Michael C. Williams,
Ph.D. (Wisconsin)
524 Chemical and Materials Engineering Building
(780) 492-3962
Fax: (780) 492-2881
Research Areas: Composite Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Mechanical Properties,
Polymers, Rheology
DR WILLIAMS' academic research over the past 29 years (24.5 yrs at the
University of California, Berkeley) has been directed primarily toward
the general fields of rheology and polymers and has led to over 150 research
publications. Primary focus has been on polymer rheology--non-Newtonian
and viscoelastic liquid models (continuum and molecular) and property
measurements on solutions, melts, and gels. Fluid mechanics problems relevant
to polymer melt processing have also been addressed. Other important fluids
studied rheologically have been blood, coal suspensions, and fluidized
beds. A major effort has involved block copolymers, initially directed
toward the thermodynamics of their microphase separation transitions and
microstructure development and then moving on toward their rheology. Additional
research has involved biomaterials (polymers) in connection with blood
compatibility, the use of polymer additives in airplane fuel to promote
fire safety, the deposition of aerosol coatings on crop leaves to retard
transpiration water loss, modelling the flow of sickle erythrocytes in
capillaries, the chemistry (including polymerization) of hydrocarbon gas
plasmas in wire chambers, and the properties of multiphase polymer blends.
Two new research ventures have emerged here in the past 2-3 years. One
is centered in the area of polymer composites, with focus being specifically
on long-fibre reinforcement (glass, or carbon) and improvements in fibre/polymer
bonding. The second new area is directed at polyethylene (PE) and the
properties that arise when different forms of PE are blended together.
Currently our laboratory is equipped with a state-of-the-art rheological
instrument (Rheometrics Mechanical Spectrometer 800) for comprehensive
measurements on liquids. This is used for a broad spectrum of rheological
measurements. A Brabender Prep Centre is in place, equipped with a 3/4
inch extruder and a mixing head for liquid-state blending. A wide range
of thermal properties (glass transition and crystallization behaviour;
phase separation of block copolymers and polymer blends) can be studied
with our top-of-the-line differential scanning calorimeter. Electron microscopy
of several types is also being used to characterize multiphase polymer
systems. Among specific projects are:
- Thermorheology of Block Copolymers, wherein the flow process
itself is investigated as a thermodynamic factor (through strain energy,
perhaps) which can influence microphase separation and the nature of
- Microphase Separation in Block Copolymer Blends, which explores
the compatibility of diblock and triblock copolymers with homopolymers
that match one block of the other and investigates the morphologies
which form upon phase separation.
- Rheology of Block Copolymer Blends, which seeks to explain
the novel viscous and elastic properties of these materials in the liquid
and solid states and uses those properties to monitor the kinetics of
microstructure development over a range of temperatures.
- Phase Separation and Rheology of Polyethylene Blends, which
explores the new recognition that different forms of PE may not be compatible
with each other.
- Long-Fibre Composites from Ring-Opening Thermoplastics, developing
superior mechanical properties and new schemes for molding products
from these novel high-tech materials.
Sample Publications:
- Wardhaugh, L.T. and Williams, M.C., 1995, "Blockiness of Olefin
Copolymers and Possible Microphase Separation in the Melt", Polymer
Eng Sci, 35, 18-27.
- Spaans, R.D. and Williams, M.C., 1995, "Nonlinear Viscoelasticity
of ABA Block Copolymer Melts: Stress Relaxation and Recovery", Indus
Eng Chem Res, 34, 3496-3507.
- Hussein, I.A. and Williams, M.C., 1998, "Rheological Evidence
for High-Temperature Phase Transitions in Melts of High-Density Polyethylene",
Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 19, 323-325.
- Hussein, I.A. and Williams, M.C., 1999, "Anomalous Nonlinearities
in Steady Shear of Polyethylene Melts", J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics,
in press.
- Spaans, R.D., Muhammad, M. and Williams, M.C., 1999, "Interfacial
Region of Microphase-Separated Block Copolymers by Differential Scanning
Calorimetry", J Polym Sci, Polym Phys Ed, 37, 267-274.