the supervision of Professor Zhigang Tian was awarded the IEEE Reliability Society Scholarship for pursuing a career and profession in reliability related discipline. Check https://rs.ieee.org/ for details.
- November 13, 2020: Mr. Dongdong Wei successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- July 13, 2020: Mr. Dongdong Wei was selected as one of ten participants at the 2020 PHM Society Doctoral Symposium on September 28 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA (and online) to present his PhD research proposal titled "Deep learning and knowledge transferring for fault diagnosis of rotating machines." He will receive structured feedback from a panel of distinguished researchers, as well as comments from conference participants and fellow students in a collegial setting. His registration fees and travel costs will be covered by the conference. Check https://www.phmsociety.org/events/conference/phm/20/doctoralsymposium for details about this doctoral symposium.
- June 15, 2020: Dr. Ming Zuo was elected into the Canadian Academy of Engineering.
- June 14 2020: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu received a contract job offer as "Data Analyst, Asset Management" from EPCOR Utilities Inc. contracted through S.i.Systems Partnership. The role is effective June 15, 2020.
- June 2, 2020: Mr. Xianhua Chen received the PhD admission offer in Mechanical Engineering - Full time at the University of Alberta for Fall term, beginning September 1, 2020.
- May 8, 2020: Mr. Xihua Chen successfully passed his Master's defense examination.
- May 6, 2020: Mr. Yuejian Chen successfully passed his PhD defense examination.
- April 28, 2020: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu successfully passed his Master's defense examination.
- April 17, 2020: Mr. Xingkai Yang successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- April 16, 2020: Mr. Meng Rao successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- February 12, 2020: Mr. Xianhua Chen was awarded the Graduate Travel Award by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) in support of his attending the 8th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Service – TESConf 2019, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October 27 – 29, 2019 and presenting the following paper:
- Xianhua Chen, Yuejian Chen, and Ming J. Zuo. “Dynamic Modeling of a Planetary Gear System with Sun Gear Crack under Gravity and Carrier-ring Clearance.”
- February 12, 2020: Mr. Weixuan Tang was awarded the Graduate Travel Award by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) in support of his attending the 8th International Conference on Through-Life Engineering Service – TESConf 2019, Cleveland, Ohio, USA, October 27 – 29, 2019 and presenting the following paper:
- Weixuan Tang, Yuejian Chen, and Ming J. Zuo. “Health index development for a planetary gearbox.”
- January 29, 2020: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu received the “The IAM Certificate in Asset Management” from the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) (https://theiam.org/). The “IAM Certificate in Asset Management” is obtained through passing an exam that assesses an individual’s asset management knowledge and understanding in five major areas namely Principles of Asset Management, Asset Management Policy, Strategy & Planning, Managing Asset Life-Cycle Decisions and Activities, Assessing and Managing Asset Management Risks, and Finance and Business Impact. Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu has successfully passed the “IAM Certificate in Asset Management” exam and received the certification.
- January 23, 2020: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu received the “Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional” certification from the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals Certifying Organization (SMRPCO) (https://smrp.org/). The Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional (CMRP) certification is the leading credential for certifying the knowledge, skills, and abilities of maintenance, reliability and physical asset management professionals. The CMRP certification is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), which follows the globally-recognized ISO standards for its accreditation purposes. The CMRP examination assesses professionals’ aptitude in five major areas namely Business & Management, Equipment Reliability, Manufacturing Process Reliability, Organization & Leadership, and Work Management. Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu has successfully passed the CMRP exam, received the CMRP certification and has obtained all the privilege and rights to use the title of CMRP to his name.
- January 8-15, 2020: Mr. Dongdong Wei visited Dr. Fulei Chu's research group at Tsinghua University, China, under the support of Tsinghua-UofA mobility program.
- January 10, 2020: Mr. Weixuan Tang received a contract job offer as "Course Development Assistant" from the University of Alberta. The role is effective January 1, 2020.
