EML Leads Data Analysis in Alberta Zero-Emissions Fleet Fueling (AZEFF) Initiative - 07/03/25
The Alberta Zero-Emissions Fleet Fueling (AZEFF) project, with the Energy Mechatronics Lab (EML) as its data collection and analysis lead, is revolutionizing heavy-duty municipal transportation in Alberta by promoting hydrogen fuel adoption. In collaboration with the City of Edmonton, Diesel Tech Industries, and Hyzon, AZEFF aims to address challenges in the hydrogen value chain, establish transitional fueling infrastructure, and validate vehicle technology pathways, including hydrogen-diesel dual fuel and fuel cells. The initiative includes emissions monitoring, feasibility studies, and workforce training, building confidence in hydrogen-powered fleets. By collecting Alberta-specific data, AZEFF supports the transition to zero-emission fleets, marking a critical step toward sustainable heavy-duty transportation.
More information at ERA Post, Mobile Fuelling Project, City of Edmonton
EML Student Received GSA Graduate Student Research Assistant Award - 01/30/25
Mohamadali Tofigh, a Ph.D. candidate, has been selected as the recipient of the 2025 GSA Graduate Student Research Assistant Award. This prestigious award, presented by the Graduate Students' Association (GSA), University of Alberta, recognizes outstanding graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in research and significant contributions to their field. It highlights their dedication, innovation, and academic achievements as research assistants. Mohamadali’s recognition is a testament to his hard work and impact within our research community. Congratulations on this well-deserved honor! More details about the award can be found on the GSA website.
EML Students Awarded Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) - 12/09/24
Mohamadali Tofigh and Luo Jiang, both Ph.D. candidates, have been awarded the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES), a distinguished recognition for graduate students in Alberta who demonstrate exceptional academic excellence. Sponsored by the Government of Alberta, this scholarship seeks to attract and retain top-tier talent in advanced education and research within the province. Mohamadali and Luo were selected for this prestigious honor based on their remarkable academic accomplishments and their potential to contribute significantly to Alberta's research and innovation landscape. More details about the scholarship program can be found on the Alberta Innovates website.
EML Students Awarded Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship - 11/25/24
Mohamadali Tofigh and Hossein Mehnatkesh, Ph.D. candidates, have been awarded the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship in recognition of their exceptional contributions to research and innovation within Alberta's priority areas. Their achievement highlights their dedication to advancing science and technology, contributing to Alberta’s leadership in innovative research. More details about the scholarship program can be found on the Alberta Innovates website.
Dr. Shahbakhti Leads International Workshop on AI for Optimizing Vehicle Systems and Fleets - 9/27/24
Dr. Shahbakhti along with colleagues from Germany, Netherlands and USA held an international workshop on the role of AI in optimizing vehicle systems and fleets. The workshop was held at the 27th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Edmonton, Canada. Industry leaders and academics discussed advanced AI applications for reducing emissions and enhancing vehicle reliability through virtual validation. The event highlighted the potential of AI in driving advancements in autonomous vehicle technologies.
More information at LinkedIn Post
ZETT Research Getting Underway - 9/18/24
Energy Mechatronics Lab (EML) joined a new research project titled ZETT (Zero Emission Trucking Testbed). This initiative focuses on testing and developing cutting-edge solutions for sustainable trucking. An event showcasing the project, including a display of the trucks, took place at the Edmonton Expo Center on 9/26/24. Join us to learn more about the future of zero-emission transportation.
More information at AMTA Post
EML Student Awarded Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship - 11/25/23
Ali Mirzazade Akbarpoor, a Ph.D. candidate, has been awarded the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship in recognition of his exceptional contributions to research and innovation within Alberta's priority areas. Ali's achievement highlights his dedication to advancing science and technology, contributing to Alberta’s leadership in innovative research. More details about the scholarship program can be found on the Alberta Innovates website.
EML Student Awarded Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES) - 11/24/23
Amir-Reza Razmi, a Ph.D. candidate, has been honored with the Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship (AGES), a prestigious award designed to recognize and support the academic excellence of graduate students in Alberta. Funded by the Government of Alberta, AGES aims to attract and retain top talent in advanced education and research within the province. Amir-Reza is selected based on his outstanding academic achievements and potential to contribute to Alberta's research and innovation ecosystem. More details about the scholarship program can be found on the Alberta Innovates website.
AZEHT Advances Zero-Emission Transportation - 8/01/22
The Alberta Zero-Emissions Heavy Truck (AZEHT) project is actively advancing clean transportation by testing and deploying zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles across Alberta. This initiative focuses on integrating cutting-edge fuel cell and battery-electric technologies to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions within sectors traditionally dependent on diesel-powered trucks. AZEHT leverages state-of-the-art data collection tools to meticulously analyze vehicle performance, energy efficiency, and operational range under real-world conditions. These efforts are crucial for providing insights necessary to scale sustainable fleets. By demonstrating the practical feasibility and tangible benefits of zero-emission trucks, AZEHT is laying the groundwork for a cleaner, more resilient transportation future in Canada. Energy Mechatronics Lab (EML) is the project lead for data collection and analysis, and will work closely with Edmonton Transit Services (ETS), Strathcona County Transit, and New Flyer company.
