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Michael C. Williams:
List Of Publications

Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison
B.Sc. University of Wisconsin-Madison



Born June 11, 1937


Chemical Engineering degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison:
     B.Sc. (1959), M.S. (1960), Ph.D. (1964) with Minor in Physical Chemistry.
     Ph.D. thesis directed by R.B. Bird.


  • Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton (1990- ).
  • Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley (1972-89); Associate Professor (1968-72); Assistant Professor (1965-68).
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Theoretical Science, University of Oregon, Eugene.
  • (studied the theory of polymer-solution dynamics, with M. Fixman) (1964-65).
  • Research Assistant, Polychemicals Department. E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Delaware. 
  • (flow instability with viscoelastic materials) (Summer 1961).
  • Research Assistant, K Division, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico. 
  • (rheology of uranium suspensions) (Summer 1960).
    • Society of Rheology. Canadian Rheology Group (Board of Directors, 1991-97). British Society of Rheology.
    • Society of Plastics Engineers (Senior Member). Alberta Chapter.
    • Chemical Institute of Canada (Macromolecular Science & Eng. Division, Executive Committee, 1992-95).
    • American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Materials Division). Northern Alberta Chapter.
    • Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering (Board of Directors, 1992-95). Edmonton Section (Executive Committee, 1992-97).
    • Society for Advancement of Material and Process Engineering. Western Canada Chapter.
    • American Chemical Society (Polymer Division).

    The total number of research papers in print or in press is 150; three book reviews and two non-research articles have also appeared.


    • Polymer Science: Rheology of melts, concentrated and dilute solutions, elastomers, glasses. Composites. Block copolymer microphase separation and rheology. Biomaterials. 
    • Other Rheology: Dense suspensions of rigid particles and blood. 
    • Fluid Mechanics: Viscoelastic behavior of nonlinear and complex fluids in processing flows.
  • Professor of Polymer Rheology, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina (1970).
  • Invited keynote speaker, Korean Chemical Society, Chung-ju, Korea (October 1983).
  • Co-Chairman, Summer School for Faculty, Chemical Engineering Division, Amer. Soc. Eng. Educ., Snowmass, CO (August 1977).
  • American Men & Women of Science (listed, 1982-).
  • Co-Chairman, AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (November 1984).
  • Distinguished Teaching Award, University of California, Berkeley (conveyed March 1988).
  • Organizing Committee for establishing Centre for Advanced Engineered Materials, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (1991-92). Board of Directors (1992-).
  • Plenary Lecturer, Polymer Engineering Symp., Canadian Chemical Engineering Conf., Quebec City (October 1995).
  • Organizing Committee and Technical Program Committee, for 11th International Congress on Rheology, Quebec City (August 1996).
  • Keynote Lecturer, Polymer Rheology & Processing Symp., Can. Soc. Chemistry, Whistler, B.C. (June 1998).
    1. Williams, M.C., 1960, "Rheology of Uranium Pastes", Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.
    2. Williams, M.C., 1961, "Flow Instabilities with Viscoelastic Materials", Polychemicals Department, Experiment Station of E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Wilmington, Delaware.
    3. Williams, M.C. and Bird, R.B., 1962, "Steady Flow of an Oldroyd Viscoelastic Fluid in Tubes, Slits, and Narrow Annuli", AIChE Journal, 8, 378.
    4. Williams, M.C. and Bird, R.B., 1962, "Three-Constant Oldroyd Model for Viscoelastic Fluids", Physics of Fluids, 5, 1126.
    5. Williams, M.C. and Bird, R.B., 1964, "Oscillatory Behavior of Normal Stresses in Viscoelastic Fluids", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals, 3, 42.
    6. Williams, M.C., 1964, "Normal Stresses and Related Viscoelastic Phenomena in Polymer Solutions", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
    7. Williams, M.C., 1965, "Normal Stress and Viscosity Measurements for Polymer Solutions in Steady Cone-and-Plate Shear", AIChE Journal, 11, 467.
