Lijun Deng, PhD, PEng, Associate Professor
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Khidri*, M., Liu*, C., Deng, L. 2025. Numerical analysis of screw micropiles under lateral loads via BNWF method. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, in press.

Han, W., Wang, S., Deng, L., Liu, W., and Sun, W. 2024. Algorithm for the treatment of boundary conditions in NMM-SPH coupling models: the interface element-wise boundary particle scheme. Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 174, 106655-17

Hao, Z., Feng, J., Xu, G., Tong, Z., and Deng, L. 2024. Model testing of dynamic response of loess to impact load from helicopter landing. Geomechanics and Geoengineering, 1–16.

Liu*, C., Berard, C., and Deng, L. 2024. Using CT scanning to quantify the microstructure change due to F/T cycles in highly-cemented clay. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 435, 136704-12.

Imamura*, F.B.T., Chen, Y., Deng, L., and Chui, Y.H. 2024. Moisture and mould growth risk of cross-laminated timber basement walls: laboratory and field investigation. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 428, 136150-13.

Liu, C.H., Weng, J., Deng, L., Wang, Y. and Fang, Q. 2024. Numerical investigation of phase relationship between kinematic and inertial loads of piles behind a quay wall in liquefiable ground. Computers and Geotechnics, vol. 170, 106265-11.

Khidri*, M., and Deng, L. 2024. Field lateral behaviour of full-scale screw micropiles in cohesive and cohesionless soils. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, vol. 142, 3711-3730.

Dourado*, J., Deng, L., Chen, Y., and Chui, Y.H. 2024. Foundations in Permafrost of Northern Canada: Review of Geotechnical Considerations in Current Practice and Design Examples. Geotechnics, MDPI, 4(1), 285-308.

Liu, C.H., Zhang, Q., Zhao, C., Deng, L., and Fang, Q. 2023. Assessment of strength development of soil stabilized with cement and nano SiO2. Construction and Building Materials, 409, 133889-12.

Li*, W., Islam*, N., and Deng, L. 2023. Large deformation finite element analyses of axially loaded helical piles in cohesive soils. Computers and Geotechnics, 164, 105819 -14.

Zhang*, Y., Li*, W., Penner, L., Deng, L. 2024. SPT-based empirical method for estimating axial capacities of single-helix piles in sand. Acta Geotechnica, 19(3), 1581- 1595.

Liu, J., Camacho-Botello*, J.C., Teng, J. and Deng, L. 2023. Use of screw pile foundations to reduce temperature of warming permafrost: lab tests and numerical modeling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 226, 120263-13.

Gao*, S., Sego, D.C., and Deng, L. 2023. Long-term axial performance of continuous-flight pile in frozen soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 60(12), 1835-1848.

Liu*, C., Berard, C., and Deng, L. 2023. Engineering behavior of cement-treated stiff clay subjected to freezing/thawing cycles. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 206, 103743-12.

Liu*, C., Berard, C., and Deng, L. 2022. Review of the Effects of Freezing/Thawing Cycles on Engineering Properties of Soilcrete. Geotechnics, MDPI, 2(4), 1003-1026. (Open Access)

Gao*, S., Sego, D.C., and Deng, L. 2023. Short-term axial loading of screw pile in frozen soil. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 60(4), 541 – 554.

Liu*, C., Anderson, R., Gopie, N., and Deng, L. 2022. Field performance of wood blocking method for remediating a building in the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 12(4), 875-889.

Sharma*, K., Bin, J., and Deng, L. 2022. Performance-based seismic design of rocking shallow foundations in cohesive soil: Methodology and numerical validation, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 159, 107244-14.

Daneshvar, H., Fakhrzarei, M., Imamura*, F.B.T., Chen, Y., Deng, L., and Chui, Y.H. 2022. Structural analysis and design of sustainable cross-laminated timber foundation walls. Buildings, MDPI, 12(7), 979-1005.

Xu, C., Jiang, Z., Du, X., Deng, L., and Li, Z. 2022. Seismic responses of sand and parameters estimation using 1-g shaking table tests. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 21(3), 591-604.

Li*, W., Deng, L., and Chalaturnyk, R. 2022. Centrifuge modeling of axially loaded helical piles in cohesive soils. Soils and Foundations, 62(3), 101141-15.

Khidri*, M., and Deng, L. 2022. Field axial loading tests of screw micropiles in sand. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 59(3), 458-472.

Khidri*, M., and Deng, L. 2021. Field axial cyclic loading tests of screw micropiles in cohesionless soil. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 143, 106601-11.

Sharma*, K. and Deng, L. 2021. Effects of loading obliquity on field performance of rocking shallow foundations in cohesive soil. Geotechnique, 71(4), 320 – 333.

Tang, L., Wang, X., Jin, L., Deng, L., and Wu, D. 2021. Frost heave and thawing settlement of frozen soils around concrete piles: a laboratory model test. ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 49(2), 949-966. 

Tang, L., Wang, K., Deng, L., Yang, G., Chen, J., and Jin, L. 2019. Axial loading behaviour of laboratory concrete piles subjected to permafrost degradation, Cold Regions Science and Technology, 166, 102820-9.

Luis*, A., Deng, L., Shao, L, and Li, H. 2019. Triaxial behaviour and image analysis of Edmonton Clay treated with cement and fly ash. Construction and Building Materials, 197, 208-219.

Sharma*, K. and Deng, L. 2020. Field testing of rocking foundations in cohesive soil: cyclic performance and footing mechanical response. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 57(6), 828 - 821.