- November 18, 2019: Mr. Weixuan Tang successfully passed his MSc defense examination.
- November 15, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Sadler Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR covering Sept. 01, 2019 to Aug. 31, 2020.
- September 25, 2019: Mr. Meng Rao, Mr. Xingkai Yang, Mr. Dongdong Wei, Mr. Yuejian Chen, Dr. Lijun Meng and Dr. Ming J. Zuo won the third place in the 2019 PHM Conference Data Challenge. They formed a team named "Angler" and participated in the data challenge since May 2019. The award includes certificates, US$200 and an Nvidia Jetson AGX Xavier Developer kit. Mr. Xingkai Yang collected the award on behalf of the team "Angler" and presented their methods for the data challenge during the 2019 PHM Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, September 21-26. The presentation is titled "Ensemble linear regression and Paris' law based methods for structure fatigue crack length estimation and prediction using ultrasonic wave data."
- September 19, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Globalink Research Award by MITACS Canada in support of his 3-month (Oct-Dec, 2019) research internship at the University of New South Wales, Australia.
- August 30, 2019: Mr. Xingkai Yang was awarded the Academic Travel Grant by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta in support of his attending the 11th Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society in Scottsdale, AZ, USA (September 21-26, 2019).
- August 4, 2019: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu was awarded the Student and Post-Doctoral Opportunity Fund by the Future Energy Systems (FES) of the University of Alberta in support of his training in the Asset Management Professional Certificate Program.
- June 25, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the best oral presentation award at the Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research Symposium, University of Alberta. The winning presentation is titled "Fault detection and severity assessment of a gearbox operating under random speed variation."
- June 17-19, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen attended the 2019 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management in San Francisco, United States and presented the following paper:
- Yuejian Chen and Ming J. Zuo, "Early gear tooth crack detection based on singular value decomposition"
- May 31, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Academic Travel Award by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta in support of his attending PHM San Francisco 2019 Conference.
- May 6, 2019: Dr. Ming Zuo received the Faculty of Engineering Research Career Award. This award is for senior or emeritus Professors who have made exceptional and lasting research contributions, recognized at an international level, to their field. More details...
- April 15, 2019: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu received the Graduate Student Internship (GSI) offer as “Asset, Risk and Investment Management Intern” from EPCOR Utilities Inc. for a period of four months. The appointment starts on April 30, 2019.
- April 9, 2019: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Graduate Travel Award by the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research (FGSR) in support of his attending PHM San Francisco 2019 Conference.
- March 22-24, 2019: Ms. Yining Fang attended the 2019 International Conference on Advances in Materials, Mechanical and Manufacturing (AMMM 2019), Beijing, China and was honored with the best oral presentation award for the following paper:
- Yining Fang, Ming J Zuo, and Yue Li. “Investigation of gear dynamic characteristics under stochastic external excitations.”
- February 5, 2019: Miss Yining Fang successfully passed her PhD defense examination.
- December 21-22, 2018: Miss Yining Fang attended the 6th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering (ICMEMSCE), Xiamen, China and presented the following paper:
- Yining Fang, Ming J Zuo, and Yue Li. “Efficient analytical method to obtain the responses of a gear model with stochastic load and stochastic friction.”
- December 16-20, 2018: Mr. Meng Rao attended the 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2018) in Orlando, Florida, USA and presented the following paper:
- Meng Rao and Ming J. Zuo, “A New Strategy for Rotating Machinery Fault Diagnosis under Varying Speed Conditions Based on Deep Neural Networks and Order Tracking.”
- October 1, 2018: Mr. Yuejian Chen successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- June 8 – September 1, 2018: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu visited the Smart Grid Operation and Optimization Lab at Zhejiang University, China for three months and conducted collaborative research work on the topic “Decision-making for offshore wind turbine maintenance considering uncertainties.” MITACS Canada in association with China Scholarship Council funded the research visit.
- June 15, 2018: Mr. Libin Liu successfully passed his PhD defense examination.