    8. Williams, M.C., 1965, "A New Interpretation of Isotropic Pressure and Normal Stress in the Cone-and-Plate, with Application to the Oldroyd Model, Chemical Engineering Science, 20, 693.
    9. Williams, M.C., 1965, "Normal Stress in Polymer Solutions with Remarks on the Zimm Treatment", Journal of Chemical Physics, 42, 2998; 43, 4542.
    10. Williams, M.C., 1966, "Stresses in Concentrated Polymer Solutions: Part I. Shear Dependence of Viscosity", AIChE Journal, 12, 1064.
    11. Williams, M.C., 1967, "Concentrated Polymer Solutions: Part II. Dependence of Viscosity and Relaxation Time on Concentration and Molecular Weight", AIChE Journal, 13, 534.
    12. Williams, M.C., 1967, "Concentrated Polymer Solutions: Part III. Normal Stresses in Simple Shear Flow", AIChE Journal, 13, 955.
    13. Williams, M.C., 1967, "Book Review: Non-Newtonian Flow and Heat Transfer", by A.H. Skelland, Wiley, New York, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A-2, 5, 1327.
    14. Williams, M.C., 1968, "Book Review: The Flow of High Polymers", by Stanley Middleman, Wiley, New York; also 1969, Journal of Polymer Science, Part A2, 7, 1281.
    15. Williams, M.C., 1968, "Correlation of Stress Data in Viscoelastic Polymer Solutions", AIChE Journal, 14, 360.
    16. Williams, M.C., 1968, "Discussion solicited: Gradient and Time Dependence of Viscosity of Polymer Solutions in Very Viscous Solvents", by A. Peterlin, Journal of Lubrication Technology, 90, 577.
    17. Shapiro, S.I., Williams, M.C., Landaw, S.A., Winchell, H.S., 1969, "Independence of Mechanical Fragility and Red Blood Cell Age in the Rat", Proc Soc Exptl Biol Medicine, 131, 1206.
    18. Akers, L.C. and Williams, M.C., 1969, "Oscillatory Normal Stresses in Dilute Polymer Solutions", Journal of Chemical Physics, 51, 3834-3841.
    19. Hetzler, R. and Williams, M.C., 1969, "Fluidized Bed Viscosity and Expansion, Correlated with Glass-Forming Liquid Model", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals, 8, 668.
    20. Hand, J.H. and Williams, M.C., 1969, "Effect of Secondary Polymer Structure on the Drag-Reducing Phenomenon", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 13, 2499.
    21. Kotchaphakdee, P. and Williams, M.C., 1970, "Enhancement of Nucleate Pool Boiling with Polymeric Additives", International Journal of Heat Mass Transfer, 13, 835.
    22. Leary, D.F. and Williams, M.C., 1970, "Statistical Thermodynamics of A-B-A Block Copolymers: I", Polymer Letters, 8, 335.
    23. Shapiro, S.I. and Williams, M.C., 1970, "Hemolysis in Simple Shear Flows", AIChE Journal, 16, 575.
    24. Bacher, R.P. and Williams, M.C., 1970, "Hemolysis in Capillary Flow", Journal of Laboratory Clinical Medicine, 76, 485.
    25. Hand, J.H. and Williams, M.C., 1970, "DNA and Structural Effects in Turbulent Drag Reduction", Nature, 227, 369.
    26. Hetzler, R. and Williams, M.C., 1971, "Phase Separation in Liquid-Fluidized Beds", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals, 10, 164.
    27. Hand, J.H. and Williams, M.C., 1971, "The Role of Polymer Conformation in Drag Reduction", Drag Reduction, Chemical Engineering Prog Symposium Series, 67, 6.
    28. Gannett, Jr., H.J. and Williams, M.C., 1971, "Pool Boiling in Dilute Non-Aqueous Polymer Solutions", International Journal Heat Mass Transfer, 14, 1001.
    29. Gandhi, K.S. and Williams, M.C., 1971, "Solvent Effects on the Viscosity of Moderately Concentrated Polymer Solutions", Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, 35, 211.
