
Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta and also a Research Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Technological University. The Energy Mechatronics Laboratory (EML) is currently directed by him, where research in controls and energy systems is conducted by his team.

Prior to joining the faculty at the University of Alberta in July 2019, a tenured associate professorship (2017-2019) and an assistant professorship (2012-2017) were held by him at Michigan Technological University in the USA. Post-doctoral research was carried out by him at the Vehicle Dynamics & Control Laboratory at the University of California-Berkeley (2010-2012). His PhD in Mechanical Engineering was received from the University of Alberta in Canada in 2009. Over several years, work was done by him in control of dynamic systems within the automotive (2001-2004), robotics (2000-2001), and HVAC (1998-2000) industries.

As a member of ASME and SAE, research has been conducted by him over the past 19 years in the areas of vehicles/powertrains, buildings, and controls. His research has centered on the development of dynamical models and novel control techniques with applications in powertrain control, vehicular emissions reduction, hybrid electric vehicles, and building-to-smart grid integration. Over 150 refereed publications in vehicle/powertrain, energy systems, and controls have been authored by him.

Courses in controls, thermodynamics, hybrid electric vehicles, combustion engines, and alternative fuels have been taught by him. The 2016 SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award and the 2009 Zita and John Rosen Teaching Excellence Award at the University of Alberta were awarded to him. Supervision and mentoring have been provided by him to over 90 graduate and undergraduate students in research on experimental studies, modeling, and controls of energy systems, including powertrains and buildings. Additionally, several educational workshops in combustion engines have been designed and organized by him for high school teachers and students. The 2009 Province of Alberta Graduate Citizenship Award and the 2008 Award for Outstanding Contribution for “Most Youth Reached” in Canada’s National Let’s Talk Science program were also received by him.

Furthermore, reviews for over 20 international journals, including ASME, IEEE, and Elsevier, have been provided by him. Active membership in ASME Dynamic Systems & Control Division, has been maintained by him, where he serves as the chair of the Energy Systems technical committee and as vice-chair of the Automotive and Transportation Systems technical committee. Sessions in modeling, fault diagnosis, and control of automotive, transportation, and energy systems have been chaired and co-organized by him.