- June 11-14, 2018: Mr. Yuejian Chen attended the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management in Seattle, United States and presented the following paper:
- Yuejian Chen, Xihui Liang, and Ming J. Zuo, "Time-series Modeling of Vibrations Signals for a Gearbox under Varying Speed and Load Condition"
- June 5, 2018: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Academic Travel Award by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta in support of his attending PHM Seattle 2018 Conference.
- May 28, 2018: Mr. Libin Liu received a job offer as Data Science & Signal Processing Engineer from Nanoprecise Sci Corp based in Edmonton, Canada. The role is effective on July 05, 2018.
- April 30, 2018: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu was awarded the Academic Travel Award by the Graduate Students' Association of the University of Alberta in support of his attending IISE 2018 Conference.
- March 27, 2018: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu was awarded the Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award by FGSR in support of his attending IISE 2018 Conference.
- February 13, 2018: Mr. Sathishkumar Nachimuthu was awarded the Globalink Research Award by MITACS Canada in association with China Scholarship Council in support of his 3-month research internship at Zhejiang University, China.
- November 29, 2017: Mr. Libin Liu was awarded the RR Gilpin Memorial Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR.
- October 30, 2017: Dr. Xihui Liang received an Assistant Professor job offer from the University of Manitoba, Canada. The appointment starts on January 1, 2018.
- October 25-27, 2017: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA) 2017 Best Student Paper Award. The winning paper is titled “An Auto-Regression Model for Tooth Crack Detection in a Gearbox Considering Load Variations”.
- October 25-27, 2017: Dr. Xihui Liang and Mr. Yuejian Chen attended the 2017 Canadian Machinery Vibration Association annual conference in Edmonton, Canada and presented the following papers:
- Xihui Liang, Zhiliang Liu, and Ming J. Zuo, "A Tooth Pitting Propagation Model for Estimation of Pitting Growth of a Fixed-axis Gearbox"
- Yuejian Chen, Xihui Liang, and Ming J. Zuo, "An Auto-Regression Model for Tooth Crack Detection in a Gearbox Considering Load Variations"
- October 18, 2017: Mr. Yuejian Chen was awarded the Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF) Top-Up Award in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR covering two years from Sept. 01, 2017 to Aug. 31, 2019.
- October 5, 2017: Miss Yining Fang attended the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2017) in Banff, Canada and presented the following paper:
- Yining Fang, Xihui Liang and Ming J. Zuo, "Effect of sliding friction on transient characteristics of a gear transmission under random loading."
- September 20, 2017: Miss Yining Fang successfully passed her PhD candidacy examination.
- August 06-09, 2017: Mr. Libin Liu attended the ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017) in Cleveland, Ohio, USA and presented the following paper:
- Libin Liu and Ming J. Zuo, “Copula-based time-frequency distribution analysis for planetary gearbox fault detection.”
- June 30, 2017: Ms. Laura Atencio Pernia successfully finished her graduate study with MEng degree.
- May 28-June 28, 2017: Dr. Ming Zuo visited Hiroshima University as JSPS Fellow funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). During the visit, Dr. Zuo delivered speeches at the following meetings and conference:
- 2017 Annual Meeting of the Reliability Engineering Association of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, May 31, 2017
- The Conference on Reliability Engineering of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE), Japan, June 16, 2017
- Technical Meeting of the Chubu Branch of the Operations Research Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan, June 17, 2017
- June 14, 2017: Dr. Mayank Pandey, Dr. Ming J. Zuo, and Dr. Ramin Moghaddass received the 2016 Donald Julius Groen Prize, awarded by the Safety and Reliability Group of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK, for their paper titled “Selective maintenance scheduling over a finite planning horizon”. The paper was published in the Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 2016 Apr; 230(2): 162-77.
- March 27-29, 2017: Dr. Ming Zuo was invited to deliver a keynote speech titled “Dynamic Simulation of Gearbox Operation for Prognosis and Health Management” at the 2017 International Congress on Design and Modelling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM), Hammamet, Tusinia.
