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- version 1.00/07 - Fixed bug in
coupling and
for LUSHOW. - version 1.00/06 - Fixed COS(theta)/theta bug in the filling of
LUJETS common block (cross-sect not effected).
- version 1.00/05 - Fixed calculation of width and branching ratio
(cross-section and generation not effected).
- version 1.00/04 - Management of the source code under CMZ.
- version 1.00/03 - The ability to select second or third family
leptoquark decays.
- version 1.00/02 - The inclusion of final state parton showers.
- version 1.00/01 - /HEPEVT/ common block filled.
Douglas M Gingrich
Fri Jan 10 15:10:10 MST 1997