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Physics Processes

The lowest order Feynman diagrams for leptoquark production in electron-positron annihilation ( tex2html_wrap_inline398 ) are straightforward to evaluate using the general couplings from the effective Lagrangian[1]. In general, the pair production amplitudes for the s-channel and t-channel processes can interfere and the differential cross-section for the production of scalar leptoquarks is given by three terms.


where tex2html_wrap_inline400 and tex2html_wrap_inline402 denote the photon and Z-boson s-channel exchange terms, and tex2html_wrap_inline404 is the t-channel exchange term. The sum is over electron polarizations and tex2html_wrap_inline406 are the generalized couplings. tex2html_wrap_inline408 is the polar angle and tex2html_wrap_inline410 is a kinematic threshold factor.

Similarly the differential cross-section for the production of vector leptoquarks is


From the effective lagrangian one can obtain the various partial leptoquark decay widths, tex2html_wrap_inline412 . For the scalar (S) and vector (V) leptoquarks we have


where tex2html_wrap_inline406 denote the leptoquark couplings to a particular final state and tex2html_wrap_inline416 is the leptoquark mass. The total widths are obtained by summing over all possible final states.

Table 1 gives the quantum numbers, couplings and decay channels for all leptoquarks. We have adapted the notation of reference 4 gif. The states in table 1 are the charge conjugate states of those in reference 1.

Table 1:   Quantum numbers (Q is the electric charge, T is the weak isospin and tex2html_wrap_inline388 is the third component of isospin), coupling constants and decay channels for leptoquarks.

Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 10 15:10:10 MST 1997