- October 26-28, 2016: Dr. Ming Zuo was invited to deliver a keynote speech titled “Multi-State Network Reliability Evaluation” at the 11th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (ICRMS), Hangzhou, China.
- October 19-21, 2016: Dr. Xihui Liang and Mr. Libin Liu attended the 2016 Prognostics & System Health Management Conference-Chengdu (PHM-2016 Chengdu) in Chengdu, China and presented the following two papers, respectively:
- Xihui Liang, Ming J. Zuo, and Libin Liu, “A mesh stiffness evaluation model to reflect tooth pitting growth of a pair of external spur gears”
- Libin Liu, Ming J. Zuo, and Xihui Liang, “Dependence analysis of planetary gearbox vibration marginals”
- October 06, 2016 - December 10, 2016: Mr. Libin Liu visited the Equipment Reliability, Prognostics and Health Management (ERPHM) Lab at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in Chengdu, China, as an exchange graduate student.
- September 19, 2016: Ms. Tahmina Lipi successfully passed her Master's defense examination
- September 12, 2016: Mr. Libin Liu successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- August 24-26, 2016: Professor Ming Zuo attended the 7th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Advanced Reliability and Maintenance Modeling (APARM 2016) in Seoul, Korea
- July 25-28, 2016: Professor Ming Zuo attended the 6th International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (QR2MSE 2016) & the 11th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2016) in Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China
- July 6, 2016: Ms. Yang Liu successfully passed her Master's defense examination
- June 28, 2016: Mr. Cuong D. Dao successfully passed his PhD defense examination
- June 13-17, 2016: Professor Ming Zuo attended the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2016 in Munich, Germany and presented the following papers:
- Libin Liu, Xihui Liang and Ming J Zuo. “Vibration signal modeling for a planetary gear set”
- May 21-24, 2016: Mr. Cuong D. Dao attended the 2016 IIE Annual Conference in Anaheim CA, USA
- February 19, 2016: Mr. Guanghan Bai successfully passed his PhD defense examination
- December 3, 2015: Mr. Xihui Liang successfully passed his PhD defense examination
- November 25, 2015: Mr. Cuong D. Dao was awarded the Shell Enhance Learning Fund to attend the IIE Conference and Expo 2016 taking place in Anaheim, California, USA from May 21-24, 2016.
- November 16, 2015: Ms. Laura Atencio was awarded the EF Pearson Chemical/Business Graduate Scholarship by FGSR for her academic and scholarly achievements.
- November 12, 2015: Mr. Xihui Liang was awarded the ConocoPhillips Canada Limited Graduate Scholarship for his academic and scholarly achievements.
- September 28-30, 2015: Prof. Ming Zuo attended the 10th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management in Tampere, Finland and delievered a keynote speech titled "Dynamic Modeling of Mechanical Systems for Fault Diagnosis and Health Management."
- August 20, 2015: Mr. Xihui Liang was awarded the AGMA Foundation Scholarship for career development in gear design and manufacturing.
- May 08, 2015: Mr. Libin Liu was awarded the Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures (AITF) Top-Up Award in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR from May 01, 2015 to April 30, 2017.
- January 26-29, 2015: Mr. Guanghan Bai and Mr. Cuong D. Dao attended the 61th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2015) in Palm Harbor, Florida and presented the following two papers, respectively:
- Guanghan Bai, Ming J. Zuo, and Zhigang Tian, "An improved d-MP search algorithm for multi-state networks"
- Cuong D. Dao and Ming J. Zuo, "Reliability analysis of multi-state systems with s-dependent components"
- November 14, 2014: Mr. Guanghan Bai was awarded the Shell Enhanced Learning Fund to attend the Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium 2015 taking place in Palm Harbor, Florida, USA from January 26-29, 2015.
- November 04, 2014: Mr. Guanghan Bai successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- November 04, 2014: Mr. Cuong D. Dao successfully passed his PhD candidacy examination.
