

Marilyn Abbott, PhD
Professor, TESL
Educational Psychology

Research Projects

Selected Research Grants

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Grant. TESL Online Professional Reading Group Processes and Practices. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 2021.

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Grant. Uses of Twitter in the Field of Teaching English as a Second Language. Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 2020.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant, Portfolio-based Language Assessment in Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Literacy Classes: The Need for Data to Guide Policy and Practice, 2018.

Pathways to Prosperity Research Grant, Western University (SSHRC funded project), Pilot Study of Portfolio-Based Language Assessment in LINC Literacy Classes: The Need for Data to Guide Policy and Practice, 2017.

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Grant, Developing an Interpretive Argument to Guide the Use of Portfolio-based Language Assessment in Beginning Adult English Language Literacy Classes, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, 2017.

Office of the Vice-President (Research) Bridge Funding Award, Establishing, Sustaining and Facilitating Professional Reading Groups in Diverse Adult ESL Programs, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigator Dr. Marian Rossiter, 2016.

Killam Research Operating Grant, Promoting Evidence-Informed Second Language Instructional Practices. Co-investigator with Principal Investigator Dr. Marian Rossiter, Killam Research Fund, University of Alberta, 2014.

Faculty of Education New Research Project Award, Linking Accessible Assessment to Appropriate Interventions for ESL Learners, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Dr. Lynn McQuarrie and Dr. J. P. Das, 2012.

Office of the Vice-President (Research) New Research Project Award, Linking Accessible Assessment to Appropriate Interventions for ESL Learners, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Dr. Lynn McQuarrie and Dr. J. P. Das, 2012.

Technology Innovation Grant in Education and Research (TIGER), Computerized Cognitive Assessment Battery (CCAB) Pilot Study and Field Test, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Dr. Lynn McQuarrie and Dr. J. P. Das, 2012.

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Grant, Research Engagement within the Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Community, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigator Dr. Marian Rossiter, 2011.

Killam Research Operating Grant, The impact of verbal load on the accuracy and automaticity of cognitive processing, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Dr. Lynn McQuarrie and Dr. J. P. Das, Killam Research Fund, University of Alberta, 2010.

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Standard Research Grant, Equitable Assessment and Associated Interventions for ESL Learners, Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Dr. Lynn McQuarrie and Dr. J. P. Das, 2011.

Science of Learning Center on Visual Language and Visual Learning Grant, Diagnostic assessment tools: Development of an ASL phonological awareness measure for young children ages 4-7 (Phase 2), National Science Foundation, Co-investigator with Dr. Lynn McQuarrie, Principal Investigator, 2011.

Science of Learning Center on Visual Language and Visual Learning Grant, Diagnostic assessment tools: Development of a spoken language phonological awareness measure and a sign language phonological awareness measure for young children ages 4-7 (Phase 1). National Science Foundation, Co-investigator with Dr. Lynn McQuarrie, Principal Investigator, 2010.

Support for the Advancement of Scholarship (SAS) Grant, Comparing reading accuracy and fluency in Deaf skilled readers, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Co-investigator with Dr. Lynn McQuarrie, Principal Investigator, 2009.

Alberta Employment and Immigration Grant, Meeting key rural ESL instructors’ PD needs, Government of Alberta, Co-investigator with Dr. Marian Rossiter, Principal Investigator, 2008.

Field Experience Project Grant, Meeting low proficiency English as a second language learners’ English language needs, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta, Principal Investigator with Co-investigator Dr. Bill Dunn, 2008.

Alberta Advisory Committee for Educational Studies (AACES) Grant, Development of reading in bilingual Deaf children, Co-investigator with Dr. Lynn McQuarrie, Principal Investigator, 2007.