More information at ERA Post
Three EML MS Students Graduate - 7/28/18
Rajeshwar Yadav, Kaushik Surresh, and Prithvi Reddy from Energy Mechatronics Lab (EML) graduated summer 2018. Their works center on modeling hybrid electric vehicles and automotive drivetrain for control applications. Rajeshwar and Kaushik join GKN Driveline and Caterpillar Inc., respectively, while Prithvi continues his research and becomes a PhD student at Michigan Tech. Congratulations to all of them!
Teaching Recognition - 5/09/18
Dr. Shahbakhti was recognized by the Michigan Tech Provost, Dr. Jacqueline Huntoon, as one of the top 10% instructors who received an exceptional student evaluation score for the Spring 2018 semester. This is the fourth time that Dr. Shahbakhti has been recognized by the Provost for his teaching in the past four years.
Akshat Graduates - 05/01/18
Akshat Raut successfully defended his MS dissertation and his commencement ceremony was held on May 1st, 2018. He currently works at Cummins Inc. His dissertation was titled "Model-based Control of an HCCI Engine." Well done, Akshat!
Marquis Who's Who in the World - 03/23/18
Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti has been selected for Marquis Who's Who in the World, which is comprised of the top 3% of the professionals in the world. This will appear in the 2018-2019 Who's Who Publication.
Best Paper Award - 6/10/17
Drs. Mehran Bidarvatan and Mahdi Shahbakhti received the Best Paper Award from the ASME Automotive and Transportation Systems (ATS) Technical Committee. The award was given for the paper titled "Energy Management of a Hybrid Electric Vehicle by Incorporating Powertrain Dynamics." This paper was presented at the ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference held in Columbus, OH, in October 2015. The ASME award was presented at the 2017 American Control Conference in Seattle, WA, USA.
Five EML Graduates in Spring Commencement - 5/15/15
Dr. Mohammad Reza Amini, Jayant Kumar Arora, Kaushik Kannan, Naga Nithin Teja Kondipati, and Dr. Boopathi Singalandapuram Mahadevan are the EML's two PhD and three MS students who graduated in the 2017 Spring Commencement. Their dissertations focused on areas including control theory, vehicle aftertreatment systems, and advanced IC engines. Dr. Mahadevan was co-advised by Prof. John Johnson. Congratulations to all of them!
Research Symposium Award - 03/17/17
Drew Hanover received the Third Place Award at Michigan Tech's Undergraduate Research Symposium held on March 17, 2017. He presented his EML research in the area of building energy efficiency and building-to-grid optimization. He was selected among the 72 students who participated in this event.
Outstanding Teaching Award - 02/28/17
Mohammad Reza (Amini) received the Outstanding Teaching Award at Michigan Tech for exhibiting "exceptional teaching abilities." Congratulations to Mohammad Reza!
Outstanding Scholarship Award - 02/16/17
Ali (Soloukmofrad) received the Michigan Tech Dean's Award for Outstanding Scholarship, recognizing his research performance and scholarly activities. Well-done, Ali!
PhD Thesis Defense - 01/27/17
Ali Soloukmofrad, the fourth EML PhD student, successfully defended his thesis on January 27, 2017. His thesis was titled "Model-based Control of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Low Temperature Combustion Engines."
Teaching Recognition - 01/13/17
Dr. Shahbakhti was recognized in the Provost’s List as one of the top 10% instructors among over 1050 evaluated sections/instructors university-wide at Michigan Tech University for teaching in Fall 2016. He also received the same recognition for teaching in Fall 2015.
Best Presentation Award - 12/24/16
EML's joint paper with Ford Motor Company received the Best Presentation Award at the SAE 2016 International Powertrains, Fuels & Lubricants Conference, held in Baltimore, MD, October 24-26, 2016. Ali Soloukmofrad was the first author of the paper and presented it as part of his PhD work. The paper is titled "Fuel Economy Benefits of Integrating a Multi-Mode Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) Engine in a Series Extended Range Electric Powertrain." The co-authors of the paper include Mohammad Shakiba, Kaushik Kannan, Hamit Solmaz, Mehran Bidarvatan, Nithin Kondipati, Paul Dice, and Mahdi Shahbakhti.
PhD Thesis Defense - 12/15/16
Boopathi Mahadevan, the third EML PhD student, successfully defended his thesis on December 15, 2016. He was co-advised by Prof. John Johnson.
EML's Research Media Coverage - 11/08/16
EML's presentation at the SAE 2016 Range Extenders for Electric Vehicles Symposium was highlighted in GreenCarCongress.com in an article entitled "SAE REX: PHEVs and REEVs could open door for advanced combustion regime engines." Read more...
Best Student Paper Award - 10/21/16
EML's joint paper with UC Berkeley and Stanford University was selected for the six best student papers among the 233 papers submitted at the 2016 ASME Dynamics and Control Systems Conference (DSCC) held in Minneapolis, MN, October 12-14, 2016. The paper is titled "Handling Model and Implementation Uncertainties via an Adaptive Discrete Sliding Mode Controller Design." Mohammad Reza Amini was the first author of the paper and co-authors include Mahdi Shahbakhti, Selina Pan, and Karl Hedrick.