- September 29 - October 2, 2014: Mr. Xihui Liang attended the 2014 Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Society 2014) in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, and presented the following paper:
- Xihui Liang and Ming J. Zuo, “Investigating vibration properties of a planetary gear set with a cracked tooth in a planet gear”
- September 25, 2014: Mr. Cuong D. Dao was awarded the Sadler Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR.
- July 25, 2014: Ms. Yang Liu was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship by FGSR from September to December 2014.
- June 22 - 25, 2014: Mr. Xihui Liang attended the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM 2014) in Spokane, Washington, USA, and presented the following paper:
- Xihui Liang, Ming J. Zuo and Mohammad R. Hoseini, “Understanding vibration properties of a planetary gear set for fault detection”
- May 22, 2014: Mr. Xihui Liang was awarded the Shell Enhanced Learning Fund to attend the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society taking place in Fort Worth, Texas from September 29-October 2, 2014.
- January 14, 2014: Mr. Mayank Pandey successfully passed his Ph.D. defense examination. He has joined the Canada Revenue Agency, Government of Canada as a Research and Technology Advisor.
- October 23-25, 2013: Mr. Xihui Liang attended the annual Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA) Seminar in Banff and made the following presentation:
- Xihui Liang and Ming J Zuo. “Understanding vibration properties of a planetary gear set for fault detection”
- October 10, 2013: Mr. Xihui Liang was awarded a $1,000 bursary by Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA) Alberta Chapter.
- July 2, 2013: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass successfully passed his PhD defense examination. He is planning to join Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a postdoctoral fellow in September 2013.
- June 20, 2013: Mr. Guanghan Bai received the award for the best oral presentation in Oral Session 2 (Process and Systems Modeling) in recognition of excellence in conducting and communicating engineering research at the fourth Annual Faculty of Engineering Graduate Research Symposium. His presentation is:
- Guanghan Bai and Ming J Zuo. "Ordering heuristics for evaluation and bounds of multistate network reliability"
- May 1, 2013: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass was awarded the 2013 Postdoctoral Fellowship (PDF) by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Ramin is planning to use this award to spend two years at a top university in the US.
- January 28-31, 2013: Mr. Mayank Pandey and Mr. Ramin Moghaddass attended the 59th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2013) in Orlando, Florida, USA and presented the following two papers, respectively:
- Mayank Pandey and Ming J. Zuo, "Selective preventive maintenance scheduling under imperfect repair"
- Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J. Zuo, "Condition-based replacement policy for a device using interval-censored inspection data"
- October 8-10, 2012: Professor Ming Zuo attended the Seventh Annual World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2012) in Daejeon City, Korea, and presented the following paper:
- Xihui Liang, Ming J. Zuo, and Yangming Guo, "Evaluating the time-varying mesh stiffness of a planetary gear set using the potential energy method”
- June 15-18, 2012: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass attended the 2012 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety (QR2MSE), in Chengdu, China, and presented the following papers:
- Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J. Zuo, "Multi-state degradation analysis for a condition monitored device with unobservable states"
- Mayank Pandey, Ming J. Zuo, and Ramin Moghaddass, "Selective maintenance for binary systems using age-based imperfect repair model"
- June 7, 2012: Professor Ming Zuo was awarded the prestigious EIC Fellowship by the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) for exceptional contributions to engineering in Canada.
- May 26, 2012: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass and Prof. Ming J. Zuo were awarded the RAMS 2012 Ralph A. Evans / P. K. McElroy Award for Best Paper. The winning paper titled “Fault diagnosis for multi-state equipment with multiple failure modes” was published in Proceedings of the 2012 Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2012). They have been offered gratis registration for RAMS 2013 in Orlando, Florida to receive the award plaque at the RAMS 2013 Banquet.
- May 21, 2012: Professor Ming J. Zuo has been elected a Fellow for professional leadership and outstanding contributions to industrial engineering by the Institute of Industrial Engineers (IIE), USA.
