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The goal of the CTD second level trigger (SLT) is to find the high transverse momentum ( tex2html_wrap_inline798 ) tracks in an event with high efficiency. In addition to an estimate of the track momentum, the SLT should also provide information on the vertex position and direction of the track leaving the chamber. This information could then be used to determine global event characteristics such as the event vertex or be used to make correlations with other components in the global second level trigger.

Tracks are found by the SLT using a two stage approach [1]. First track segments are found in local cell masks of the CTD. These segments are then linked together to reconstruct tracks. A highly efficient but fast segment finding stage is require to ensure a good CTD-SLT performance.

This note describes the segment finding stage of the CTD SLT. The approach and algorithm used for finding segments is described. A detailed description of the Monte Carlo (MC), tests, and analysis procedures are given. Results are presented on the test performances and timing of the SLT algorithm. Finally, an outlook on the future of segment finding in the SLT is given.

Douglas M. Gingrich
Thu Mar 28 18:08:05 MST 1996