Cognitive Psychology
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• textbook errata: - Module 3, Chapter 3, Slide 3.3 Anatomical Divisions of the Cortex - 1: “Left Hemisphere (Spatial processing)” should be “Left Hemisphere (Language processing)” and “Right Hemisphere (Language processing)” should be “Right Hemisphere (Spatial processing)” - Module 3, Chapter 3, Slide 3.3 Anatomical Divisions of the Cortex - 2: “Anatomical subdivisions are based on physical structures of the cortex with regard to their function.” should be “...without regard to their function.” - Module 3, Chapter 3, Slide 3.4.1 Neuropsychology - 3: “Right hemispheric stroke patients show language impairments.” should be “Left hemispheric stroke patients show language impairments.” and “Left hemispheric stroke patients show coordination difficulties.” should be “Right hemispheric stroke patients show coordination difficulties.” - Module 3, Chapter 3, Slide Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging - 2: “Temporal Resolution: Cannot measure where brain activity...” should be “Temporal Resolution: Cannot measure when brain activity...”. And “Spatial Resolution: Can measure when brain activity...” should be “Spatial Resolution: Can measure where brain activity...”. - Module 3, Chapter 3: Slide 3.6 Artificial Intelligence - 1: The weighted sum shown in the box on the right is “.7” and should be “.9” (0.3*2)+(0.2*3)+(0.3*-1)=(0.6)+(0.6)+(-0.3)=0.9 - Module 4 - Chapter 4: Section 4.2.1 The Visual Sensory System: the sentence “The fact that light has to pass through this small hole in front of the eye ensures that light from specific locations hits specific parts of the retina; that is to focus the image.” is not correct. It is the lens (and the cornea) that focuses the incoming light rays. The function of the pupil is to control the amount of light entering the eye: the pupil dilates (gets larger) under low-light conditions to let in more light and make it easier to see. Conversely, under bright conditions, the pupil constricts to protect the photoreceptors. To some extent, changing the size of the pupil affects the depth of field, which can in turn affect the sharpness of the image on the retina. But it is not correct to describe the pupil as “focusing” the image. - Module 4 - Chapter 4: Question 4.4: the coded answers are “Pupil, Pupils, The Pupil, The Pupils, and pupil.” but should be “lens” - Module 4 - Chapter 4: Section 4.3.3, the pop-up definition of bottom-up processing: “that is applied generally too all” should be “that is applied generally to all” - Module 7 - Chapter 7: Section 7.2.2: the pop-up definition of free-recall task: “A type of memory task in which the experimental subject must simply remember as many items as they can from a memorized list without and cues or prompts.” should be “...any cues or prompts.”
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