    30. Lampert, R.H. and Williams, M.C., 1972, "Effect of Surface Materials on Shear-Induced Hemolysis", Journal Biomed Mater Res, 6, 499.
    31. Gandhi, K.S. and Williams, M.C., 1972, "Effect of Solvent Character on Polymer Entanglements", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 16, 2721.
    32. Olabisi, O. and Williams, M.C., 1972, "Secondary and Primary Normal Stresses, Hole Error, and Reservoir Edge Effects in Cone-and-Plate Flow of Polymer Solutions", Trans Soc Rheology, 16, 727.
    33. Hand, J.R. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "The Adsorbed-Entangled Layer in Drag Reduction", Chemical Engineering Science, 28, 63.
    34. Williams, M.C., 1973, "A High School Course in Engineering", Engineering Ed, 63, 592.
    35. Zimmerman, R.D. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "Evaluation of Internal Viscosity Models", Trans Soc Rheology, 17, 23.
    36. Leary, D.F. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "Statistical Thermodynamics of ABA Block Copolymers, II", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 11, 345.
    37. Lampert, R.H. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "Scanning Electron Miscroscopy of Surfaces Inducing Shear Hemolysis", Journal Biomedical Mater Research, 7, 253.
    38. Mohr Jr., C.M. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "Diffusion of Gas into a Non-Newtonian Falling Film", AIChE Journal, 19, 1047-1049.
    39. Bazua, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1973, "A Molecular Formulation of the Internal Viscosity in Polymer Dynamics and Stress Symmetry", Journal of Chemical Physics, 59, 2858.
    40. Leary, D.F. and Williams, M.C., 1974, "Statistical Thermodynamics of ABS Block Copolymers, III: Microstructural Transitions and Model Verification", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 12, 265-287.
    41. Laurencena, B.R. and Williams, M.C., 1974, "Radial Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids Between Parallel Discs", Trans Soc Rheology, 18, 331-355.
    42. Bazua, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1974, "Rheological Properties of Internal Viscosity Models with Stress Symmetry ", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 12, 825-848.
    43. Lo, R.K., Nichols, A.R. and Williams, M.C., 1974, "Hemolysis Artifacts Induced in Rotational Shear Devices", Journal Biomedical Mater Res, 8, 81-86.
    44. Simpson, S.G. and Williams, M.C., 1974, "An Analysis of High Temperature/Short Time Sterilization During Laminar Flow", Journal of Food Science, 39, 1047-1054.
    45. Williams, M.C., 1975, "A Definite Maybe", Chemical Engineering Progress, 71(2), 51.
    46. Williams, M.C., 1975, "Molecular Rheology of Polymer Solutions: Interpretation and Utility", AIChE Journal, 21, 1-25.
    47. Williams, M.C., 1975, "Migration of Two Liquid Phases in Capillary Extrusion: An Energy Interpretation", AIChE Journal, 21, 1204-1207.
    48. Pico, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Viscosity in the Phase Transition Region of Triblock Copolymer Systems", Nature, 259, No. 5542, 388-389.
    49. Hansen, D.R., Shen, M. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Viscoelastic Properties of Entangled Polymers. I. The Elastically Coupled Entanglement Model", Macromolecules, 9, 345.
    50. Nichols, A.R. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Suppression of Shear-Induced Hemolysis by Three Plasma Proteins", Biomat Med Dev Art Org, 4, 21-48.
    51. Offeman, R.D. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Shear-Induced Hemolysis: Effects of Blood Chemistry (Including Aging in Storage) and Shearing Surfaces", Biomat Med Dev Art Org, 4, 49-79.
    52. Pico, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Thermodynamics and Rheology of Plasticized Block Copolymers", American Chemical Society Polymer Preprints, 17(2), 864.
    53. Lee, M.C.H. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Radial Flow of Viscoelastic Liquids. Part I: Theoretical", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 1, 323-341.