MS Graduations - 08/01/16
Kaushik Kannan, Jayant Arora, and Nithin Teja Kondipati successfully defended their theses and graduated with MS in Mechanical Engineering in Summer 2016. Congratulations to all of them!
Best Presentation Awards - 7/15/16
Presentations by MohammadReza (Amini) and Meysam (Razmara) were both selected as the best presentation of the session at the 2016 American Control Conference in Boston, July 4-6, 2016. MohammadReza presented the paper "Discrete Sliding Controller Design with Robustness to Implementation Imprecisions via Online Uncertainty Prediction" and Meysam presented the paper "Novel Exergy-Wise Predictive Control of Internal Combustion Engines."
PhD Graduation - 06/22/16
Meysam Razmara, the second EML PhD student, successfully defended his thesis and graduated with PhD in Mechanical Engineering in Summer 2016. Congratulations to Dr. Meysam Razmara!
SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award - 02/15/16
Dr. Mahdi Shahbakhti has been selected to receive the 2016 SAE Ralph Teetor Educational Award. This international award recognizes top engineering educators. The award will be presented at the 2016 SAE World Congress, April 11-14, 2016, in Detroit.
Outstanding Scholarship Award - 02/09/16
Meysam (Razmara) received the Outstanding Scholarship Award in the Mechanical Engineering Department, recognizing his research performance and scholarly activities. Congratulations to Meysam!
PhD Graduation - 12/18/15
Mehran Bidarvatan, the first EML PhD student, graduated with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering in December 2015. Congratulations to Dr. Mehran Bidarvatan!
Outstanding Teaching Award - 10/16/15
Meysam (Razmara) received the Outstanding Teaching Award in the Mechanical Engineering Department recognizing his teaching performance. Congratulations to Meysam!
Best Presentation Award - 6/15/15
Seyfi Polat received the best presentation award for presenting his EML work at the International Research Conference on Engineering, Science and Management (IRCESM) in Dubai, June 3-4, 2015. The paper is entitled "An Experimental Study for the Effects of Supercharging on Performance and Combustion of an Early Injection HCCI Engine." Authors include Seyfi Polat, Kaushik Kannan, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Ahmet Uyumaz, and Serdar Yücesui. Well-done, Seyfi!
Doctoral Finishing Fellowship - 5/15/15
Mehran (Bidarvatan) received a Doctoral Finishing Fellowship in Summer 2015. Mehran was the only recipient from the MEEM Department. Congratulations to Mehran!
First EML Graduates - 5/15/15
The first five EML students graduated in the 2015 Spring Commencement. Jeremy Dobbs, Mohammad Reza Nazemi, Madhura Paranjape, Hrishikesh Saigaonka, and Vishal Thakkar are the EML's MS students who completed their dissertations in areas ranging from building energy efficiency to advanced combustion engines. Congratulations to all of them!
Mehran Wins Two Dean's Awards - 4/15/15
Mehran Bidarvatan's research and teaching efforts were recognized by two Dean's awards including the Award for Outstanding Scholarship and the Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher in 2015. Well-done, Mehran!
Best Paper Award - 6/11/14
Dr. Shahbakhti received the Best Paper Award from the ASME Automotive and Transportation Systems (ATS) Technical Committee. This award was given for the co-authored paper titled "Impact of Implementation Imprecision on Sliding Mode Controller Design for Automotive Cold Start Emissions" by Andreas Hansen, Mahdi Shahbakhti, and J. Karl Hedrick. This paper was presented at the 2012 ASME Dynamics and Control Systems Conference (DSCC) held in Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2012. The ASME award was presented at the 2014 American Control Conference in Portland, OR.
LTC Engine Ready to Run - 12/24/13
After eight months of diligent group work, EML's low temperature combustion (LTC) engine is ready to run at APSRC. The engine will be used for research on LTC combustion modes including PCCI, RCCI, and HCCI. The picture above shows some of the EML members working on the LTC powertrain - from left: MohammadReza Nazemi, Kaveh Khodadadi, Ninad Ghike, Deepak Kothari, Zhao Han, Mahdi Shahbakhti, Anupkumar Ketkale, Vishal Thakkar, Paul Dice, Fouad Ahmed, Hrishikesh Saigaonka, and Dennis Xiong.
Best Student Paper Award - 10/31/13
EML's joint paper with UC Berkeley was selected among the five best student papers at the 2013 ASME Dynamics and Control Systems Conference (DSCC) held in Stanford, CA, October 21-23, 2013. The paper is titled "Simultaneous State Estimation and Parameter Adaptation for Building Predictive Control." Authors include Mehdi Maasoumy, Barzin Moridian, Meysam Razmara, Mahdi Shahbakhti, and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
First International EML Presentation - 4/22/13
Mehran presented recent EML work on "Two-Input Two-Output Control of Blended Fuel HCCI Engines" on April 18, 2013, at the 2013 SAE World Congress.