Courses Taught
Educational Psychology 413 Principles and Practice in Teaching ESL Learners
Focuses on strategies for adapting instruction to accommodate ESL learners. Content-based instruction, and second language literacy and assessment are also covered. EDPY 413 provides K-12 preservice and inservice teachers with opportunities to explore ways to create rich language and content learning environments in their classrooms.
Educational Psychology 416 Introduction to the Teaching of ESL
Includes a synopsis of theories of second language learning, a historical overview of second language teaching, and an examination of cognitive and affective factors affecting learners’ acquisition. Features of the learning context are also discussed. EDPY 416 is a required course for the TESL Diploma and a prerequisite for the MEd in TESL.
Educational Psychology 501 Introduction to Research Methods
Introduces students to the fundamental concepts, principles, and techniques employed in educational and psychological research. EDPY 501 is a required course for the MEd in TESL, and it also provides partial fulfillment of graduate ethics requirements.
Educational Psychology 587 Teaching and Researching Language Learning Strategies
Provides students with the knowledge and skills to increase second language learners’ metacognitive awareness and their knowledge and use of language learning strategies. Topics covered include helping learners plan, monitor and evaluate their language learning; and teaching listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, retrieval, rehearsal, communication, translation, and test-taking strategies. Issues related to researching and assessing second language learning and use strategies are also explored.
Educational Psychology 591 Teaching Reading and Literacy to ESL Learners
Explores selected theories and factors that affect the teaching of reading to ESL learners, both those who are limited in their L1 literacy and highly educated individuals. Practical approaches to reading instruction are a focus of the course.
Educational Psychology 593 ESL Assessment and Evaluation
Provides an introduction to assessment practices and procedures in the area of English as a second/foreign language. The course focuses on four areas related to ESL assessment and evaluation: describing and interpreting assessments, constructing tests, standardized ESL tests, and issues in assessment. The aim is to provide participants with a research-based framework that will support pedagogical decision-making concerning second language (L2) testing.
Educational Psychology 597 Teaching Listening to ESL Learners
The purpose of this course is to assist teachers in developing a comprehensive approach to teaching listening that helps learners meet the challenges associated with authentic listening.
Educational Psychology 597/697 Content and Language Integrated Learning for ESL Adults
Examines the literature in several areas of content and language integrated instruction: predictors of English language learner achievement; evidence for the effectiveness of program delivery models; best practices in the instruction of ESL learners; creation of optimal ESL learning environments; and best practices in educational diagnosis and assessment of ESL learners.
Educational Psychology 903 TESL Capping Project
The objective of this course is to conduct practical research that is of interest to the wider ESL teaching community. EDPY 903 focuses on conducting independent research, synthesizing information from different sources, and presenting it in a clear, user-friendly manner.