- April 25- June 21, 2012: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass visited the Institute of Reliability Engineering in the School of Mechanical, Electronic, and Industrial Engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
- March 2, 2012: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass was awarded the Petro-Canada PhD Graduate Scholarship in Petroleum Engineering, University of Alberta.
- January 24 - 27, 2012: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass attended the 58th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2012) in Reno, Nevada, USA and presented the following paper:
- Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J. Zuo, "Fault diagnosis for multi-state equipment with multiple failure modes"
- November 21, 2011: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass was awarded the Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development Grant, University of Alberta.
- Octobor 23, 2011: Miss Xiaomin Zhao was awarded a $1,000 bursary by Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA) Alberta Chapter.
- October 2-5, 2011: Mr. Mohammad Hoseini attended the sixth annual World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM 2011) in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, and presented the following paper:
- Mohammad R. Hoseini and Ming J. Zuo, "Gearbox fault diagnosis using two-dimensional wavelet transform"
- September 25-29, 2011: Miss Xiaomin Zhao was awarded a travel grant by the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Society, New York, USA). This travel award covered the registration fees, airfare, and hotel accommodation for her to attend the 2011 Annual Conference of the PHM Society held in Montreal, Canada. She presented her PhD research proposal titled "An intelligent method for diagnosis of fault types and fault degrees: with applications to planetary gearboxes and pumps" at the Doctoral Consortium of the Conference.
- September 21, 2011: Miss Xiaomin Zhao was awarded the Sadler Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering by FGSR.
- September 17-19, 2011: Professor Zuo attended the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2011), Qingdao, China, and presented the following paper:
- Zhiliang Liu, Ming J Zuo, Tejas H Patel, and Hongbing Xu, “Ordinal semi-supervised k-nearest neighbor
algorithm for small training datasets.”
- August 14, 2011: Mr. Ramin Moghaddas and Mr. Mohammad R Hoseini were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships by FGSR.
- June 20-24, 2011: Professor Zuo attended the 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Theory, Methods, and Applications (MMR 2011), Beijing, China, and presented the following paper:
- Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, “A parameter estimation method for a multi-state deteriorating system with incomplete information.”
- June 20-23, 2011: Miss Xiaomin Zhao attended the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management in Denver, Colorado, USA, and presented the following paper:
- Xiaomin Zhao, Ming J. Zuo and Zhiliang Liu, "Diagnosis of pitting damage levels of planet gears based on ordinal ranking."
- June 17-19, 2011: Professor Zuo was invited to deliver a keynote presentation titled “Dynamic reliability assurance methodologies” at the 2011 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering (ICQR2MSE 2011), Xi’an, China.
- May 21-25, 2011, Professor Zuo attended the Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Reno, Nevada, and presented the following paper:
- Ajit Sahoo and Ming J Zuo, “A data clustering algorithm for stratified data partitioning in artificial neural network.”
- March 7, 2011: Mr. Mohammad Hoseini attended Canadian Machinery Vibration Association (CMVA) meeting in Calgary and made the following
- "Vibration Analysis of Planetary Gear Sets"
- February 23-24, 2011: Professor Zuo was an invited member of the panel discussion on "Correct Use and Interpretation of Predictive Maintenance Technologies" at the Maintenance & Asset Reliability Conference in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, organized by the Canadian Institute.
- January 24 - 27, 2011: Mr. Ramin Moghaddass attended the
57th Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS 2011) in Orlando, Florida, USA and Ramin Moghaddass presented the following paper:
- Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J. Zuo, "Optimal design of repairable k-out-of-n systems considering maintenance."
- August 15 - 18, 2010: Miss Xiaomin Zhao attended the ASME 2010 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC) and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE) in Montreal and presented the following paper:
- Xiaomin Zhao, Ming J. Zuo and Tejas Patel, "EMD, ranking mutual information and PCA based condition monitoring."
