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Up: Segment Finding
Previous: BOS Banks
- 1
The ZEUS Central Tracking Chamber Second Level
R.C.E. Devenish,,
ZEUS-89-76 & OUNP-89-19.
- 2
Hit Distributions in CTD FADC Crates,
D.M. Gingrich, October 11, 1988.
- 3
Front-End Processing in the CTD Readout
D.M. Gingrich, I. McArthur, & C.J.S. Morgado,
October 19, 1989.
Proposal for CTD Readout and SLT Data Formats,
D.M. Gingrich, I. McArthur, & C.J.S. Morgado.
- 4
The trigger Monte Carlo ZG311T6, with issues 0-2 of the
G.F. Hartner & I. Yoshihisa.
- 5
ZGANA 6 A Software Library to Process Output
from the ZG311T6 Trigger Monte Carlo Programme,
The ZEUS Trigger Monte Carlo Group.
- 6
Review of DU Noise Studies, N. Harnew &
D.B. Miller, June 19, 1989.
Minutes of the High Voltage/DU Noise Meeting, ONPL,
July 3, 1989.
- 7
CTD FLT Parameterization, D.M. Gingrich, March
20, 1989.
- 8
Using Vector Transverse Energy as a Calorimeter
D.M. Gingrich, May 11, 1989.
- 9
A Further Look at Vector Transverse Energy
Triggers, D.M. Gingrich, May 18, 1989.
- 10
Beam-Gas Rates and SLT Input, D.M. Gingrich,
November 23, 1988.
- 11
Some Formulae for Pattern Recognition in
- An Introduction to ARAXNE, K. Long.
- 12
A Compendium of ARAXNE Banks, K. Long.
- 13
A Comparison of Track Finding Algorithms for the
D. Shaw & K. Long, ZEUS-UCL-89-0004.
- 14
DSREAD Version 5.0 Documentation,
D. Shaw & J. Lane, ZEUS-UCL-89-0003.
- 15
Online Segment Fitting, D. Shaw,
- 16
1'st Year Report, P. Hallam-Baker, University of Oxford,
Nuclear Physics Laboratory, 1989.
Douglas M. Gingrich
Thu Mar 28 18:08:05 MST 1996