    54. Lee, M.C.H. and Williams, M.C., 1976, "Radial Flow of Viscoelastic Liquids. Part II: Experimental, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics", 1, 343-355.
    55. Stevenson, S.F. and Williams, M.C., 1977, "Shear-Induced Hemolysis with Commercial and Glow Discharge Silicones", Biomat Med Dev Art Org, 5, 67-96.
    56. Pico, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1977, "Thermodynamics of Plasticized Triblock Copolymers, Part I: Theory", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 15, 1585-1600.
    57. Pico, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1977, "Thermodynamics of Plasticized Triblock Copolymers. Part II: Model Verification by Light Transmittance and Rheology", Polymer Engineering Science, 17, 573-581.
    58. Hong, S.D., Hansen, D.R., Shen, M. and Williams, M.C., 1977, "Viscoelastic Properties of Entangled Polymers. II. The Interchain-Intrachain Entanglement Model", Journal Polymer Science, Polymer Phys Ed, 15, 1869-1883.
    59. Pico, E.R. and Williams, M.C., 1978, "Solvation and Phase Separation in ABA Block Copolymers", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 22, 445-457.
    60. Williams, M.C., 1979, Book Review: Mechanics of Non-Newtonian Fluid, by W.R. Schowalter; Pergamon, Oxford, 1978, Nature, 278, 583-584.
    61. Henderson, C.P. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "A Model for Triblock Copolymer Rheology", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Lett, 17, 257-261.
    62. Lijana, R.C. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Tetramethylbenzidine -- A Substitute for Benzidine in Hemoglobin Analysis", Journal of Laboratory Clinical Medicine, 94, 266-276.
    63. Offeman, R.D. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Material Effects in Shear-Induced Hemolysis", Biomat, Med Dev, Art Org, 7, 359-391.
    64. Offeman, R.D. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Observations on Shear-Induced Hemolysis", Biomat, Med Dev, Art Org, 7, 393-420.
    65. Castillo, C. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Rheology of Very Concentrated Coal Suspensions", Chemical Engineering Communications, 3, 529-547.
    66. Benedict, R.W. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Hemolysis with Red Cell Covered Surfaces", Biomat, Med Dev, Art Org, 7, 457-475.
    67. Benedict, R.W. and Williams, M.C., 1979, "Bonding Erythrocytes to Plastic Substrates by Glow-Discharge Activation", Biomat, Med Dev, Art Org, 7, 477-493.
    68. Martinez, C.B. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Viscosity and Microstructure of Polyethylene-Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Melt Blends: Some Simple Interpretations", Journal of Rheology, 24, 421-450.
    69. Monroe, J.M., Lijana, R.C. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Hemolytic Properties of Special Materials Exposed to a Shear Flow, and Plasma Changes with Shear", Biomat, Med Dev, Art Org, 8, 103-144.
    70. Soong, D.S., Shen, M. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Viscoelastic Properties of Entangled Polymers - The Transient Network Model". In Structure and Properties of Amorphous Polymers (ed. A.G. Walton), Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, 10, 1-21.
    71. Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Molecular Weight Dependence of G° J° : Predictions with the WS2H2 Model", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Letters, 18, 681-686.
    72. McAdams, J.E. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Viscometric Evidence of Low Molecular Weight Polymers as Theta Solvents", Macromolecules, 13, 858-861.
    73. Prentice, G.A. and Williams, M.C., 1980, "Numerical Evaluation of the State of Cure in a Vulcanizing Rubber Article", Rubber Chem Tech, 53, 1023-1031.
    74. Ho, P.K. and Williams, M.C., 1981, "Rheology of Polyphosphazene Melts and Solutions - Some Surprises", Polymer Engineering Science, 21, 233-248.
    75. Erickson, C.M., Goren, S.L. and Williams, M.C., 1981, "A Threshold Phenomenon in Coating Porous Surfaces with Aerosols. Applications to Antitranspirant Delivery", AIChE Journal, 27, 309-312.
    76. Liu, T.Y., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1981, "Time-Dependent Rheological Properties and Transient Structural States of Entangled Polymeric Liquids - A Kinetic Network Model", Polymer Engineering Science, 21, 675-687.
