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- 1
J. Blümlein & R. Rückl,
Production of Scalar and Vector Leptoquarks in e
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T. Sjøstrand, Computer Physics Commun. 82 (1994) 74.
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D.M. Gingrich, Monte Carlo Generator for Leptoquark Production
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D. Gingrich & N. Harnew, Monte Carlo Generator for Leptoquark
Production in Lepton-Proton Collisions, Physics at HERA,
Proceedings of the Workshop, 29-30 Oct. 1991, Hamburg, ed. W.
Buchmüller & G. Ingelman, Vol. 3, pp. 1542-1550.
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T. Köhler, Diplomarbeit at the RWTH Aachen (1989);
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Theoretical Perspectives, Physics at HERA, Proceedings of the
Workshop, 29-30 Oct. 1991, Hamburg, ed. W. Buchmüller & G.
Ingelman, Vol. 2, pp. 1034-1042.
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J.H. Friedman & M.H. Wright, DIVONNE4 - A Program
for Multiple Integration and Adaptive Importance
Sampling, CERN D151 DIVON4, 1981.06.01.
- 6
A Source Code Management System CMZ,
version 1.37, 1991.07.13.
Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 10 15:10:10 MST 1997