- June 7 - 9, 2010: Mr. Jian Qu and Dr. Tejas Patel attended CSME Forum 2010, the flagship conference of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (Victoria, Canada) and presented the following papers:
- Jian Qu and Ming J. Zuo, "An LSSVR-based machine condition prognositcs algorithm for slurry pump systems."
- Tejas Patel, Ming J. Zuo and Xiaomin Zhao, "Experimental investigations on effect of impeller vane trailing edge wear on slurry pump performance."
- May 25 - 28, 2010: Seven members of our research group attended the 2010 MITACS/CORS Annual Conference (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada) and made the following presentations:
- Ajit Sahoo and Ming J. Zuo, “A data partitioning algorithm for neural network based fault diagnosis.”
- Jian Qu and Ming J. Zuo, “Damage degree classification for planetary gearboxes using information fusion and support vector machine.”
- Xiaomin Zhao and Ming J. Zuo, “Full spectrum and EMD based fault diagnosis for slurry pumps.”
- Mohammad R. Hoseini and Ming J. Zuo, “Using two-dimensional wavelet transform for gearbox fault detection.”
- Ying Peng, Ming J. Zuo and Ming Dong, “Inventory control considering low price guarantee.”
- Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J. Zuo, “Availability analysis of a repairable k-out-of-n:G system.”
- Tahmina Lipi and Ming J. Zuo, “Optimal replacement decision making for simultaneous maximization of availability and minimization of cost.”
- May 20 - 21, 2010: Professor Zuo was invited to attend the Clean Technology Forum jointly sponsored by Advanced Education and Technology Alberta and Zhejiang Science and Technology Department held in Hangzhou, China and made the following presentation:
- Ming J. Zuo, “Reliability enhancement of wind turbines through health monitoring
and fault accommodation.”
- May 2 - 5, 2010: Mr. Mohammad Hoseini attended the 23rd Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (Calgary, Canada) and presented the following paper:
- Mohammad R. Hoseini, Ming J. Zuo, and Xiaodong Wang, "Two dimensional analytic wavelet thresholding and its application to ultrasonic pulse-echo B-scan denoising"
- January 22 - 24, 2010: Mr. Jian Qu attended 2010 International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (Sanya, China) and presented the following paper:
- Jian Qu and Ming J. Zuo, “SVM-based prognosis of machine health condition.”
- September 28 - 30, 2009, Professor Zuo attended the 4th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (Athens, Greece) and presented the following paper:
- Tahmina Lipi, Ming J. Zuo, and Jae-Hak Lim, “Optimal replacement decision making using stochastic filtering process to maximize long run average availability.”
- September 20 - 23, 2009: Mr. Mayank Pandey attended Canadian Wind Energy Association’s Annual Conference and Exhibition (Toronto, Ontario).
- August 30 - September 2, 2009: Dr. Yaguo Lei attended ASME 2009 Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (San Diego, USA) and presented the following papers:
- Yaguo Lei, Ming J. Zuo, and Mohammad Hoseini, “Rotating machinery fault detection using EEMD and bispectrum.”
- Xiaomin Zhao, Qinghua Hu, Yaguo Lei, and Ming J Zuo, “Vibration-based fault diagnosis of slurry pumps using the neighborhood rough set model.”
- August 8, 2009: Ms. Tahmina Lipi and Mr. Ramin Moghaddas were awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships.
- July 20 - 24, 2009: Dr. Ming Zuo attended the 8th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability and Safety (Chengdu, China) and presented the following paper:
- Jian Qu, Chuxiong Miao, Mohammad Hoseini, Dan Wolfe, and Ming J. Zuo, “Wear degree prognostics for slurry pumps using support vector machines.”
- October 27 - October 30, 2008: Dr. Ming Zuo attended the Third World Congress on Engineering Asset Management and Intelligent Maintenance Systems (Beijing, China) and delivered the following invited presentation:
- M. Hoseini, M. K. Mandal, M. J. Zuo, and G. Mani, "Gearbox fault diagnosis using Hilbert transform and segmented regression."