    77. Soesanto, T. and Williams, M.C., 1981, "Volumetric Interpretation of Viscosity for Concentrated and Dilute Sugar Solutions", Journal of Physical Chemistry, 85, 3338-3341.
    78. Monroe, J.M., True, D.E. and Williams, M.C., 1981, "Surface Roughness and Edge Geometries in Hemolysis with Rotating Disk Flow", Journal Biomed Mater Res, 15, 923-939.
    79. Diamant, J., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1982, "The Mechanical Properties of Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene Triblock Co-polymer Blends with Polystyrene and Styrene-Butadiene Copolymer", Polymer Engineering Science, 22, 673-683.
    80. Liu, T.Y., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1983, "Binary Blends of Monodisperse Polymers: Use of a Kinetic Network Model for Nonlinear Shear Stress Predictions in Entangled Polymer Fluids", Journal of Rheology, 27, 7-35.
    81. Chao, K.K. and Williams, M.C., 1983, "The Ductless Siphon: A Useful Test for Evaluating Dilute Polymer Solution Elongational Behavior. Consistency with Molecular Theory and Parameters", Journal of Rheology, 27, 451-474.
    82. Liu, T.Y., Mead, D.W., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1983, "A Parallel-Plate Rheometer for the Measurement of Steady-State and Transient Rheologica Properties", Rheologica Acta, 22, 81-89.
    83. Liu, T.Y., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Transients in the Structure and Stress of Entangled Polymers Subjected to Step Changes in Shear Rate", Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, 4, 557-574.
    84. Diamant, J., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Modeling the Viscoelastic Behavior of SBS Block Copolymer Solids", Contemporary Topics in Polymer Science, 4, 599-627.
    85. Chao, K.K., Child, C.A., Grens II, E.A. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Antimisting Action of Polymeric Additives in Jet Fuels", AIChE Journal, 30, 111-120.
    86. Manke, C.W., McAdams, J. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Concentration Dependence of Non-Newtonian Viscosity in Blended Theta Solvents", Makromol Chem, Rapid Commun, 5, 165-168.
    87. Beissinger, R.L. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "A Dual Mechanism for Low-Stress Hemolysis in Laminar Blood Flow", AIChE Journal, 30, 569-577.
    88. Liu, T.Y., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Transient and Steady Rheology of Polydisperse Entangled Melts. Predictions of a Kinetic Network Model, and Data Comparisons", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 22, 1561-1587.
    89. McAdams, J.E., Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Testing the Internal Viscosity Model with Viscous Theta Solutions, Proc. IX International Congress on Rheology, ed. B. Mena, A. Garcia-Renon, and C. Rangel-Nafaile; vol. 2, pp. 377-383, University of Mexico Press, Mexico City.
    90. Wildemuth, C.R. and Williams, M.C., 1984, "Viscosity of Suspensions Modeled with a Shear-Dependent Maximum Packing Fraction", Rheologica Acta, 23, 627-635.
    91. Henderson, C.P. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Influence of the Interphase on Block Copolymer Thermodynamics: Extension of the Leary Model", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 23, 1001-1029.
    92. Wildemuth, C.R. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "A New Interpretation of Viscosity and Yield Stress in Dense Slurries: Coal and Other Irregular Particles", Rheologica Acta, 24, 75-91.
    93. K. Kwong, Layter, J.G., Lindsey, C.S., Melnikoff, S.O., Shen, B.C., VanDalen, G.J. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Hydrocarbon Polymerization on Drift Chamber Wires", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 238, 265-272.
    94. Lee, M.C.H. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Application of a New Structural Theory to Polymers. I. Uniaxial Stress in Crosslinked Rubbers", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 23, 2243-2271.
    95. Beissinger, R.L. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Effects of Blood Storage on Rheology and Damage in Low-Stress Shear Flow", Biorheology, 22, 477-494.
