Dr Deng is persistently interested in the research
and education of geotechnical earthquake engineering covering the fields
- Dynamic soil-structure interaction
- Pile foundations
- Infrastructure in cold regions
- Climate adaptation
- Ground improvement
For undergraduate students who would like to conduct a summer research project at UAlberta, follow the MITACT - GlobalLink Program and search for my projects or any other projects interesting to you.
For students who would like to pursue graduate studies with me, please contact me directly.
Since joining UAlberta, Dr. Deng has successfully secured numerous
research grants from:
- NSERC - Discovery Grants
- NSERC - Collaborative R&D program
- NSERC - Engage program
Connect program
- University of Alberta
- A number of industrial partners.
Selected research projects for which I am the PI:
- Rocking
Shallow Foundations for Improving Seismic Performance of Soil-Structure
Source: NSERC – Discovery Grants, 2014 – 2018
- Innovative
Rock Foundation for Earthquake Risk Mitigation
Source: UAlberta,
2015 - 2017
- Behaviour
of Tapered Screw Pile Foundations in Unfrozen and Frozen Soils
Source: NSERC – Collaborative R&D program, 2015 – 2018
- Centrifuge Modeling of Axial Behaviour of Helical Piles
Source: NSERC - Collaborative R&D program, 2016 - 2019
- Investigating Engineering Properties of Cemented Cohesive Soils as Foundation Support
Source: NSERC - Collaborative R&D program, 2016 - 2019