- October 24, 2008: Dr. Zuo was selected a finalist for the Outstanding Leadership in Alberta Technology Award by the Alberta Science and Technology (ASTECH) Leadership Foundation. Story... Video...
- Fall 2008: Dr. Ming Zuo was featured in the Mechanical Engineering insert of the U of A Engineer magazine (Winter/Spring 2008). More...
- July 14 - July 18, 2008: Dr. Ming Zuo was invited by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, to conduct a workshop on Reliability Theory and Applications. The audience included teachers, engineers, and post-graduate students.
July 14 - July 18, 2008: Dr. Girindra Mani attended The Fifth International Conference on Condition Monitoring & Machinery Failure Prevention Technologies. The conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK and was organized by the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT). Dr. Mani presented the following paper:
- M. Hoseini, M. K. Mandal, M. J. Zuo, and G. Mani, "Gearbox fault diagnosis using Hilbert transform and segmented regression."
May 23, 2008: A full-day research symposium was organized by Reliability Research Lab and Advanced Materials Research Lab of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. The theme of this symposium was integrity assessment of engineering systems through condition monitoring, signal processing, and reliability modeling. The topics of presentations included ultrasonic inspection for pipeline integrity assessment, lab experiments for planetary gearbox health monitoring, signal processing for wear assessment in slurry pumps, and reliability models for infrastructure integrity management. More than 30 people attended the symposium. Dr. Larry Kostiuk, Chair of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, delivered the opening address. Engineers from the following companies were present at the symposium: Syncrude, Petro-Canada, Suncor, TransAlta, Enbridge Pipelines, Albian Sands Energy, Bantrel, AltaSteel, and ABB.
May 4 - May 8, 2008: Dr. Yonghong Zhang and Mr. Chuxiong Miao attended the 21st IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE2008) held in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Zhang presented the following papers:
- Yonghong Zhang, Yu Wang, Ming J. Zuo, and Xiaodong Wang. “Ultrasonic Time-of-Flight Diffraction Crack Size Identification Based on Cross-Correlation.”
- Ajit K. Sahoo, Yonghong Zhang and Ming J. Zuo. “Estimating Crack Size and Location in a Steel Plate using Ultrasonic Signals and CFBP Neural Networks.”
Mr. Miao presented the following paper:
- Chuxiong Miao, Yu Wang, Yonghong Zhang, Jian Qu, Ming J Zuo and Xiaodong Wang. "A SVM Classifier Combined with PCA for Ultrasonic Crack Size Classification.”
- March 6, 2008: Mr. Wei Li presented a paper titled "p-cycle network design for specified minimum dual-failure restorability" at the 2nd Mechanical Engineering Graduate Symposium, organized by the Mechanical Engineering Graduate Students' Association (MEGSA) of the University of Alberta. This paper was previously presented by Dr. John Doucette as: J. Doucette, W. Li, and M. J. Zuo, "Failure-specific p-cycle network dual-failure restorability design," Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN 2007), La Rochelle, France, 7-10 October 2007.
- February 27, 2008: Dr. Zuo was invited to deliver a presentation titled "Incorporating fault detection and diagnosis for a clearer picture of the status of plant health" at the 3rd Annual Conference on Plant Maintenance and Asset Reliability (February 26-27, 2008, Edmonton, Alberta) organized by the Canadian Institute.
- January 30, 2008: Mr. Wei Li (PhD student) and Dr. Ming J Zuo received the 2008 IIE William A J Golomski Award for best paper written by an IIE member for their paper titled “Joint optimization of inventory control and maintenance policy” published in the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Product Quality and Integrity, January 22-25, 2007 (Orlando, Florida, USA).
- September 30 - October 3, 2007: Dr. Girindra Mani attended Canadian Wind Energy Association’s Annual Conference and Trade Show, Quebec City, Quebec.