Sharma*, K., and Deng, L. 2019. Characterization of Rocking Shallow Foundations on Cohesive Soil using Field Snap-back Tests. ASCE Journal of Geotech and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 145(9), 04019058- 10.

Hakhamaneshi, M., Kutter, B.L., Gavras, A.G., Gajan, S., Gazetas, G., Anastasopoulos, I., Paolucci, R., Kouno, T., Deng, L., Tsatsis, A., Liu, W., Pianese, G., Sharma*, K. 2020. Foundation rocking database of slow cyclic and monotonic loading experiments. Earthquake Spectra, 36(3), 1585-1606.

Gavras, A.G., Kutter, B.L., Hakhamaneshi, M., Gajan, S., Tsatsis, A., Sharma*, K., Kouno, T., Deng, L., Anastasopoulos, I., and Gazetas, G. 2020. Database for rocking shallow foundation performance in dynamic experiments, Earthquake Spectra, 36(2), 960-982.

Zhao, Z., and Deng, L. 2020. Initiation mechanism of Jiweishan high-speed rockslide in Chongqing, China. Natural Hazards, 103(3), 3765-3781.

Luis*, A., and Deng, L. 2020. Development of mechanical properties of Edmonton stiff clay treated with cement and fly ash. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 14(3), 329-339.

Yang*, X., de Lucas, M.P., Ibanez, M., Deng, L., Sittoni, L., Ulrich, A., and Chen, Q. 2020. Improving engineering properties of mature fine tailings using tubifex. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 47(7), 812-821.

Sharma*, K., and Deng, L. 2019. Reconnaissance report on geotechnical engineering aspect of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 23 (3), 512 – 537.

Sharma*, K., Deng, L., and Khadka, D. 2019. Reconnaissance of liquefaction case studies in 2015 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake and assessment of liquefaction susceptibility. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 13(4), 326 – 338.

Guo*, Z., Khidri*, M., and Deng, L. 2019. Field loading tests of screw micropiles under axial cyclic and monotonic Loads. Acta Geotechnica, 14 (6), 1843-1856.

Lanyi-Bennett*, S.A., and Deng, L. 2019. Axial load testing of helical pile groups in glaciolacustrine clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 56(2), 187-197. Editor's Choice.

Lanyi-Bennett*, S.A., and Deng, L. 2019. Effects of inter-helix spacing and soil setup on the behaviour of axially loaded helical piles in cohesive soil. Soils and Foundations, 59 (2), 337-350.

Li*, W., and Deng, L. 2018. Axial load tests and numerical modeling of single-helix piles in cohesive and cohesionless soils. Acta Geotechnica, 14 (2), 461-475.

Li*, W., Zhang, D., Sego, D.C., and Deng, L. 2018. Field testing of axial performance of large-diameter helical piles at two soil sites. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(3), 06017021- 5.

Guo*, Z., and Deng, L. 2018. Field behaviour of screw micropiles subject to axial loading in cohesive soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(1), 34-44. Editor's Choice.

Feng, D., Zhang, J., and Deng, L. 2018. Three-dimensional monotonic and cyclic behavior of a gravel-steel interface from large-scale simple-shear tests. Canadian Geotechnical Journal. 55(11): 1668-1681.

Zhao, S., and Deng, L. 2018. Analyses of embedded piles reinforced landslides using strength reduction finite element method. International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 12 (4), 389 - 401.

Liu, C.H., Tang, L., Ling, X., Deng, L., Su, L., and Zhang, X. 2017. Investigation of liquefaction-induced lateral load on pile group behind quay wall. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 102, 56-64.

Yang*, X., de Lucas Pardo, M., Ibanez, M., Deng, L., Sittoni, L., Ulrich, A., and Chen, Q. 2016. Addition of Tubifex accelerates dewatering of oil sands tailings. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 43(12), 1125 - 1133.

Sharma*, K., Deng, L., and Noguez, C. C. 2016. Field investigation on the performance of building structures during the 25 April, 2015, Gorkha earthquake in Nepal. Engineering Structures, Elsevier, 121, 61-74. 

Liang, J., Guo*, Z., Deng, L., Liu, Y. 2015. MFT consolidation through microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42(11), 975-978.

Deng, L., and Kutter, B. L., Kunnath, S. K. 2014. Seismic Design of Rocking Shallow Foundations: Displacement-Based Methodology. ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 19(11), 04014043-11.

Deng, L., Kutter, B. L., and Kunnath, S. K. 2012. Centrifuge modeling of bridge systems designed for rocking foundations. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 138(3), 335–344.

Deng, L., and Kutter, B. L. 2012. Characterization of rocking shallow foundation using centrifuge model tests. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 41(5),1043–1060.

Deng, L., Kutter, B. L., and Kunnath, S. K. 2012. Probabilistic seismic performance of rocking-foundation and hinging-column bridges. Earthquake Spectra, 28(4), 1423-1446.

Yu, Y., Deng, L., Sun, X., and Lu, H. 2010. Centrifuge modeling of dynamic behavior of pile-reinforced slopes during earthquakes. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 17(5), 1070-1078.

Yu, Y., Deng, L., Sun, X., and Lu, H. 2008. Centrifuge modeling of dry sandy slope response to earthquake loading. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 6(3), 447-461.

Yu, Y., Deng, L. 2007. Centrifuge modeling of seismic behavior of slopes reinforced by stabilizing pile. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (Chinese edition), 29(9), 1320-1323.