Director, ACLMR Co-Director, IPE Professor, Economics
University of Alberta
7-29 Tory (H.M.) Building 11211 Saskatchewan Drive NW Edmonton, Alberta (AB) Canada T6G 2H4
+1 (780) 492-9425 (weekdays) +1 (780) 758-6507 (weekends) |
"Canada's "COVID-19 Referendum": Voting in the Early Federal Election of 2021," with Y. Wang, University of Alberta, Department of Economics, Working Paper 2024-11. |
"First to $15: Alberta's Minimum Wage Policy on Employment by Wages, Ages, and Places," with S. Fossati, Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR) Review, 2024, 77(1), 119-142. |
"Loss of Life and Labor Productivity: The Canadian Opioid Crisis," with A. Cheung and P. Mark, Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2022, 703(1), 303-323. [honorable mention for the 2023 Doug Purvis Memorial Prize] |
"How Local Economic Conditions Affect School Finances, Teacher Quality, and Student Achievement: Evidence from the Texas Shale Boom," with J. Weber, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2020, 39(1), 36-63. |
"Local Labor Markets and Natural Resources: A Synthesis of the Literature," with J. Weber, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2018, 32(2), 469-490. |
"The Distributional Impacts of an Energy Boom in Western Canada," Canadian Journal of Economics, 2015, 48(2), 714-735. |
"Does the Retirement Consumption Puzzle Differ Across the Distribution?," with J. Fisher, Journal of Economic Inequality,
2014, 12(2), 279-296. |
"New Casinos and Local Labor Markets: Evidence from Canada," with B. Humphreys, Labour Economics, 2013,
24, 151-160. |
"The Supply and Demand Factors Behind the Relative Earnings Increases in Urban China at the Turn of the 21st Century," with H. Gao
and T. Song, Comparative Economic Studies, 2013, 55(1), 121-143. |
"The U.S. Gender Gap Through the Great Recession using an Alternative Approach to Cyclicality," with S. Olfert, Applied Economics Letters,
2013, 20(3), 276-281. |
"Local Labor Market Impacts of Energy Boom-Bust-Boom in Western Canada," Journal of Urban Economics, 2012, 71(1), 165-174. |
"Identifying the Poorest Older Americans," with J. Fisher, D. Johnson, T. Smeeding, and B. Torrey, Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 2009, 64B(6), 758-766. |
"The Retirement Consumption Conundrum: Evidence from a Consumption Survey," with J. Fisher, D. Johnson, T. Smeeding, and B. Torrey, Economics
Letters, 2008, 99(3), 482-485. |
"Ranking Inequality: Applications of Multivariate Subset Selection," with W. Horrace and T. Smeeding, Journal
of Economic Inequality, 2008, 6(1), 5-32. |
"No Place Like Home: Older Adults and Their Housing," with J. Fisher, D. Johnson, T. Smeeding, and B. Torrey, Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 2007, 62B(2), S120-S128. |
with T. Smeeding. In J. Piggott and A. Woodland (eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging,
2016, Volume 1B, Elsevier, 905-950. |
"The Distributional Impacts of an Energy Boom in Western Canada," In D. Green, C. Riddell, and F. St-Hilaire (eds.), Income Inequality: The Canadian Story, 2016, Institute for Research on Public Policy, 239-247. [winner of the 2017 Doug Purvis Memorial Prize] |
"Retirement and Financial Security: Two Economists Think Out Loud," with T. Smeeding. In J. Wilmoth and K. Ferraro (eds.), Gerontology:
Perspectives and Issues, 2013, 4th Edition, Springer, 173-197. |
"Family Time and Public Policy in the United States," with T. Smeeding. In M. Bittman and N. Folbre (eds.), Family Time: The Social Organization of Care, 2004, Routledge, 25-47. |
"Don't It Make My Brown Jobs Green? What Renewable Energy Means for Jobs and Job Quality," Perspectives on Work, 2017, 21, 24-29. |
"Report of the Minimum Wage Expert Panel," with A. Sen, M. von Schellwitz, M. Braun-Pollon, J. Stanton, B. Culo, D. Borger, R. Donnelly, and N. Lycklama Government of Alberta, 2023, Ministry of Jobs, Economy and Northern Development. |
"Thinking about Minimum Wage Increases in Alberta: Theoretically, Empirically, and Regionally," C.D. Howe Institute Commentary No. 491, 2017, C.D. Howe Institute. |
"Albertan Labour in the Previous Energy Boom," with T. Song, An Examination of Alberta Labour Markets, 2013, Institute for Public Economics, 10-24. |
"Inequality and Civic Engagement," with S. Mettler, T. Smeeding, and J. Stonecash, Second Maxwell Poll on Civic Engagement and Inequality, 2006, Campbell Public Affairs Institute, 4-17. |
"Over Two-Thirds of Opioid Overdose Victims in Canada were Employed Before They Died," Population Health Research Brief Series, 2023, Lerner Center for Health Promotion, Mar. |
"Final Call to Release Alberta's Minimum Wage Expert Panel Report," C.D. Howe Institute Intelligence Memo, 2023, C.D. Howe Institute, Feb. |
"A Reality Check on Alberta's Job Numbers," Edmonton Journal, 2019, Editorial, A7, Apr. |
"Is a $15 Minimum Wage Worth It? Here's What the Numbers Say," with D. Green, Globe and Mail, 2018, Report on Business, B4, Oct. [Reprinted in Principles of Microeconomics, 8th Edition, Mankiw, G., R. Kneebone, and K. McKenzie, 2020, Nelson, 528 pages] |
"Alberta's Minimum Wage Should Move with Increases in Labour Demand (i.e. Energy Prices)," C.D. Howe Institute Intelligence Memo, 2016, C.D. Howe Institute, Sep. |
"Economic Windfall from Western Energy Boom May Have the Power to 'Lift All Boats', But Not Evenly," Labour Market Matters, 2014, 6(7), Canadian Labour and Skills Researcher Network, Jul. |