This book provides an introduction to Hamiltonian
fluid dynamics and describes aspects of hydrodynamic stability theory within the
context of the Hamiltonian formalism. It is assumed that the reader has had
some (but not necessarily an exhaustive) exposure to introductory fluid
dynamics, hydrodynamic stability theory, finite dimensional Hamiltonian
mechanics and variational calculus. As such, this book is written at a level
appropriate for senior undergraduate or beginning graduate students in applied
mathematics, engineering, physics and specific physical sciences such as fluid
and plasma dynamics or dynamical meteorology and oceanography. There is more
than enough material for a single semester course. We take a tutorial approach
to presenting the subject material.
Our study begins
with a review of the Hamiltonian structure of the nonlinear pendulum. A
thorough linear and nonlinear stability analysis of the equilibrium solutions
of the pendulum is given in the context of the Hamiltonian formalism. This
simple physical example serves to introduce the reader, within the context of a
finite dimensional phase space, to many of the ideas associated with the
mathematical argument required in infinite dimensional Hamiltonian theory
needed for fluid mechanics.
A detailed
derivation of the noncanonical Hamiltonian structure for the vorticity equation
formulation of the two dimensional incompressible Euler equations is given.
Included is a rigorous derivation of the noncanonical Poisson bracket for the
vorticity equation (written in terms of Eulerian variables) as an appropriate
reduction of the canonical Poisson bracket for the two dimensional Euler
equations (written in terms of Lagrangian variables). The complete family of
Casimir invariants is systematically derived. Noether's Theorem is introduced
and is used to construct time invariant functionals associated with various
invariances of the Hamiltonian structure.
The Hamiltonian
structure is exploited to derive a variational principle for general steady
flows to the vorticity equation associated with the two dimensional Euler
equations for an incompressible fluid. For general steady flows, the
variational principle is based on an appropriately constrained energy
functional. However, for steady flows with special spatial symmetries
additional variational principles can be introduced. For example, parallel
shear flows and circular flows are shown to satisfy the first order necessary
conditions for an extremal of, respectively, an appropriately constrained
linear momentum and angular momentum functional.
The variational
principles are then used to determine conditions that can establish, in principle,
the linear stability in the sense of Liapunov of the steady flows. It is shown
that Fjortoft's Stability Theorem corresponds to the parallel shear flow limit
of the stability conditions obtained from the variational principle associated
with the constrained energy. It is shown that Rayleigh's Stability Theorem
corresponds to the stability conditions derived from the variational principle
associated with the constrained linear momentum. The stability conditions based
on the constrained energy correspond to Arnol'd's First and Second Stability
Theorems, respectively.
The linear
stability conditions are used to motivate introducing appropriate convexity
hypotheses on the functionals associated with the variational principles that
can, in principle, establish the nonlinear stability in the sense of Liapunov
of the steady flows. The convexity hypotheses ensure that the steady solutions
correspond to a strict extrema of the functional associated with the
variational principles and are required due to the loss of compactness in
infinite dimensional vector spaces.
It is shown,
however, that there are symmetry restrictions on the class steady flows that
can, in principle, satisfy the stability conditions. This result is known as
Andrews's Theorem. We examine the implications of Andrews's Theorem for steady
flows in a periodic channel, steady flows with finite area-integrated energy
and enstrophy on the plane, and steady flows in a circular annulus.
One unsatisfactory
feature of the two-dimensional vorticity equation is that it is, of course,
incapable of modelling any three-dimensional effects such as vortex tube
stretching/compression. Another physically relevant feature that the
two-dimensional vorticity equation does not include, in the absence of a mean
flow, is a term corresponding to a background vorticity gradient. The most
important consequence of this property is that there are no nontrivial linear
plane wave solutions to the two-dimensional vorticity equation. The simplest
generalization of the two dimensional vorticity equation that includes these
effects is the Charney-Hasegawa-Mima (CHM) equation. We derive the CHM equation
in the context of describing the leading order low frequency/wave number
dynamics of a rapidly rotating fluid of finite depth. The CHM equation
possesses, in addition to steady flow solutions, linear dispersive wave
solutions and solitary steadily travelling vortex solutions.
The Hamiltonian
structure of the CHM equation is developed and exploited to give variational
principles for arbitrary steady and steadily travelling solutions. For the
steady parallel shear flow solutions, the normal mode problem is examined and
the generalizations of Rayleigh's and Fjortoft's stability theorems are
derived. These stability conditions are generalized, in the context of the
Hamiltonian structure, to establish conditions for the linear and nonlinear
stability in the sense of Liapunov for general steady solutions.
The analogue of
Andrews's Theorem is established for the CHM equation. It is shown that Andrews's
Theorem implies that there is no nontrivial steadily travelling solution with
finite area-integrated energy and enstrophy in the plane or a periodic channel
that can satisfy the conditions of the Arnol'd-like stability argument
developed. In addition to establishing this general result, we specifically
examine in some detail the breakdown of the stability theory for the periodic
solutions of the CHM} equation known as Rossby waves and the steadily
travelling dipole vortex solutions known as modons.
One of the major
successes of infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian mechanics has been to provide the
framework for a proof of the nonlinear stability of solitons. Here, we present
an account of the Hamiltonian structure of the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation
and present the linear and nonlinear stability theory for the KdV soliton as a
consequence of the Hamiltonian formalism. The KdV equation is a canonical
equation of mathematical physics in that it invariably arises in the
mathematical modelling of small-but-finite amplitude weakly dispersive wave
phenomena. We include a brief derivation of the KdV equation and its periodic
and soliton solutions in the context of internal gravity waves in a
continuously stratified fluid of finite depth.
The KdV has two Hamiltonian
formulations associated with it. We describe in full one of the Hamiltonian
formulations. Based on the Hamiltonian structure, variational principles are
established for the periodic and soliton solutions. The stability theory
associated with the KdV soliton is described. Our discussion begins with the
normal mode stability problem that, it is shown, has no unstable solutions
associated with it. The main mathematical problem associated with developing
the rigorous (linear and nonlinear) stability theory for the KdV soliton is
that it is not obvious that the second variation of the functional associated
the soliton variational principle (evaluated at the soliton) is definite for
all perturbations. By exploiting the spectral properties associated the operator
associated with the integrand of the second variation, it is possible to
establish appropriate bounds on the second variation and thereby establish
stability. We develop this theory with sufficient generality that the reader
can see how it applies to other soliton equations.
Reviews in the Proceedings
of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, Applied
Mechanics Reviews and MathSciNet.