Canada Research Chair (Tier 2)
in Data Analytics in Subsurface Flow Systems
Ph.D. (petroleum engineering), University of Texas at Austin (2010)
Dissertation Title: Reservoir modeling accounting for scale-up of heterogeneity and
transport processes
Dissertation Advisor: Dr. Sanjay Srinivasan
M.S. (petroleum engineering), University of Texas at Austin (2004)
Thesis Title: A new analog for numerical flow simulations. Application to direct assessment
of reservoir flow
performance uncertaintieslink
Thesis Advisor: Dr. Sanjay Srinivasan
B.Sc. with Distinction (chemical engineering), University of Calgary (2002)
Academic Experience
Professor, University of Alberta (2021 - present)
Associate Professor, University of Alberta (2016-2021)
Assistant Professor, University of Alberta (2010-2016)
Graduate Research Assistant, University of Texas at Austin (2002-2004, 2007-2010)
Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Frontiers of Subsurface Energy Security (CFSES),
University of Texas at Austin (2009-2010)
Professional Experience Engineering Intern, ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, Houston,
TX, USA (2008)
Reservoir Engineer, Unconventional Gas, Shell Canada Ltd., Calgary, AB, Canada (2004-2006)
Research Assistant, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA (2003)
Ewha Global Fellow (2024-2026)
SPE Regional Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering
Faculty - Canada Region (2022) Faculty of Engineering Undergraduate
Teaching Award (2020)
Faculty of Engineering Graduate
Teaching Award (2020)
Faculty of Engineering Mid-Career
Research Award (2019) Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Great Supervisor Award
(2018) P.E.O. (Philanthropic Educational Organization) Scholar Award
David Bruton, Jr. Graduate School Fellowship (2008)
Department of Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering Fellowship
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) PostgraduateScholarship (PGS A) (2002)
Dean’s Research Excellence Award (2002)
Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists And
Geophysicists of Alberta Gold Medals in Chemical Engineering
Society of Chemical Industry Merit Award (Chemical Engineering)
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC) UndergraduateStudent Research Award (2001)
Alberta Heritage Scholarship (Louise McKinney) (2001)
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Prize (2001)
Clifford C. Burton Scholarship (2001) Alberta Heritage Scholarship (Louise
McKinney) (2000)
University of Calgary Undergraduate Merit Award (1999)
TransAlta Corporation Memorial Scholarship (1999) University of Calgary - Faculty of Engineering Scholarship
(1998) Governor General’s Academic Medal - Bronze (1998)
Major Editorships
Executive Editor, Journal of Geoenergy
Science and Engineering (2023 - present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering
(2018 - present)
Associate Editor, Journal of Natural Gas Engineering (2015 -
Lead Guest Editor, Mathematical Geosciences Special Issue: IAMG 2019 (2019 - 2020)
Major Professional Activities
Secretary General,
International Association of Mathematical Geosciences (2020-2024)
Secretary, SPE Edmonton Section (2021-2024)
Program Committee,
Wokshop: Subsurface Data Analytics (2020)
Program Committee & Session Chair,
SPE Canada
Unconventional Resources Conference (2017, 2018, 2020)
NSERC Collaborative Research and Development Selection Committee for Energy, Environment and
Resources (2019)
Co-chair, 20th Annual Conference
of the International Association for Mathematical Geosciences
(IAMG), Pennsylvania State University (2019)
Strategic Network Grants Selection Committee (2018)
Session Chair, InterPore 10th Annual Meeting and Jubilee, New Orleans (2018)