    96. Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "The Role of Solvent Viscosity in Dilute-Solution Polymer Rheology", Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 19, 43-52.
    97. Henderson, C.P. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Asymmetric Composition Profiles in Block Copolymer Interphases. I. Experimental Evidence", Polymer, 26, 2021-2025.
    98. Henderson, C.P. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Asymmetric Composition Profiles in Block Copolymer Interfaces. II. Thermodynamic Model Predictions and Implications", Polymer, 26, 2026-2038.
    99. Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1985, "Internal Viscosity of Polymers and the Role of Solvent Resistance", Macromolecules, 18, 2045-2051.
    100. Diamant, J. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Microstructural Influences on Volumetric Properties of SBS Block Copolymers", Polymer Engineering Science, 26, 525-533.
    101. Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "The Internal-Viscosity Dumbbell in the High-IV Limit: Implications for Rheological Modeling", Journal of Rheology, 30, 19-28.
    102. Soo, H., Radke, C.J. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "A Filtration Model for the Flow of Dilute, Stable Emulsions in Porous Media. Parameter Evaluation and Estimation", Chemical Engineering Science, 41, 273-281.
    103. Mumley, T.E., Radke, C.J. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Kinetics of Liquid/Liquid Capillary Rise. Part I: Experimental Observations", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 109, 398-412.
    104. Mumley, T.E., Radke, C.J. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Kinetics of Liquid/Liquid Capillary Rise. Part II: Development and Test of Theory", Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 109, 413-425.
    105. McAdams, J.E. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Viscometric Properties of Viscous Theta Solutions of Monodisperse Polystyrene", Rheologica Acta, 25, 102-109.
    106. McAdams, R.E. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Testing Viscometric Predictions of the Internal Viscosity Model, Using Dilute Viscous Theta Solutions", Rheologica Acta, 25, 225-238.
    107. Spontak, R.J., Schooley, C.N. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Morphology of Bulk SBS Block Copolymers Prepared by Wet Cryo-Ultramicrotomy", Journal of Materials Science, 21, 3173-3178.
    108. Lijana, R.C. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "The Effects of Antibiotics on the Hemolytic Behavior of Red Cells", Cell Biophysics, 8, 223-241.
    109. Williams, M.C., April 1986, "Analysis of TPC Inner Drift Chamber Wire Coating. Proc. Workshop on Radiation Damage to Wire Chambers, J. Kadyk, ed., LBL-21170, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, pp. 25-46.
    110. Rabinovici, S.S., Mel, H.C. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Time-Evolution of Erythrocyte Physico-Chemical Properties in Blood Stored at Different Temperatures", Haemotologia, 19, 63-79.
    111. Ilano, A.L., Grens, E.A. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Degradation of Polymers during Aerosol Formation from Antimisting Polymer Solutions", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 32, 3649-3656.
    112. Wildemuth, C.R. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Response to the Preceding Comments by D. Quemada", Rheologica Acta, 25, 649-651.
    113. Lijana, R.D., Monroe, J.M. and Williams, M.C., 1986, "Changes in Shear-Induced Hemolysis due to Blood Additives: Synthetic Biopolymers and Asthma Drugs", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, Fundamentals", 25, 627-633.
    114. Lee, M.C.H. and Williams, M.C., 1987, "Application of a New Structural Theory to Polymers. II. Transition States for Amorphous Polymers and Copolymers", Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics, B26, 145-183.
    115. Hansen, P.J. and Williams, M.C., 1987, "Yield Stress and Flow Measurements in ABA Block Copolymers", Polymer Engineering Science, 27, 586-597.
    116. Lijana, R.C. and Williams, M.C., 1987, "Reduction of Hemolytic Blood Damage with Dextran", AIChE Journal, 33, 1218-1221.
    117. Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1987, "Stress Jump at the Inception of Shear and Elongational Flows of Dilute Polymer Solutions, due to Internal Viscosity", Journal of Rheology, 31, 495-510; Errata, ibid, 32, 401-402 1988.
    118. Johnson, M.A., Chang, J., Grens, E.A. and Williams, M.C., 1987, "The Effect of Antimisting Additives on Flammability of Jet Fuels", Chemical Engineering Communications, 56, 1-17.
    119. Rosenblatt, J.S., Soane, D.S. and Williams, M.C., Co-inventors, Sept. 9, 1987, "A Test Apparatus for the Determination of Red Blood Cell-Cell Adhesion and Rouleau Elasticity", [Patent disclosure].
    120. Hugenberger, G.S. and Williams, M.C., 1988, "The Complex Viscosity of Block Copolymer Solutions", Macromolecules, 21, 1773-1783.
    121. Spontak, R.J., Williams, M.C. and Agard, D.A., 1988, "The Interphase Composition Profile in SB/SBS Copolymers, Measured with Electron Microscopy, and Microstructural Implications", Macromolecules, 21, 1377-1387.
    122. Spontak, R.J., Agard, D.A. and Williams, M.C., 1988, "Three-Dimensional Study of Cylindrical Morphology in an SBS Block Copolymer", Polymer, 29, 387-395.
    123. Diamant, J., Soong, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1988, "Microstructural Diagnosis of Block Copolymer Nonlinear Mechanical Properties. I. Uniaxial Stress/Strain", Polymer Engineering Science, 28, 207-220.
    124. Rosenblatt, J.S., Soane, D.S. and Williams, M.C., 1988, "A Couette Rheometer Design for Minimizing Sedimentation and Red-Cell-Aggregation Artifacts in Low-Shear Blood Rheometry", Biorheology, 24, 811-816.
    125. Spontak, R.J. and Williams, M.C., 1988, "Microstructural Response of SiIm and SBS Block Copolymers to Heat Treatment", Polymer Journal, 20, 649-671.
    126. Diamant, J. and Williams, M.C., 1989, "Microstructural Diagnosis of Block Copolymer Nonlinear Mechanical Properties. II. Free Recovery from Large Tensile Deformations", Polymer Engineering Science, 29, 227-234.
    127. Diamant, J. and Williams, M.C., 1989, "Microstructural Diagnosis of Block Copolymer Nonlinear Mechanical Properties. III. Cycling Tensile Tests", Polymer Engineering Science, 29, 235-243.
    128. Spontak, R.J. and Williams, M.C., 1989, "Thermodynamics of Tapered Styrene-Butadiene Block Copolymers", Journal of Macromolecular Science - Physics, B28, 1-24.
    129. Spontak, R.J. and Williams, M.C., 1989, "Microstructural and Bulk Characterization of Two Poly(siloxane-imide) Multiblock Copolymers", Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 38, 1607-1640.
    130. Manke, C.W. and Williams, M.C., 1989, "Transient Stress Response Predicted by the Internal Viscosity Model in Shear Flow", Journal of Rheology, 33, 949-978; also 1990, ibid., 34, 279-280.
    131. Spontak, R.J. and Williams, M.C., 1990, "Predictions of Microstructure for Polydisperse Block Copolymers, Using Continuous Thermodynamics", Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 28, 1379-1407.
    132. Wise, J., Kadyk, J.A., Hess, D.W. and Williams, M.C., 1990, "Study of Plasma Chemistry in Wire Chambers by GC/MS", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 37, 470-477.
    133. Kadyk, J.A., Wise, J., Hess, D.W. and Williams, M.C., 1990, "Anode Wire Aging Tests with Selected Gases", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 37, 478-486.
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    152. Hussein, I.A. and Williams, M.C., 1998, "Rheological Evidence for High-Temperature Phase Transitions in Melts of High-Density Polyethylene", Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 19, 323-325.
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    156. Hussein, I.A. and Williams, M.C., 1999, "Anomalous Nonlinearities in Steady Shear of Polyethylene Melts", J Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, in press.
    157. Gao, D., Heimann, R.B., Williams, M.C., Wardhaugh, L.T. and Muhammad, M., 1999, "Rheological Properties of Poly(Acrylamide)-Bentonite Composite Hydrogels", J Materials Science, in press.


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